Chapter Three: Repeating Message
Get Ty Stanton. Find Dr. Belford. Get Ty Stanton. Find Dr. Belford. Tell no one about your surgery.
It was an oddly simple message, yet so confusing. I shook my head, hoping it would shake the thoughts away too, but it didn't. It was stuck in my mind like a catchy song, running through my brain over and over again.
"You okay?" Matthew raised an eyebrow at me, concern written in his face.
I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," I paused. "I'm going to go use the restroom." I stood up and rushed out the door in what I hoped was a non-conspicuous way. I didn't even know where the bathrooms were, so I just started down a random hallway.
Pictures of scenery, buildings, businesses, and doctors were placed in neat rows along the walls. Every once and a while a nurse would walk by, usually stopping and asking me if I needed directions or help, but I'd just tell them I needed a little walk. The nurses understood and continued on their way, leaving me be. A couple doctors passed, ignoring me, but I didn't blame them. They had patients to tend to and couldn't be bothered by a confused teenage girl wandering the halls aimlessly.
Something came to mind. The boy who had left the note was in this building, and I had his number. A part of me wanted to believe this was all some sort of practical joke, but I knew it wasn't. No one knew as much about me as he did—and I'd never even met him.
I pulled my phone from my pocket, along with the note and dialed the number scribbled across the paper. One ring...two rings...three rings.
The other line went silent and then a deep voice broke through. "Hello?"
"This is Rebecca," I stated.
"Oh, I've been waiting for you to call."
"Yeah, I'm sure you have. Are you in the hospital right now?"
"Yeah," he replied.
"Meet me in front of the restrooms by the entrance doors," I instructed before ending the call.
Minutes later the dark haired and dark eyed boy emerged from around the corner, his scrutinizing eyes glancing around until he spotted me.
"Why are you here?" I asked immediately, not letting him get a word out before I did.
"I'm getting to that if you'd just listen," he said bluntly, his eyes narrowed. "I need your help."
"Your Ty? The guy this message has been telling me about?"
"Yes. I can prove it," Ty said. "Your name is Rebecca Norson. You were born today in West Stone Hospital, just the same as me. I know you're an orphan but you're adopted by Janet and Jack Norson-"
"I believe you!" I screeched, holding out my hands to stop him before he creeped me out even more. "How do you know all of this?"
"A couple of weeks ago I starting having episodes and getting the same message your talking about. I don't really know what they are but they're painful and I think they're killing me," Ty said, his voice was low, so that no one else could hear us even though no one else was in this hallway. I could still hear fear thick in his tone. "At first they would only last for thirty seconds, maybe a minute. But now they're getting worse. They're more painful—longer, but one thing has stayed the same— the message that keeps running through my mind."
"Get Rebecca Norson Find Dr. Belford. Get Rebecca Norson. Tell no one else about your condition. Tell no one about your surgery."
"I figured it was my last hope because doctors can't fix what's happening to me. Im sure you know about the surgery you had when you were born. There is a computer chip lodged in your brain, same as me. Doctors would freak out if they seen an x-Ray or MRI of our brains. The FBI and government would freak out too, if they knew what you and I could do."
It was so much information. I didn't know what to do or say. What did he mean when he said knew what you and I could do? What could we do?
"I don't know what to do. I mean, I got the same message but what can I do?" I admit, with everything going on I hadn't given the message much thought. I was just preoccupied. I certainly didn't think this message would be life or death worthy.
"I need your help. You're the only person I can tell," He pleaded. "We have to figure out who Dr. Belford is. Whoever sent that message did so for a reason."
He was right. There had to be a reason that message was sent, and with all the secrecy it seemed pretty important. And in all honesty, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the least bit curious. Why after seventeen years is it so important we find Dr. Belford?
"Fine, I'll help you blueberry."
"Would you please stop calling me that?"
"Nope," I said, popping the 'p' childishly. "So what are we going to do?"
Ty looked down at me for a second before opening his mouth to speak. "You take care of your brother, bring him home, and once everything has calmed down for you, call me. But please make it quick, no more than two days. I'm afraid of what will happen if we wait to long."
I nodded. "Okay, and Ty, I'm not a liar. I promise I'm going to help you, I will call."
For the first time I seen Ty Stanton smile a little and nod before walking out of the hospitals doors and making his way to who knows where.
I found my way back to Matthews room with the help of a kind nurse who led me the whole way because I was absolutely useless when it came to directions and I hadn't been paying attention to where I was going when I came this way. She was an elderly person with curly salt and pepper hair. All the way she told me about her vacation to Hawaii with her two granddaughters.
Hannah was sleeping on an extra bed in the room while Matthew was sitting in a chair when I arrived back at the room. The television was on, and my brother was fixated on some show.
"Hey, you about ready?"
Mathew looked up. "Yeah. Dr. Calvin is just bringing a prescription back."
A few minutes later Dr. Calvin came in with a packet of paper. Thankfully, Matthew was technically an adult so we didn't have to call our parents. Matthew was actually three years older then me, which made him twenty, but he was taking an online college and he still lived at home. He said he wasn't ready to move out and be on his own, but I think he stayed to protect Hannah and I.
"Alright, your good to go," The doctor said. "Oh, and before you go, just be careful. Okay?" We nodded and I gave a half-hearted smiled to the caring doctor.
We arrived home sometime around three in the afternoon. My dads car was parked in the driveway. I noticed Matthew tense as we pulled in. He clenched his jaw, looking down at the ground. He wasn't the only one who was upset about dad being home. Hannah and I were on edge too, not knowing what dad would do.
We all got out of the car and begrudgingly decided that at some point we would have to open the front door. Hannah entered first followed by me then Matthew. Our dad sat on the couch watching a baseball game. The sound of the door closing got his attention. He looked up, barely even noticing Hannah and I. His eyes landed on Matthew, and for a while they just stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.
Finally my dad asked, "Where have you been?"
"I went out with some friends." I could tell it hurt to talk because of Matthews slight grimace.
"I see," My father mused. His deep brown eyes seemed like they could bore a hole through Matthew. "How'd you break your hand?"
Matthew stared at my dad for a few seconds, blinking twice. His expression turned from rage to confusion. After a few more seconds Matthew spoke.
"You broke it."
Hey everyone! I've started this story, and because I'm on vacation I won't have internet all the time so I may end up posting chapters in bundles, if that makes sense. Let me know what you think! Vote and comment to help me out!
Up above is how I picture Ty but again, picture him how you like!
Done be silent readers! :D
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