Chapter Thirty Four: Good and Bad
Change can be good or bad. It's not the change itself we fear, it's the uncertainty of the good and bad that is terrifying. The past few months I'd had a lot of change. And while at first, I believed it was all bad, I was slowly coming to realize that not all of the change was bad.
If all of this hadn't happen, Matthew, Hannah, and I would still be stuck at home with abusive parents. I would have never met Ty, Bert, Kyran, or Whitney. I wouldn't know much about myself or my chip. So while all of the change was bad, it had its good side too.
I realized this while sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. I remembered last time we were in the hospital for Matthew. Unfortunately our 'father' had put him in here. But this time I had Hannah, Kyran, and Ty by my side.
Kyran and Ty had been as supportive and comforting as humanely possible to Hannah and I. Every hour they'd ask if we need a drink. Did we need coffee? Do you want something to eat? Do you want to lay on my shoulder to get some rest?
Hannah had taken the last offer. She was curled up in one of the waiting chairs, her head resting in the crook of Kyran's neck. Ty had just left to get a cup of coffee for the both of us.
The police had came and taken Bert into custody until they could investigate the case further. Of course, they arrested Natalie too. They didn't arrest Whitney but she was at the station making her statement. The rest of us were going to go down to the station for the investigation once we knew Matthew was okay.
The one thing that still bothered me was that Anton got away. After beating up Kyran, he had disappeared. The police were looking for him, but who knows what that boy could do.
Ty appeared by my side, two cups in his hands. I took one gratefully and let the bitter smell relax me, before taking a sip. Ty sat beside me, allowing me to lean into his side while one of his arms was draped over my shoulders.
"How are you feeling?" He asked me after several minutes of silence.
I sighed. "You know, I don't really know. I don't think everything has really set in yet, but I'm okay. I'm glad we found Matthew and everyone is going to be okay."
Ty nodded, his eyebrows pulled together. "But?"
"But, I don't want Bert and Whitney to go to jail because of us."
"Rebecca, if either of them go to jail, it wasn't because of you or I. Bert brought it on himself when he preformed that surgery. And Whitney was his partner through it all," Ty replied. I just nodded, the fabric of his shirt scratching against my cheek.
Heavy footsteps drew my attention. Coming out into the waiting room was a nurse. "Are you here for Matthew Norson?"
I nodded. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kyran gently shaking Hannah awake. The nurse kindly waited for Hannah to get her bearings before continuing to speak.
"Okay, you can see Mr. Norson now. He is in room 26. The doctor will be in to speak with you in a few minutes."
Once the nurse had left, we all got up and gathered our few belongings, hauling them with us down the hallway. Room 26 was at the very end of the hall, on the right. There was one window that let light stream in. The walls were white, just like everything else in the hospital.
In the center of the room was a bed, and on the bed was my brother, who at the moment looked small and frail. Thin white covers laid over him, and he was wearing a hospital gown now.
An IV was inserted in his hand, and a cannula hooked around the back of his ears and inserted in his nose. Besides that, he looked like Matthew. A very tired, weak, and thin Matthew, but still Matthew.
He was sleeping, and I wasn't about to wake him up. Who knows how much sleep he's gotten over the past month. Instead we all took a seat around him. Hannah and I sat in the two chairs beside his bed, while Kyran and Ty sat on an extra bed on the other side of the room.
After a few minutes, a middle aged woman came in. She had a cheery smile and sparkling green eyes, her strawberry blond hair was pulled into a bun at the back of her head. She was holding a file, tucked underneath her armpit.
"Well hello there. My name is Vivian Wheeler. I'm Mr. Norsons' doctor. Who here is family?"
Hannah and I stood up from our chairs. "Were his sisters," Hannah said.
"Okay, do you mind if those gentleman are here while I tell you patient information? Or would you like them to leave?"
I laughed a little. "Oh trust me, they can stay. They might as well be family."
The doctor smiled, showing a row of straight white teeth. "Great. So let's get to it. Your brother will make a full recovery physically. His broken arm never had the chance to heal correctly so we had to reset it, which unfortunately means he will be in a cast for another month. Besides that, Matthew was extremely dehydrated and malnourished, but with his IV and good care that should get better in no time."
"So he's alright?" I asked, just for confirmation.
"Yes he is fine. He will probably be exhausted for a few days, though I'm sure you all are."
We just nodded in reply, thanking her before she left us alone. It was about an hour later when bed sheets rustled and Matthews hazel eyes opened. His eyes scanned the room, taking in his surroundings.
I noticed the tears that pricked my eyes. He was safe. He was home, and although the tears felt like they were happy ones, I knew a part of me was crying because he'd had to go through so much.
Matthew slowly scooted over in his bed and patted the empty space beside him. Hannah had already sat back down so I decided to climb up and lay beside him, cuddling into his shoulder.
"Don't cry Rebecca, its all over. It's over," he whispered while playing with my hair. I smiled against his chest. It was good to be back in his comforting arms.
"What happened?" Matthew asked a few minutes later. We all looked at each other. Where did we even start?
"Um, there's a lot you need to catch up on but later. For now let's just get some rest and relax," Kyran said.
Matthew nodded but a second later he narrowed his eyes at Kyran. "Wait, who are you?"
I laughed at Matthew's bluntness, gently smacking his shoulder. "This is Kyran and we will tell you about him later. Not now."
Matthew just sighed, running a hand through his sandy blond hair that had grown since I'd last seen him. It now fell down into his eyes when he shook his head. I noticed Matthew yawning and climbed off the bed.
"You get some sleep, we've got to go down to the station and talk to Bert and Whitney." Mathew nodded, not bothering to ask who I was talking about. Hannah, Kyran, Ty and I left the room quietly.
As we left the room I noticed Kyran limping slightly, and I realized that Matthew wasn't the only one who'd been hurt in this ordeal. Kyran never got any medical attention and it certainly wouldn't hurt, seeing as how we were in a hospital.
I stopped abruptly, catching the others attention. "You," I pointed a finger at Kyran, "need to see a doctor and don't tell me you don't because I see that limp."
"I'm fi—"
"Kyran she's right. There's no harm in making sure you're okay," Ty jumped in.
After an exasperated and dramatic sigh, which caused Kyran to wince, he said, "Fine. I'll see a doctor, but I'm not going to like it."
"No one likes to go to the doctor."
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