Chapter Eighteen: Double Couple
I rummaged though my backpack for a minute before my hand wrapped around a small plastic makeup bag I'd stored a few things in. I pulled it out and grabbed my comb and a fresh pair of clothes.
Ty's eyes fluttered open. He sat up slowly, getting his bearings. "Where ya going?" He asked me with a raspy voice.
"I thought I'd go wash up in the creek," I answered. "Wanna go?"
Ty nodded yanking out a pair of jeans and a blue flannel from his bag. Anton and Hannah were still sleeping and we decided to let them rest seeing as how they were up late last night.
We headed down a small dirt trail, walking for ten minutes before coming up to the clear creek. The water rushed down the mountain, bubbling around a few rocks that stuck out from the water.
Most of the creek was only two feet deep, but a small section dropped of into a deeper hole. I flung off my shoe, sticking my toe into the water. The ice cold liquid stung my skin. I screeched, pulling my toe from the water.
Ty laughed at me and waded into his waist. "Oh, come on. That water isn't that bad. It's nice!"
I shook my head. "Uh no, it's not."
Ty smirked at me before taking a few large steps in my direction. He was now only up to his ankles in the water and only a half a foot from me. I tried to back away but hit a tree. I went to dodge left but the creek curved up there. I tried to dodge right but Ty blocked me.
"Ty." I said in a warning tone. He laughed at my attempt to sound scary and scooped me up bridal style. "Ty let me go! Your going to tear out your stitches!" I screeched.
"I'll be fine. You though, I'm not so sure about you." He smirked at me before letting his arms drop to his sides. I crashed down into the cold water. I came up quickly, my skin tingling and heart racing. I narrowed my eyes at Ty who's upper half was completely dry.
I grinned at him before splashing as much water as I possibly could onto him. A deep laugh erupted from him as he started hurling water my way. Soon, I couldn't see a thing. All I knew was that water was spraying everywhere. A particularly huge wave of water crashed over me and I shrieked in a high pitched voice.
"T-ty! Ty! Ty! I call a truce!" I shouted.
An amused grin rested on Ty's face. "Truce," he agreed.
We dragged ourselves up to shore. I announced that I was changing and ducked behind a boulder. Quickly, I peeled off my wet clothes and laid them out on the rock to dry a little. I slipped into the blue jean shorts and gray tank top before tying my soaked hair back into two French braids.
When I came out from behind the rock I noticed Ty had changed into his jeans and blue flannel over a white t-shirt. We sat down on a small sandy section soaking up the sunlight. A shiver racked my body. Ty seemed to notice and draped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.
We were silent for a while, admiring the scenery. We listened to the chirping birds and soothing sound of rushing water. But, soon Ty broke the silence.
"Rebecca, what if everything falls apart?" He asked me. His voice was low and scared.
"What do you mean?"
"What if I die? What if we can't find Dr. Belford? What if these episodes keep getting worse? What if you never see Matthew again and it's my fault?"
"Ty, you aren't going to die. We will find Dr. Belford no matter what. I promise. And, so what if the episodes keep getting worse. Soon we will be with Dr. Belford and he can fix them. Then, everything will be back to normal for you." I purposely left out the part about Matthew because that was one thing I didn't want to face right now.
Ty smiled softly, turning his head to face me. My heart immediately started pounding in my chest. We were just inches away from each other. Ty bit his lip for a second as if deciding what to do, before leaning forward and closing the space between us.
His lips met mine. Soft and gentle, he kissed me. It only lasted a few seconds. It was short but sweet. So, so sweet. My eyes flickered up to his, and as much as my heart pleaded for me to kiss him again my mind stopped me. I turned my head quickly and looked down at my hands.
"I-I'm sorry! I should have ask-" Ty started.
"No, Ty it isn't your fault. You did nothing wrong," I interrupted.
Ty leaned forward slightly so he could see my face. "What is it then?"
I sighed, forcing a small smile. "Ty I know I just said all those encouraging things but the truth is, I'm terrified. I have no idea what's going to happen. What if you do die? What if we all do? What happens when all this is over? I mean, will we go our separate ways just like our life was before? Everything will go back to normal. What if I don't see you again? With everything that's happened, I don't think I can bare to lose another person I care about so much."
"Rebecca, you know I am just as terrified and trust me, I've lost people I cared about too. But, that can't stop you from caring about new people. And Rebecca, when we go back home life isn't going to be the same no matter what. You know that. Everything's going to be different, for better or for worse. But isn't it better to go through all this with someone you care about so much?" Ty said.
My eyes were wet with unshed tears. A small smile crept onto my lips and I nodded. Ty grinned, leaning in again and kissing me. His soft lips fit perfectly with mine. He pulled me close to him and deepened the kiss. A few seconds later we parted. He rested his forehead on mine.
"You know what Rebecca. I kind of like you." He grinned at me.
"Well that's good, because I kinda like you too."
Ty smiled, reaching down and intertwining our hands together. "I guess we better head back to camp huh?" He suggested. I nodded happily, as we walked through the trees hand in hand.
When we got back to camp Ty didn't bother to remove his hand from mine which I was perfectly fine with. Hannah quickly noticed and raised an eyebrow, a smirk evident on her face.
"Hah! I knew it! Anton you owe me a crisp five dollar bill!" Hannah exclaimed. Ty and I looked at each other in confusion.
"Awe, seriously? That's no fair!" Anton whined, sticking out his bottom lip childishly.
"It is to fair! I won the bet fair and square mister!" Hannah retorted, hands on her hips but a smile on her face.
"What is going on?" I blurted out, interrupting their argument.
"We made a bet. I said you guys would get together within the next three days while Anton said you wouldn't. I obviously won," Hannah explained. I chuckled at my sister.
I turned to Ty. "Hey Ty?" He hummed in response. "I bet Anton and Hannah will get together within the next three days."
"They will not! I bet you five dollars they won't!" Ty exclaimed, playing along which made me grin wider.
"You guys are both wrong," Anton deadpanned.
Ty raised his eyebrows. I muttered, "Huh?"
"We're already together. You two are just clueless," Hannah said with a laugh.
"Oh," Ty and I both muttered feeling embarrassed. "Well, congratulations!"
Hannah rolled her eyes and hugged me while Anton and Ty just awkwardly stood there processing all the new information. For this one moment, this few seconds, life seemed good. Everything happening melted away and I felt happiness.
Unfortunately that disappeared when Ty dropped to the ground with a shout of pain.
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