Chapter Ten: Disney Surprise
"Wow, I can't believe your brother left. He could have helped us," Ty mumbled. I shot him a glare, not really wanting to talk about it.
"I'm sorry my brothers burdening you," I snapped sarcastically. Ty just shrugged. We, at the moment, were planning out our trip to Montana. It had been delayed slightly, just by a day though.
"Okay. So Rebecca and I will ask for money to go on a road trip. Based on the mood Jack was in this morning I don't think that will be a problem," Hannah concluded, quickly changing the subject. She too, knew about Matthew leaving and it was a topic we had avoided for the past fifteen hours.
"We leave tomorrow morning at six!" Ty stood up from the chair and grabbed his laptop before saying a quick goodbye and leaving the cafe. I rolled my eyes, wishing he wasn't so demanding and blunt.
"He is so weird," Hannah said. Her shoulder length blond hair was tied back in a low ponytail. Dark circles outlined her tired eyes. Everything going on was hard on her. She hadn't even bothered changing out of her pajamas. Of course, I didn't look much better. "Anyways, I'll see you at home."
"Yep." I nodded. "Bye!"
When I entered through the front door, memories of the past rushed to me. I didn't understand it until I noticed the atmosphere of our house. It smelt of freshly baked bread and cookies. My nose scrunched up at the unfamiliar smell.
Pots and pans clattered, the noise drifting from the kitchen into the living room. I started towards the kitchen, and with each step the memories got stronger. My mother stood in the kitchen. She wore a red apron and her blond hair was tied up in a bun at the top of her head. A bright, happy smile graced her face. Jack sat at the kitchen table reading the newspaper, a pair of glasses perched on his nose.
I cleared my throat. "Um, hi."
Jack's head shot up and a grin formed on his face. He looked like a friendly man, when he wanted to. He wasn't someone you would immediately be afraid of. "Hey honey. How was work?"
I shrugged. "It was fine. Um, do you know where Hannah is?"
"I'm here!" Hannah announced, entering the kitchen. My fathers smile grew wider. I was relieved I didn't have to be with Jack and Janet alone.
"J-dad we have something to ask you," I said. Jack nodded, letting me continue.
"Can we borrow some money for a road trip with some friends?" My words seemed rushed, like they had to escape my mouth before someone took them away.
My father furrowed his eyebrows and squinted. For a second that seemed everlasting, a dreaded feeling engulfed me, and I thought Jack would say no. But, instead he stood from his chair and took a few steps, pausing to lean against the counter.
"What friends?"
Hannah stepped in, "Just Rebecca and I along with another kid named Ty."
"Where will you be going?" Jack interrogated.
"Um, we are going to go camping," I said.
"Will Matthew be going with you?"
The question struck a nerve and a unsettling nervous feeling aggravated the pit of my stomach. I did my best to ignore it. "Um, no. He won't be with us."
My father smiled, "Oh, sure. I trust my girls. How much do you need? You know what? I'll just give you three grand. That will cover it right?"
My jaw dropped open. "Um, yeah that will cover it. Thank you dad. L-love you." I did my best to force the words out.
Hannah nodded. "Love you! We're leaving tomorrow morning."
"Okay, that sounds good. I'll go to the bank this afternoon," Jack said.
I sat in the middle of my large bedroom surrounded by my clothes and belongings. My navy blue suitcase sat in front of me half way filled with an assortment of clothes. I had packed everything I could think of. Grabbing a few more outfits, I rolled them up and tucked them into the suitcase. On top I set a few more things, but most important, I placed my leather covered notebook and a printed picture of Matthew, Hannah, and I at the county fair last year.
I tugged at the metal zipper and it came loose, closing the suitcase. I lugged the suitcase through the plain cream colored halls until I reached the front door. I heaved the suitcase up on my shoulder and threw it into the trunk of my car. Hannah's things were already there.
I took a few steps back and realization dawned on me, we didn't know what was going to happen. We had no idea what we were doing or what we were walking into. In all honestly, this plan sounded crazy. I'm taking a trip across the country with my sixteen year old sister and a boy I just met four days ago so we can find a doctor who we are being sent mental messages about. Wow. What am I thinking?
I looked at our house, the one I grew up in. I didn't know when I'd see it again, but it didn't matter. The memories from this home were burned in my mind. The good and the bad. I ran a hand through my wavy brunette hair and started up the sidewalk when a wave of dizziness washed over me. I sucked in air through my teeth and steadied myself.
Some things aren't always as they seem. Some people may act like they are there for you but leave you when you need them. Some people may seem like they've left you, but really they are they for you. Trust no one and nothing. Trust is a mistake.
This message ran through my mind, over and over. But strangely, it wasn't accompanied with any pain. Instead, I felt better than I ever had before. I had always had relatively good eye sight but everything was brighter and more vivid. Each smell that drifted through the air was ten times stronger and I could pin point exactly what it was. It was the same with noise.
Before I had time to process this a thought occurred. Last time a message was sent, Ty went into a miniature coma. I jumped up and rushed towards the front door.
"Hannah we have to go!" I screamed up the stairs. My parents were gone to work. We had said goodbye early in the morning.
"Why?" Hannah asked me, her voice echoing down the hallway.
"I just got another message. We have to go make sure Ty is okay!" Sure, Ty could be a jerk but he wasn't all that bad of a guy. But, for some reason, I felt a connection to Ty. Maybe it was because he was the only one who could truly understand the way it felt to be me.
"Okay! I'm coming! Just let me grab something!" She hollered back. For some reason, she was excited about this road trip. I'm not sure why. She said 'it's and escape from reality.' It wasn't, but I'm not going to tell her that.
A minute later footsteps gradually grew louder down the hall. I could here each step and I knew exactly when she turned the corner. When she came out I was wearing a confused expression which she raised an eyebrow to, but I simply shrugged and jumped into the car. She followed after chucking a bag into the back.
It was a fifteen minute drive to Ty's but it seemed faster. I think I sped the entire way. Hannah and I rushed up the rickety, beaten porch steps and knocked on the door. There was no answer and his truck was parked in the middle of the front yard. So, we burst through the door, which luckily wasn't locked.
Ty was no where to be seen in the living room. I could here music being blasted from the other end of the house. We headed down the hallway calling out his name and rounded the corner into the kitchen. There Ty was, in the middle of the kitchen floor, eating a banana, shirtless, listening to a Disney song. I immediately felt heat rise to my cheeks.
"What the- what are you doing here?" Ty asked through a mouthful of banana. "We leave later."
"Ty, what are you doing?" I asked him, holding my hand over my mouth, disguising the smile that made its way on my face.
"And why are you listening to 'Do You Want To Build A Snowman' from 'Frozen?" Hannah asked, barely able to contain her laughter.
Ty turned a deep shade of red and swallowed the rest of the banana. "Um, I have it on a radio station. It's my li-little sisters," he said but it sounded more like a question.
"You don't have a sister," Hannah and I deadpanned.
Ty frowned and crossed his arms over his bare chest. In this moment he looked more like a little boy than a rude, arrogant guy who is slowly dying. It was nice for a change.
"Fine! I like Disney, okay? I'm going to go grab my suitcases." Ty muttered with a scowl.
"Oh, and put on a shirt too!" I hollered down the hall.
He turned back to me with a lopsided grin, "I hear disappointment in your voice!"
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