Chapter Twenty Two: Secrets and Lies
I pressed the soft fabric of the towel up against my face, stepping out of the shower. Ty, Hannah, Anton, and I had gone swimming for a couple hours before our training started. I slipped into a pair of soft baby blue jeans and a white tank top with lace trim.
Pulling my hair back in to two French braids I entered the mini kitchen and grabbed a banana and yogurt. I found the purple folder Whitney had given to me along with the supply of three notebooks, a package of pencils, my laptop, and three plain white folders and shoved them all into a tote bag that had also been given to me.
I checked the map as I left my room, ramming straight into a body. I stumbled backwards but caught myself before falling flat on the floor. My head jerked up, meeting a pair of narrowed swampy green eyes.
I placed a hand over my rapidly beating heart. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to run into you. I was just looking for—"
"Just shut up and watch where you're going next time," Anton growled his hands balling into tight fists.
I took a few steps back until I was pressed up against the door to my room. "Oh, okay. I'm really sorry Anton. It was just an accident. I was actually looking for room fifteen but I should have been looking where I was going."
Anton groaned audibly. "Oh well that's just great. I have the same training session as you."
My head swam with confusion. "Gee, all I did was bump into you and I apologized. I thought we were friends."
"I know what you thought," he grumbled, beginning to turn away. I caught his wrist and yanked him back towards me before he could leave.
"I don't understand Anton. Y-you acted like my friend. What happened?"
"Trust me, there is know way I want be friends with you, little Ms. Peppy. Sure, your pretty, so I can stand your presence and you have a chip, which means I need you but I don't like you." Anton started stalking towards me, placing a hand on either side of me so I couldn't get away.
"I can't believe you! What did I ever do to you? Think about this Anton. What's Hannah going to do when she finds out what kind of lying, deceiving, jerk you are? I see the way you look at my sister. You must have some sort of real feeling for her!"
Anton's upper lip curled into a smirk as he leaned in closer to me. I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks sending an eerie tingling sensation through my body. "You aren't going to tell Hannah or Ty or anyone else about our little discussion." He answered, his voice dark and raspy.
I snorted, un-lady like but I didn't care. "Oh really? And why exactly wouldn't I tell them?"
"Because if you do Rebecca, your ever-so-dear brother is going to be the one who pays for your mistake." Anton smiled a sadistic smile, fishing his phone from his pocket and turning it around for me to see.
His screen was filled with a picture of a boy tied up. It took me a second to recognize him as Matthew, not a boy at all. His arm was still in the white cast but was tied up above him with chains that hung from the cement ceiling. His bare feet just barely touched the cement ground, chains wrapped tightly around his ankles. A dirty cloth was tied tightly around his mouth, his eyes full of fear and pain.
Anger flared inside of me, my eyes darkening as I realized how truly evil and psychotic this boy was. I raised my fist flinging it at Anton's face but before it made contact with his freckled nose it was grabbed and forced down to my side. Anton wasn't as big as Ty but he was still strong with an athletic build. I realized this quickly as his strong grip began bruising my wrist.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Remember, you punch me your brother gets punched. And guess whose fault that would be?" Anton snarled. His hot breath tickling my face.
I dropped my head, unwilling to look Anton in the eye. Hot tears brimmed in my eyes. "Mine," I whispered admittedly.
"That's right, yours."
"Why Anton? Why are you doing this? Besides being a deranged psychopath what possible reason could you have for doing this?" My mind was spinning with millions of questions. I thought he was our friend. He brought us here to save Ty's life.
Anton smiled at me. "Oh, it looks like your boyfriends about to show up so I better get going. Just remember what I said, don't tell anyone or Matthew will be the one regretting it greatly." Anton made eye contact, his burning neon green eyes boring into mine for just a few more seconds. He dropped his hand to his side and turned taking a few long strides down the hall but stopped and turned back to say one more thing. "Oh, and don't think about trying to find Matthew. Just keep quiet and do whatever I ask of you and he will be fine." Anton gave me one last smirk before disappearing behind the corner.
