15 minutes. 15 minutes is all it took to get rid of the blood, scrub the floors and deep sanitize the equipment I used, the medical equipment I used on a dying gang member on my kitchen table.
Now, I sit in the middle of the couch, a glass on red wine I poured moments ago stands on the coffee table before me. I think I've been staring at the black tv for nearly nearly ten minutes. I want out. I don't want to deal with his problems. Dealing with gang members and cleaning up the mess of blood, outside of the hospital, anyway. That man could have died in my house. What would've happened then?
Would've he have shot me if I failed? Of course he would've have.
I cannot keep this up. He cannot keep this up going. I think back at the gang member, dying, on my table. Imagines of the blood flash into my mind like dangerous rapids. And his words..
I'm gonna mess you to work for me. He domineering voice echoes in my mind.
Until next time. I replay his last words.
Doll, he called me.
I lean forward to grab my glass, taking a sip of the wine. I fiddle with the top of the glass and sink back into the couch.
I can't have that happen again. I mean come in, a dying man bleeding out in my house?! No, if only the word was that simple to say to him. "No..." I whisper. See, that wasn't so bad. "No." I say lowly again. I need to tell him no, I don't want anything to deal with this. I never have.
"Hello, babe. Who are you talking to?" I look over my shoulder to see Joseph walking in and slinging his briefcase onto the armchair. He walks up with a beaming smile. "I missed you. How was it here, do anything fun?" He asks.
I take in a low sharp breath. "Nope. Just finished cleaning around."
"Well, I'm just glad I can come home to my beautiful fiancé." He kisses my cheek, plopping down onto the cushion next to me. I look over to meet his blue eyes, the pair I've been lying to. I can't do it, not anymore. There is no way I'm working for a criminal. The guy didn't even give me his name, a place to meet, nothing. All I know is that my 'job' in his eyes, is when he pops up and I treat. The flashing memory of what just occurred almost half an hour ago comes crashing in my mind. They can get medical attention at the hospital, I remember myself saying boldly.
They won't help. His voice referred to the doctors, and now his domineering voice causes my head to pound.
"Hey," I hear my fiancé say, shaking my shoulder. "What's on your mind?" My brows raise.
"What?" I ask him blankly. I watch Joseph shrug his shoulders.
"Lately you just seem like you've been out of it. Is there anything wrong?"
I arch a brow. "Out of it?" I ask rather abruptly. "I'm... I'm tired, Joseph. That's it." I rub around my eyes and come to a stand on my own two feet, leaving the glass on wine on the coffee table. I begin to walk off before a gentle grip latches onto my hand, I stop.
"Sounds to me like you need a vacation. Or some time off." He stands up, now near my face. "Look, get some rest tonight. When tomorrow comes, talk to your boss and see if he'll add some vacation days."
I shake my head. "You really think he of all people are going to let that happen? He's too strict, Joseph." Joseph frowns and pulls me closer to him. "I think you need it. It'll be fun." He says, my gaze locked onto his piercing blue eyes. I perch a brow. "Alright, I'll ask but there's one condition." I bite my lip.
Curiosity flashes behind Joseph's eyes. "And what will that be?" He smirks before I answer.
"If you come with me." I beam a bright smile. He groans against me, " I can't, baby, there's too much happening at the office..." I frown.
"It'll be a better time off if you're with me." I protest.
He leans down to peck my lips, before he responds. "I'm sorry, baby. Look, you, as a very independent woman," he grins, "should have a time for their self." I roll my eyes, before pulling him in for a long hug. "Just promise me you'll call me everyday."
A sigh escapes my lips. "You're right. I'll talk to him tomorrow. And I'm sorry I have been so out of it..." I feel him kiss the top of my head.
—Three days later—
"What was I thinking?" I ask Camila over my cell. I'm walking quickly past people in thick jackets in the hotel halls. I let out a heavy breathe, dragging behind my small suitcase that's trailing behind. "Joseph brought me here to my surprise, Camila. It's been two days since he brought me and now I'm having to rush back home!" I try to whisper.
I merely 30 minutes away from home, and now already rushing out the grand hotel that Joseph took me for this 'vacation' I needed.
"I was so caught up with the thought of even having five days off from work, finally. So caught up that I didn't even think of the fact that Joseph is home by his self, while there's a gang making unexpected pop ups at my house here recently."
"I can't believe the big boss allowed you to get these days off." I hear her shift the subject. "What if he already went there?" I panic, pushing aside her statement. I increase my pace while heading down stairs to check out.
"Calm down, Y/n. I kinda doubt the psycho dude stopped by this soon. I mean, what, do his 'boys' get injured every two days?" My sister tired to reassure.
"Doubt it, but still, Camila. I just can't believe that the fact I left Joseph there alone slipped my mind-"
"Wait, say if the guy did make an appearance while you were gone... you don't think Joseph will take him out?" I hear Camila ask curiously over the line. My lips part for a moment.
"Why are you asking me this?"
Afterward I believe I hear chuckle. "How is this funny to you?" I ask.
"No, I'm sorry! It's not! Sorry I was just curious if you would root for the gangster, if anything were to happen..."
"Excuse me? Camila! I'm not 'rooting' for anyone. Because he is not going to show up, not today." I rather tell my own self the last.
