I feel the morning sunlight beaming onto my face from the window, earning a groan and a turn in bed in return. I pull the sheets over me. But suddenly my alarm sounds, and I jump.
Sitting up, glancing at Joseph's snoring body, I look at my clock on my nightstand: 8:02 a.m.
I'm scheduled for work at 8:00...
"No,no,no!" I kick my feet around the edge of my bed and rush into the bathroom to hurriedly get read.
Around twenty minutes pass by before I know it, and I rush down the stairs while brushing my tangle hair.
"Babe, you're going to be late." I hear Joseph from behind me. I toss my hair brush onto the kitchen table as I pace by and grab the keys from the counter.
"I'm well aware of that, Joseph. I just can't believe I overslept." I gbreath heavily, in turn feeling a gentle grip on my hips.
I spin on my heel to face Joseph, his lips show casting a bright smile. "Look, I love you. I have to go!" I shoo him away, dismissing myself before he spins me around again - now capturing my lips in his.
"I love you too, bye," he says once our lips deliberately part, and he releases me, before I shut the front door and run down the front porch.
I hop in my silver 2018 Nissan Altima and turn on the ignition. Pulling out of the driveway, a reminder hits my memory; I have to call my sister.
I dig my bag that's sits the passenger seat on my car next to me, eyes still focused ahead, when I eventually feel it between two fingers in my purse. I fail her number. Only within moments, she picks up.
"Wasssup." She starts. I sigh, coming up to a stop sign at the end of my road.
"Camila don't forget to pick up Luis's medicine at the house." I remind her as I started to turn into the street leaving my neighborhood.
"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten." She sighs. "Speak of, is the newly engaged fiancé going to be there when I stop by to pick it up? If not I was going to do my usual and grab a snack from the fridge." Camila pipes.
"Why can't you do that if Joseph is there?" I ask, driving ahead toward the railroad tracks. I yield the second I see them.
Train tracks have never been my thing.
"Because he's going to give me that 'What are you doing in my house and taking the food' look. Do you want that look? I don't want that look." I hear her murmur on the other line.
"Um, that house is my house. You know that Joseph is just staying there until we marry. Then he'll officially settle in." I clear my throat, when my shoulders tense. "Ok hold on sis, I'm coming across railroad tracks..." I say warily.
"Always. It never fails. Tell me, how do railroad tracks scare you so much?" I roll my eyes from her question.
"Do you know how many people died from getting hit by a train!" I blurt, carefully driving across them, then putting a bit more pressure to the gas once I'm over them.
"Jeesh, Y/n. Just calm down..." She tries to assure - and those are the last words I hear from my sisters before my head slams against the side of my car window, and my cell flies from my grasp from a petrifying friction.
I instantly try to slam on my breaks. Doing so, my back jerks back afterwards. Mixed with shock, and fright, I put the car in park when I realize I've crashed into somebody's car. I'm quick to exit.
My pulse incessantly quickens.
I hurriedly go to feel my head - there's no blood. I peer my gaze in the direction of a sleep black car, a BMW, with tented windows; the car I obviously hit - due to the large dent in the side of it.
The sight results in me looking behind me, to a now caved in back door on my car. "Are you kidding me...?" I breathe, staring at the damage; slight, but not as slight as I prefer it to be. I'm ok, that's all that matters.
But the other person?
Maybe the person who I crashed into isn't ok. What if- "You hit my car." I jump suddenly at the husky voice coming from behind me.
I spin around in my heel.
Feet away and standing across the tracks, stands a guy with a serious expression, I can see from where I'm standing the clenched jaw he plasters. He looks irritated, angry. Boy, does he look angry.
I stand still and slowly suck in a low breath when I see him walking up to me
"Did you hear me?" He says lowly, coming to a stop inches away. There's a tattoo on his hand, and somehow, from somewhere, it's familiar. I look up to his green eyes that are searching my own.
"I said you hit my car." He repeats with an abrupt tone, huskily. I furrow my brows, gesturing towards my damaged car behind me.
"I am truly sorry, I didn't see your car... and you hit my car too.. it was an accident. That's what they're called..." I stated, observing his serious and toned features.
The man steps closer; his taller frame now towering over me. I feel my shoulders tense.
"An accident, huh?" He questions, his tone low.
"Yes, an accident." I shoot back. "What's your problem? I already said-" I take a firm step back. looking slightly up at his green eyes before he interjects.
"You're the problem," I watch his eyes give me a once over as I stand tensely in my scrubs. "What, you a doctor?" He questions huskily.
I stare at the stranger with furrowed brows. "If you're injured or anything I can show you the way to the hospital-"
"No." He suddenly enclosed the space we had between us, and his tongue pushed the side of his cheek a moment. I stand still, sucking in a panicked breath when I feel something hard press against my stomach. I want to ask, but I know the answer - the answer that petrifies me.
It's a gun.
My blood turns cold
"I don't need no assistance. But I know something you can do for me." He concludes huskily. His frustration is radiating. Consuming.
"I- I have money in my purse just put the gun-"
"I don't want your money." He interjects, still hovering. Briefly. He looks at me with a stern expression. The gun pressured harder on my stomach and I wince.
"Please," I spit out, raising both of my hands. "What is it you want?" I ask. I shut my eyes briefly, then I flick my gaze up onto him again.
There's a lethal spark of mischief flickering across his green irises.
He removes the pressure, lowering the gun. I slowly let out the breath I held - my hands still raised as my heart feels as though it's going to pound mercilessly out of my chest.
His thin lips part, about to speck before he glances across my scrubs again. "I'm gonna need you to work for me." He says.
With my hands a raised, my brows draw together in vexation. "W-what do you mean work for you?" I sputter watching him carefully.
He briefly glances out around us at the moment. "I mean you do your job, but for me." He remarks lowly, before clenching his jaw. He then places the gun into his waistline of his pants, pulling his dark button up shirt over it.
I don't respond, yet. I try to process all of it. But soon he takes in a sharp breath of impatience, going to grip the handle of the gun again.
My heart accelerates rapidly, pumping a dangerous speed.
I can't die this way. I don't want to. Not next to the train tracks!
"Ok! Ok! I'll do it. I'll work for you." I snap.
The tall stranger then shove his hands into either pocket of his black blazer instead; plastering a small smile from his thin lips. Then he watches me intently, before he decides to break the deafening silence.
"Good." He starts. I watch the strange stranger take in a cool breath. "I've got somewhere to be." He sends another once over. "I'll see you." He concludes huskily, before turning around to head off.
My hands are still in the air, instinctively. I now watch his back. "I thought you said-"
"I know what I said." He looks back at me over his shoulder. I finally put my hands down.
"You'll see me again. I'll let you know when you start." He turns around completely to face me, now walking backwards towards his car.
"And don't go to the police. Trust me, it'll get you no where." His lips then curve up into a smile, revealing his white teeth, before he turns around and gets into his slightly wrecked, black BMW.
I'm left standing completely and utterly silent -as my pulse has never raced so brutally.
Question of the Day ;)
How are you all liking the story for far! And if you dislike anything, Please leave it in the comments. I'll take it for a note.
Much love, thank you for reading!! 🖤😇
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