I blinked away the tears just before Ty's door swung open. My eyes widened, realizing that Anton had just said Ty would be here in a few seconds. How did he do that? Ty glanced at me his face contorting in concern.
"Rebecca what's wrong?"
I forced a smile and shook my head. "Oh nothing. I uh, just stubbed my toe and it hurt really bad but it's all fine now."
Ty raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing me but I was thankful to him for dropping it. "Oh okay, are you ready to go now?" I nodded in response falling into step beside him as he pulled me into his side.
Good girl, Reb. Oh, and by the way, don't try telling Ty anything mentally. I'll know, believe me, I'll know. Anton's voice sent chills down my spine. The picture of Matthew helplessly tied up and in pain was the only thing I could see. It was burned into my memory. Anton knew I wouldn't be able to forget that picture. That's probably why he showed it to me. It was a constant reminder that the life of the one person I loved the most in this world was in my hands.
We reached room fifteen after a few minutes. The room was set up like a classroom. Three large desks were placed in the center of the room each with two chairs. At the front of the room was another desk a few feet away from the wall. A cork board, whiteboard, and large screen were hung on the wall behind the desk.
The only difference was that the desks were glass with two glowing blue keyboards in them. Ty and I walked over to the desk farthest back and took our seats. I looked up, noticing my sister and her boyfriend together. Hannah leaned into Anton's side. He smiled down at her, pushing a strand of blond hair behind her ear and kissing her forehead gently.
It took everything I had not to lunge at the two faced lying psychopath who had kidnapped our brother. Thankfully, movement from the front of the room grabbed my attention before I made a scene that would surely cause pain for Matthew.
Three familiar looking people had entered the room and we're now standing at the front, huge smiles on each of their faces except for a blond haired guy with hazel eyes. He was grinning rather goofily, almost smirking.
"Welcome Ty, Rebecca, and Hannah. We are your trainers my name is Mike, and this is Jessica and Xavier. I will be your trainer regarding controlling your abilities and learning about all of the technology here," a short plump man with a shiny head said. He used his chubby finger to push up the round wire framed glasses, leaving them to rest on his nose, which was much to small for his face.
A small slender woman stood beside Mike, a bright smile on her young features. Her auburn brown hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, showing off a streak of silvery white in her hair. She wore a tight fitting blue athletic shirt and black leggings.
"I'm Jessica, your self defense trainer. I will also help out Mike with training you on how to use and control certain abilities," the woman informed us.
The last person, Xavier, cleared his throat. "And I'm awesome."
Hannah burst out laughing. Anton was grinning, which was probably forced. He was probably scowling and planning ways to take candy from millions of children all at once underneath his fake facade of a sweet, charming, goofy guy who's fallen for my sister. But, I couldn't manage a smile. Frankly, I found what Xavier said immature and dumb.
When Hannah caught her breath she said, "No offense Mr. Awesome but that was the stupidest thing I've heard all day and I was listening to Ty and Anton argue about what type of ham was best just a few hours ago."
"Well, fine then. My name is Xavier. Just so you know, that is so much more boring than Captain Awesome or Doctor Amazing."
"I thought it was Mr. Awesome?" Anton butted in.
"It was, but I changed my mind. It's Mr. Great now. That just has a better ring to it. Don't you think?" Xavier retorted.
"Enough!" Mike pinched the bridge of his nose shaking his head slightly. "Xavier quit being an idiot and introduce yourself."
Xavier stuck out his bottom lip muttering 'party pooper' under his breath. "I'm Xavier and I will be your physical trainer."
Mike sighed saying a quick thank you before beginning his lesson. He rambled on about the importance of learning our abilities but I couldn't focus. My thoughts were trained on one thing, and one thing only. Matthew.
Awe, sweetheart don't worry about your brother. He's tough. He put up a good fight even with that broken arm of his. As long as you obey he will be fine.
What the heck? How did Anton know what I was thinking?
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