twenty one ; base
I wake up to a bright, natural light; one that I haven't woken to in months.
I know exactly where I am. Was it a dream? Was all of it a dream?
As I struggle to sit up, I feel something wrapped around my torso. I peek under my shirt, seeing bandages completely covering my chest.
The memories come back then. I remember leaving Kylo; I remember my plane crashing. I remember-
"Poe." I breath as he enters the room, carrying a tray in his hand. He looks right at me with a jolt, then tries to duck out of the room as quick as he can.
"Poe, wait." I call. He freezes in the doorway.
It feels impossibly weird to live in a world where Poe and I aren't on speaking terms.
Well, according to him.
"Could you talk to me? Please?" I beg.
"About what?" He sighs, his shoulders slumping as he turns around. When he meets my eyes, the feelings of heartbreak and sadness evident in his are painfully strong.
"I-I'm sorry, about what I did to you. I didn't know you-"
"That I loved you? Well, I thought it was rather obvious." He laughs awkwardly. I frown.
"I guess you could call me oblivious." I say.
"Oblivious? That's a real understatement, Mal." He states very rudely. Silence falls upon us. It isn't a comfortable silence; it isn't the kind where you enjoy each other's presence. It's quite the opposite.
"There are some people who'd like to see you, as soon as you're able." He finishes, finally leaving the room. I let out a breath I'd been holding in since I'd seen him.
I'd never known him to be so hostile towards me; towards anyone.
I get up, finding a stack of my old clothes from when I used to live here. I put them on quickly, wanting to escape this little house as soon as possible.
I push out the door, wincing at the pain in my chest from the brunt force. I wonder how bad my injuries were?
I hike up to the main base, ignoring stunned and horrified glances from every single member of the Resistance.
Now that I think about it, why haven't I been kept in the prisons? I'm clearly a member of the First Order.
I walk right in, asking for who'd intended to talk to me. Dael leads me to the meeting hall. There, I find none other than General Organa, along with a few highly-ranked officials and a pair I don't recognize.
"Welcome, Ms. Ghana. Please have a seat." She greets, gesturing to a spot directly across from the girl that I can't name.
"I heard you wanted to talk to me." I start the conversation, as it'd been quiet for several seconds, no one knowing what to say first.
"Yes. We've gained intel that you may have direct information about the First Order, you know, because of the time you spent there."
"Okay." I bite my lip.
"Tell me, Mali, how is it that you weren't kept in a cell?" She asks first.
"I don't really know, I guess. They put me in a cell at first, and then he took me out. He let me stay with him and he wasn't always friendly but he took care of me."
"Who's 'he'?" Asks Organa. I think for a second, not sure if I should relay the information, when I'm beaten to it.
"Kylo Ren." The girl across from me guesses. I detect an accent. My eyes flit to hers and I give her my best poisonous glare.
"Who are you, anyway?" I growl, highly annoyed. She tries so hard to look innocent; there's something about her that'd completely the opposite, I can feel it.
"I'm Rey." She introduces, outstretching her hand for a friendly shake. I stare at it until she pulls it away, folding it in her lap.
"How well do you know Ren?" The boy beside her interrogates.
"Kylo? Well, uhm, he-"
Poe slams the door open, interrupting the conversation.
"Mali, I think it'd be easiest if you'd just tell them the truth." Poe throws himself down into a chair.
"The truth?"
Poe stares at me, expecting me to say something. Not a single word passes through my lips. I have no idea what he's talking about.
"Fine. If you won't, I will." He shakes his head. He looks around the room, at the collective frowns, before continuing.
"Mali's in love with him. Ren, I mean. Mali loves Kylo Ren."
"I do n-" I stop in the middle of the sentence. Something inside of me has changed. Something tells me not to deny his accusation.
Would I be lying if I said I wasn't?
The room is dead silent. Above all, the General seems the most stunned.
I study everyone around me, when my gaze stops on the girl; Rey. She's fidgeting with something at her waist.
I recognize the flash of silver. The hilt of a lightsaber.
"It was you." I whisper accusingly, my eyes narrowing. She stops, slowly looking at me. She looks stricken.
"You're the nasty bitch who struck him. You're the one who blinded him." I accuse.
"I blinded the Kylo Ren? After I kicked his ass? Not bad." She smirks.
I jump from my seat, raging, my arm pulled back and ready to smash her face in. Someone grabs me and pulls me out of the room before I can.
"Let me go, Poe." I turn to face him in the empty hallway, angry because of the what happened in there; angry because he pulled me away before I could've payed her back for all of the bad she's done.
He's looking at me weird, as if he's in a trance.
I have no time to even think before his lips are planted on mine.
woah hey it's been a few days
I'm super happy I updated though
the lack of kylo in this made me a little sad, but hopefully he'll be back soon!
also, please note; I have an announcement tomorrow, so please stay tuned!
please make sure to give me some feedback, I absolutely adore hearing from you guys:))
also, sorry for the cliffhanger (smirks evilly)
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