Chapter Thirty: You Love Us
The bed dipped down and then raised. I smiled, listening to Ty leave my room. It was eleven at night but he'd waited until I fell asleep to go to his room. My door clicked shut softly as I sat up in bed.
After pulling a small string, the lamp beside my bed flickered on. I flipped the covers off my legs and stumbled into the kitchen, pouring a glass of water. I took a huge gulp, letting the icy cold liquid slide down my throat.
A thought flooded my mind. My phone had rang earlier. Usually I wouldn't care to answer so late but lately I'd only been getting calls and messages from the mysterious number.
I searched the room until I found my phone and quickly turned it on. There was one missed call from the 'mystery number.' I pressed the green call button without a second thought, bringing the screen up to my face.
After a few seconds someone answered the phone. I heard a grunt, then footsteps, and then someone whispering but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Then the speakers crackled and raspy raw voice broke through the silence.
My heart stopped, tears instantly wetting my eyes. "Matthew! Where are you? Are you okay? What's happening?"
"I'm sorry Rebecca I-I can't tell you all the details. All I can't tell you is I'm in a farm silo. I d-don't know w-w-where but it's a cl-clue," Matthew stuttered. His breath was short and choppy.
"Matthew are you okay?" I asked. I heard a deep breath on the other line and a grunt that sounded like it came from Matthew.
"Just find me, please Rebecca. I love you."
A tear slid down my face, tickling my cheek. "I love you too Matthew."
The line went dead.
I cried and cried, for hours. I don't even know if it was hours. It could have been minutes. Time blended together. But tears still streamed down my face as the sun rose. There was a soft knock on the door. I forced myself to get out of the bed, trudging over to the door and wiping away the tears on my face.
I didn't even car who I opened the door to, it could be a robber or psychopath for all I care. I pulled the door open and standing in front of me was Hannah, a tray of breakfast in her hands. The minute she saw me she burst through the door, slammed the tray down on the table, and wrapped her arms around me.
I buried my face in her shoulder, wetting the fabric of her tank top with my tears. "Rebecca what's wrong?" She asked me, her voice soft and worried.
"M-m-Matthew called m-me. He, he said he was in a silo. He sounded hurt. I just can't help but think Matthew is suffering all because of me. I was warned not to tell anyone, that it was dangerous. I didn't listen and now look at what's happened. This is all my fault. Matthew might die because if me!" I cried.
Hannah led me over to the bed, sitting down and pulling me into her side. "This is not your fault Rebecca. You didn't do anything wrong. Matthew was the one who wanted you to tell him what was going on. It is no ones fault, especially not yours. If anyone is at fault, it is my lousy excuse for a boyfriend and his boss," Hannah comforted.
I found a small smile placing itself on my lips. Sniffling, I wrapped my arms tightly around Hannah. She smiled and laid her head on my shoulder.
"You know you're the best sister ever, right?" I asked. Hannah chuckled softly but shook her head.
"No I'm not, but I do have the best sister ever."
I didn't respond and we fell into a comfortable silence, the both of us in deep thought. I kept replaying the conversation with Matthew in my head. It was so good to hear his voice again, but he sounded so pained, so scared. I tried to think positively, but my mind kept conjuring up the worst scenarios.
Suddenly Hannah broke the silence as she asked, "What are we going to do?"
"Matthew told me that the silo was a clue. Maybe Bert or Whitney will know what I'm talking about."
Hannah nodded in agreement. "Good idea, we will tell them later but for now you need to get some sleep." She pointed a finger at me. I obediently nodded, crawling underneath the covers and pulling them up to my chin.
"Sleep well Reb," Hannah whispered. Soon after, my eyes became heavy. I was exhausted from crying and emotionally drained. Sleep came almost instantly.
Hannah, Ty, and I walked side by side down the hotel hallway. We had filled Ty in on the phone call and we're on our way to tell Bert about it. It was silent, none of us really having anything to say.
Finally we reached Bert's office, which was really nice. Book shelves lined the back wall and a chandelier hung above his half-circle mahogany desk. Bert sat behind the desk on a plain black office chair, the kind that swivels.
Bert was so entranced in whatever he was working on he didn't even notice us until Ty cleared his throat and knocked on the doorframe. Bert glanced up at us over his glasses and smiled. He pulled the square framed glasses of his face and waved a hand to invite us in.
"Well hello kids. What can I do for ya?" The friendly man asked.
I stepped forward into his office, taking refuge in a chair opposite of him. Ty and Hannah followed. "Bert, last night I got a call from an unknown number but on the line was Matthew. He said he was in a silo, that was a clue. Do you know what it means?" I asked.
Bert's dark eyebrows knitted together, the crinkles in his forehead standing our more than ever. He looked stressed, but who wouldn't be in this situation. I'm sure I looked much worse, even with the make up I'd put on to cover up my swollen eyes and red cheeks. The dark circles beneath my eyes were no use in trying to hide.
After a few minutes though Bert said, "I'm not sure. I'm going to do some research. If you get another call keep the person on the phone and come to me. Maybe we could trace the call."
I sighed in frustration. The clue had led us nowhere. "I will. Thanks Bert," I mumbled.
Bert gave me a small sympathetic smile. "Don't give up yet Rebecca. We will find your brother."
With that, the three of us left Bert's office and entered the hallway again. We headed up to the restaurant for lunch.
"Hey Rebecca have you gotten any messages from Jack?" Hannah asked me.
The corners of my lips turned down at the mention of Jack. That dreaded man who I'd called father for so long. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Ty's jaw tighten and a scowl formed in his handsome face. It warmed my heart that he cared so much for me.
"I got a few the first week but ever since I've gotten nothing. Have you?" I asked. Hannah shook her head in reply.
"Good," Ty muttered under his breath but Hannah and I had both heard it.
"What?" Hannah asked, with a slightly amused smirk.
Ty's cheeks heated up and he shook his head as if it was nothing important. "Nothing, we just don't need that creep in our lives right now. We have enough going on," he said.
I grinned, nudging him with my shoulder. "Awe, you care about us."
"Yeah, you love us," Hannah teased.
"Maybe a little."
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