thirty nine ; purpose
(a/n : i admit in the beginning that this will serve as a filler chapter, as something big is bound to happen soon.. enjoy, and stay tuned)
I have no sense of how long it's been since Kylo abandoned me.
I wordlessly returned to my sister and his laser-brain siblings in their hut, answering their questions with silence. I holed myself up in my bedroom and refused to step foot outside.
Weeks, maybe even months, have passed.
I'd sensed that even Phet had grown worried for me, and that's something he'd never do. In the short time that I'd come to know the boy, he didn't worry. About anything. Ever.
The heartbroken feeling has long since numbed, every part of the dull ache ceased.
I'd lost one of the only two beings left in the galaxy who I believed still cared for me.
I've begun to believe that I was meant to live this way; that I was meant to be abandoned. First, by my parents. Second, my best friend. Then my sister. Him.
I'm lucky that I've been able to find a home with someone, at least. If nothing else.
There's a knock on the door, the person behind it doesn't hesitate to let themselves in as they'd learned I won't bother to get up or ask them to come in.
I watch Ava Solo's movements closely as she sets a bowl of bith bean soup and a doughy green loaf of a bread-like substance down on the bureau.
Seeder knew bith bean soup was my favorite as a child; Ava acquired the bread-like substance from the portions she sells to travelers to make a living. Frankly, I'd grown very tired of both food options, but it's not like I was willing to speak up for a change.
And, it seemed sufficient for the baby, none-the-less.
It has to have been months. My abdomen has more than doubled in size. Because of this, I also knew it wasn't long before I'd need to emerge from my stupor to care for the fast-coming child, the one I'd grown an unintelligible, loving connection to.
But, until then, I want to relish in the mourning of losing Kylo. Or, rather, finally knowing his true self, his true intentions.
Blinking, I emerge from my train of thought when I realize that Ava hadn't left the room yet, but had stopped in front of the door with her hands on her hips, staring at me.
"You can't live like this anymore." She utters as soon as she knows she's gotten my attention. I purse my lips, wanting to keep my long streak of muteness.
"I'm serious, Mal. I don't know how or why Ben hurt you," she pauses. "Because you won't tell us." She mutters quietly to herself, and I find myself rolling my eyes.
She raises her eyebrows, undoubtedly surprised that she'd been the first one to earn a response from me since I'd returned.
"But you need to move on. Really." She stops, watching as I push myself into a sitting-up position.
"Mali, there's nothing you can do but live with what he did to you and move on. Life is so short and precious, especially in this neck of the Galaxy. Don't waste any more of it moping over a guy. Just a guy. I don't care if he happens to be my brother." She shakes her head at her own words. I know she has no way of understanding the way I feel, but I give her credit for trying.
"Fine." I mumble, my voice cracking from lack-of-use. She grins, one that reminds me so much of Kylo's grin, but I finally find the strength inside of me to push him away.
I can do it. I can move on. I can live my life without him.
I loved him... well, I love him, but that's the only thing that makes him stand out. He's just another guy.
And, he gave me a gift that I can enjoy as long as there's still breath in my body. A baby. I'm thankful for that.
With Ava steadying me, I shakily emerge from my bed, my knees wobbling. I'd never had to walk with this much weight on me, and I haven't used my legs in about a week.
Yes, I might've preferred remaining immobile over time, but I realized that expectation was very unrealistic. I only walked around and moved in my room, but I couldn't let my muscles waste away.
I knew I still had a purpose. I just needed someone to remind me. That someone happened to be Ava.
I let her hold my arm while we walk down the narrow corridor and into the kitchen.
Seeder and Draco accompany each other at the table. Draco is the first to notice the pair of us, and his spoon nearly falls out of his hand, his jaw dropped. Seeder turns around right away and grins, standing.
She throws her arms around me, bending weirdly to avoid my abdomen.
"I'm so happy to see you up! You've gotten so big." She notices, her eyes downcast.
"Yeah." I smile sheepishly.
"What convinced you?" Draco pipes up behind her, equally surprised. I glance at Ava, who nods in reassurance.
"I'm moving on."
as i said at the top that was a total filler
but omg be ready for what's gonna happen soon
do you think Mali will really move on like she said she would?
i've noticed another downfall in votes and reads and i don't want to sound bad or needy but could you please let me know if there's something wrong with the story?? if not, please vote, comment, and share!
it would mean the whole entire world to me!
(lastly, don't forget to check out covet, my other kylo fic)
ily all,
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