You cant tell
Tori follows after her roommate, making sure she didn't touch anything important or fragile. "This is my lab, I work on my personal machinery in here and basically just general stuff. Nothing important right now though." She says, trying to keep this as much of a secret as she can. Tamara looks around the lab, looking at all the half finished machines and tech. "So this is what you do when your in here all day...thought you were just getting off to your hentai." Tamara says and Tori lets out a mocking laugh "Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny Jehovah's witness." She says through gritted teeth, not exactly being happy with the situation at the moment "How did you even get all this stuff in here?" Tamara asks and Tori avoids the question "Hey, Jehovah's wittiness. How about we go get coffee or something? Ell and Matilda won't be back till probably 5ish so it wouldn't hurt to get out of the house." Tori suggest's, not wanting Tamara to ask anymore questions or find something she wasn't supposed to find. Tamara was looks at Tori with a look of both surprise and confusion "Get some coffee? With me? Are you sure your the same commie I know?" Tamara asks and Tori growls lightly under a small laugh. She nod's her head "I just thought some fresh air would clear our heads. Besides I need some caffeine and you drank the last of the coffee this morning." Tori says, saying the last part through some gritted teeth. Tamara raises an eyebrow and shrugs "Lame but what ever, as long as your paying I'd be down for free caffeine." Tamara says as Tori subtlety moves the two of them back to the door. She presses a button which makes the lab close right as they left the room and Tori grabs her car keys. Tamara follows after, refilling her flask before putting on her checkered vans and hopping into the passenger seat of the car. Tori starts the car and they start to drive, humming lightly to herself as the usual pop radio played through out the car. Tamara easily got annoyed by it and switched the channel to the alternative and rock station, making Tori annoyed now. "I was in the middle of that song." She says, trying to keep herself together. Tamara glances over at her and shrugs "Well what are you gonna do about it? That mainstream poppy music is annoying and repetitive anyway. It's the same five songs on loop." Tamara says as she leans against the car door, looking out the window now. Tori takes a deep breath and tries to center herself a bit to calm down "I guess so, their are a lot of the same songs on there." She says through gritted teeth.
Tori pulled up to the small coffee shop after a while and quickly gets out of the car. Tamara on the other hand took a minute or so to get out, her movements sluggish and slow. Tori stood with her foot tapping right next to the entrance of the small coffee shop, the door was outlined with a nice gold like metal and the wood door was modern looking but still looked aged. Tori glares at Tamara as she finally walks up to the door and looks up at Tori "You are so slow all the time." Tori growls out as she opens the door and the two of them walk into the cozy coffee shop. The place seemed to have a older theme, many book shelves lined the walls with books in them, About ten small tables were in the room with about two chairs per table. Right next to the large round window was a booth that looked out towards the street while fire place that wasn't lit at the moment was near the back with a mantel that help more books and small collectible type things that Matilda would go crazy for. The fire place was surrounded by two love seats that faced each other and the fire. Tamara takes a look around, haven't really been into this particular place before. She was more one to go to the closest coffee shop and just sit on her phone for a while before leaving but she was pretty entranced by this place and how cozy it looked. She was entranced by the place but quickly got snapped out of it as the Barista comes up and Tori starts to order a more complicated drink. Tamara looked at the menu and hums lightly as the Barista turns to her with a smile "And what would you like ma'am?" She asks, seeming to be in good mood. Tamara looks at her, the Barista's smile seeming to faultier as she see's the woman's black eyes "I'll just have large iced americano." Tamara says, being used to the reaction by now. Tori pulls out her card to pay as Tamara wanders over to widow seat, seeing it to be more of booth that was cut down the middle a good chunk for people to be able to come through and sit. Tamara plops down and pulls out her phone, taking a few pics of the place and putting down the location in her maps app so she could come here again on her own or with Ell and Matilda. Tori soon sat down on the bother booth and looks over at Tamara, her legs had been pulled up onto the booth and she leaned onto the arm of the booth with one hand as she scrolled through something on her phone. Tori looks down at her phone to see updates from the house and the progress of getting rid of all evidence of a fire but their was one thing she couldn't clear away and that was Tamara whiteness get the event and seeing her lab. Tori hums lightly as she looks back at Tamara who was now looking over at her "Sooooo, that fire was something. You mind explaining it a bit more to me, Commie?" Tamara says, her words slow and easy going, seemingly not to bothered by the recent chain of events. Tori looks at her and then around the place "It's none of your business, I just wired something wrong and it lit up." She says but Tamra just gives her a dead panned look before pulling out her flask and taking a swig "I didn't mean that dumbass, I meant what was all that shit even for? You basically have a whole ass extra room in yours and a bunch of tech that looks like it belongs in a government facility." Tamara says, having a more pissed tone now but never changing her spread of talking which seemed to just piss off Tori more "I told that it was personal tech and stuff, I make out house safer for our adventure's and stuff. I'm just very good with machinery is all." She says, a hint of defensiveness in her voice since she was expecting such a keen observation from Tamara, who always seemed in caring and not very one with her surroundings.
"Two orders for Tori!" A voice says from the counter before Tamara can call bullshit of Tori's statement.
Tori shoots up and quickly heads over to the counter, picking up the two sinks and setting them down on the small coffee table back over by the window. Tamara picks her's up and takes a big gulp before piping open the lid and filling the drink back to the top with some of her alcohol. She closes the lid again, a small pop from the plastic showing the lid has latched back on again. Tori sat with her drink, it being a hot one. It was pretty heavy on the creamer and was much lighter compared to Tamara's no cream drink "How can you drink it with out creamer in it?" Tori says, her words laced with disgust as Tamra takes a sip without flinching from the strong taste "I don't know how you can enjoy expresso or coffee with all that creamer and flavoring in yours, Commie." She says, shooting the retort almost right after Tori said her statement. Tori huffs lightly and takes a sip of her drink "Well anyway, I got you coffee, which means we don't talk bout what happened today." She says as Tamara glances back up from her phone "I get a coffee once a week." She says simply and Tori say there with a shocked look for a second, was that really all it would take for Tamara to stay quiet? She shakes her head "A coffee once a week?" She asks, acting irritated by the request to make it seem as real as possible "Yep, this places Americano is great so I'll take how ever much it is from you once a week and come here. Easy, simple, I'll stay quiet about whatever your doing in that room of yours as long as I get a coffee." Tamara says, not looking up from her phone or even bothering to look at Tori. Tori was happy that her silence was easy to get but she was still extremely irritated by the fact that Tamara was practically ignoring her now. They stayed for a bit till Tori finished her drink and Tamara decides to just take her drink with her. Tamara waved a tired hand goodbye to the barista as they left and got into the car, the both of them being deathly silent since neither of them cared for each other this was only for a ride home at this point for Tamara. Tori started the car and started to drive home, it being about 3pm now and she was at least glad that she wouldn't have to worry about Tamara telling anyone.
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