Warehouse fever
Tori woke up to the sound of the tv downstairs on, She groans and turns to see her clock at exactly 7:14am. Her caramel colored hair batted and all around messy as she sat up with a face full of smudged makeup. Her body pillow having a good amount of said makeup on it after the woman had drifted off to sleep the other night. She looks down at the pillow and groans again, annoyed she'd have to wash the case and that she had fell asleep with a full face of makeup on in the first place. Tori throws the blankets off herself and strips the body pillow of its case, throwing it onto the bed as she opens the door and heads for the bathroom. She groans as she looks in the mirror, her two horns seeming to be the only recognized feature on her as she grabs the makeup wipes and the face wash and starts to clean her face off. She wasn't willing to deal with a break out cause of her bitch roommate. As tori scrubbed her face clean her mind wandered back to her oh so annoying roommate, just who did she think she was? She's basically the reason she's at risk of a breakout now, god what a bitch how could she always manage to ruin everything all the time. Tori scrubbed angrily at her face before rinsing it off with water and drying her face, she took a deep breath in, she couldn't get all worked up this early in the morning. As the horned girl got through her morning routine, putting on a light amount of makeup and combing her hair out from its knotted bunch she decided that Tamara should have to suffer too. Her mind came up with a plan as she grabbed her phone from her room and busted into Tamara's room blasting her least favorite kind of music, but to Tori's surprise the black eyed girl was nowhere to be seen.
She found it strange as she usually slept in late and would throw a hissy fit if she woke up any sooner than 11 am. Tori's face showed clear bewilderment as she looks into the bathroom and then moving her blankets a bit to see it the girl was just curled up but she couldn't find her anywhere. Tori walks out of the room and downstairs, thinking the tv must of been Tamara, maybe the girl hadn't even gone to bed yet but again she is met with more bewilderment as she just see's Ell sitting on the couch eating a plate of bacon. Tori walks over and sits down next to Ell "Hey, Ell, where is Jahova's whiteness? She wasn't in her room like she usually is." Ell turns to Tori, her dark brown hair still in her face similar to her high school hair cut. She tilts her head slightly "Oh Tamara is at work today." She says and Tori gets a shocked look "That lazy ass works?!" She says a bit loudly and Ell laughs lightly "She doesn't just live here without rent, we all pay equal amounts." She says and Tori still showed clear confusion "How come I have never noticed her being gone?" Tori asks a bit to herself but still at Ell and the brunette shrugs "Your usually up but your in your room a lot and then you got work, I just assumed you knew since all of us work." Ell says, taking a bite of a piece of bacon. Tori hums in thought for a second, she must have been caught up so much in work she never noticed the missing woman. She just always thought that she didn't work since Tamara was always lazy and never did anything. None the less Tori stood up and headed for the kitchen, a large serving of eggs sat on a communal plate while the bacon serving seemed to be much smaller. Tori put the rest of the bacon onto her plate, knowing that Matilda didn't eat, as she called them "Overly fatty foods" Tori usually agreed with her on that diet but bacon was just to good to pass up. The female walks back into the living room and sits down next to Ell, the brunette having gone through a surprising amount of bacon for the time that Tori had left.
Ell hums as she glances over at Tori "You and Tami used to be so close, now you guys avoid each other or when you have to be around each other you seem to hate it more than anything else... what's up with that?" Ell asks, it seemed a bit out of nowhere but to be honest the green sweatshirt girl had been thinking about it for a while. It was slow but she just couldn't wrap her head around why Tori and Tamara just couldn't get along when they seemed closer than the rest of the friends back in high school. Tori looks over at Ell "I can give you an essay on how insufferable she can be, lazy, loud, irresponsible, the list goes on. she's basically a drunk too, I don't how she would be able to keep a job where she can work so little but get paid enough to by alcohol all the time and keep rent up." Tori says, Ell only hummed in response, she could've gotten over this a bit if they had always hated each other but with such a shift in likability for each other she just didn't know what was different about high school Tamara and Tori that made them almost inseparable. She turns her head a bit to look at Tori "Well what's so different about her now compared to high school, I mean we're all grown up now but I feel like there was almost no difference in how she was back then and how she is now." Ell says, Tori goes silent for a second as her face shows deep thought. What was so different about now Tamara? High school felt so far away that she couldn't tell the difference, was it her? Was it how Tori changed? Was it how Tamra changed? No it was one event, an event she had stuffed deep down inside her subconscious and that Tamara had done the same. Collage.
Tamara sat at the desk like she normally did, the warehouse she worked at having a small front desk areas for the specific kind of buyers they had. Tamara sighs as she leans back in the seat a bit, her gaze though not showing movement glances at her phone. She had already gotten a earful for just barely scrapping by on the not late time. So her gaze moved back up, leaning back she groans and stretches "God front desk duty can get boring..." her gaze moved back down and she started to fiddle with a small paper clip she had on her desk. Now her job was special in the sense that even she didn't know much about the place she worked, the best way she could explain it was parts and services. Most of the parts they sold though were powerful cores and almost magical stuff , the job having a bit of a risk and just being able to handle these parts is why the pay was so high. As he manager said, this job was much more work than you thought but since the place kept a decently low profile Tamara had some easily fluctuating hours and basically worked the bare minimum with getting paid well and it's not like she disliked the job. Better than working a job for 12 hours every day, even if the place was boring she didn't mind the peace that came with it. Being out of the house and away from Tori was fine by her, the image of the caramel haired girl trying to annoy her by waking her up just to be surprised by her absence bringing a smile to her face. Tori was always busy and since Tamara didn't exactly make a big deal out of work at all she knew that Tori had no idea she worked. Tamara's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, she saw two women walk in, while one walked up to her at the desk and the other took a seat "Were expecting a order we have our boss coming in later but we just needed to confirm the order." She says and Tamara nods her head "Okay, whats the name for the order?" Tamara says, pulling up a long lists of the orders they had for that day. The women hums and simply says "Red army." Tamara simply nods and types in the name and the order pops up "Alright, the confirmation meeting is at 1pm for your large order." She says looking up at the women who simply nods and pulls out his phone, Tamara assumed to alert their boss. The two women left not soon after and Tamara went back to being bored on her phone.
Tori spent most of the morning getting ready for work, her previous annoyance with Tamara slipping past her as she pulled on her uniform. A red mask with matching horns to her hair sat on her desk, she grabbed it and put it into her purse. She lights a cigar as she walks down the hall, opening the front door and getting into her car just as her phone buzzes with a call "What is it Paula? Did something go wrong on the order?" Tori asks, shifting the phone to be pressed to her ear by her shoulder as she turns on the car. "No, everything is good, we got the order confirmed for the meeting in an hour. Just checking in on you and making sure you'll be here on time?" Tori let's out a sigh of smoke "Yep I'm on my way, just make sure your at the meeting spot." She says and hears a hum of agreement on the other end of the phone "Great I'll see you then, time to finally get the pieces to complete my creation."
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