"Well you didn't specifically answer! But I know, you're right..." My sister breathes. "No, Luis. Give me that." I hear her speck to son before she directs toward me. "Get back home, Y/n. I'll call you back when I can."
"Alright, love ya." I say before hearing her respond 'love you too' on the other line, and I hang up. Shoving my cell back into the back pocket of my jeans, I approach the receptionist and return the hotel keys, moments before paying for the two nights, when I was going to stay five.
Minutes go by fast when I'm in the car, now on my way toward my neighborhood. Once I drive down my street, I spot my driveway and pull in. I try not to rush out of the car, but then again, what if the man is here? What if he or his boys did something to Joseph?
I hurry up the porch from my taunting and worried thoughts and unlock the front door. I step inside and glance around as I stood in the foyer. I make my way upstairs, walking in the corridor to get to my bedroom. Joseph's car was in the driveway, so he has to be here, somewhere. I mentally tell myself that once I see him probably working on the computer, or fast asleep in bed, I'll l smile and the weight of worry would be lifted away.
I open my bedroom door, only for my heart to drop in my chest and my breathe to hitch. There, on my mattress lays Joseph, the color of his face paled when his eyes meet mine. A younger woman lays on her back with her legs spread open, my fiancé body between them.
With my brows furrowed, I stare at my fiancé a moment, then peel my gaze onto the young blonde beneath him in my bed. Anger surges through my veins like a switch, and I immediately rush up to Joseph, his blue eyes widen "What is it?!" I yell, instantly shoving him off the blonde chick. He falls off the bed from my force, the blonde quietly taking her chance to jump out of the bed, with my sheets around her, and hurry out the room. I look down to my fiancé, my heart pounding in my chest. "You..." I trail, not able to process words. I shake my head and step over his naked frame on the floor.
I walk fast out the hall, when hearing her running down the stairs I charge after her. With my fist clenched, my feet kick ahead of me as I spot her running half naked toward the door.
This doesn't feel real. He cheated on me...
I blink away the tears that nearly spill from the anger pulsating in me. I ran up behind the young blonde, my hand reaching out, but only to brush lightly across her back. I missed her. She runs down the front porch with my front door wide open, and I come to a firm stop, watching her. My chest is raising rapidly as I don't take my eyes off of her, watching her run down the street and barely clothed with my bed sheets.
I have never been filled with such.. rage. My breathing doesn't steady, and I turn to face my house. My house that my fiancé has been staying in, and decided to bring home a young woman to sleep with while he thought I was away vacationing. I came back, worrying about him, to find him in bed with another woman. My heartbeat races more, my fingernails piercing into my clenched palms. Now, all I want to do... is hurt him. Hurt him bad.
I step into the doorway and walk up my stairs. When reaching the corridor, I turn into my bedroom, to see Joseph standing still in center of the bedroom, his boxers now on him. Something unrecognizable passes across his face when his blue eyes meet mine. And I can only think to hope that he knows what he just lost. He stands a moment, his hands on either of his as if he's waiting for something. I started to speed walk over to him, once I was close to him his lips part. "Babe I'm so—"
I instantly raise my hand to cut him off by slapping his face, hard, so hard that it send him back a bit.
"Don't, Joseph." I say blankly. "Don't call me babe, and don't you ever, ever come near me again." I take my hand and remove my engagement ring off my finger, throwing it at his face before he flinches. I shake my head and my heart is still pounding in my chest. "You're pathetic." I let a humorless laugh, when really I'm struggling to tame the tears.
I gesture toward my bedroom door. "Get out." I state, my gaze never trailing off his. His brows narrow, and I noticed his broad shoulders tense. "What?" He asks in disbelief. I arch a brow.
"You heard me... get the hell out of my house." I declare, the anger pipping in my voice
"You can't just..." he pauses, his eyes still narrowing at me. "We have a future together, Y/n. I... I love you. And you love me!" I watch him bend done to pick up my ring from the wooden floor. I let out an exaggerated breath, and step toward his tall frame. I stand close, peering up at the blue irises that had me fooled. He's tense- his gaze looking down and locking onto mine.
I clench my jaw when my eyes throw darts at his own, hoping he'll receive the message to leave. I don't want him here. Not any more. I reach out my hand, signaling for my ring. He watches my hand held out a moment, then gives it back to me. Good, I'll burn it.
His chest, barely brushing against mine, raises incredibly. "Go. Now, Joseph." I demand, that is, before his eyes widen as if he still can't comprehend. With just one more heavy breath escaping my lips, Joseph moves past me and grabs his pants, hurriedly rushing out my bedroom door. I hear his footsteps go down the stairs, and it's safe for me to exhale the shaky breath I've been holding.
I walk towards my bedroom door and shut it. With my back against the closed door, I slide down and throw my head back on the oaky wood. I shut my eyes briefly.
After the past five years... I thought I love him. I did. I thought he loved me...
He asked me to marry him. What if didn't come back home today? I probably would've never caught him... and the blonde- I've never seen her a day in my life.
I squeeze my eyes shut, and rest my body on the floor. I lay there, silent, a tear finally unleashed.
Question of the Day ;)
What is your favorite day of the week??
Mine: My favorite day of the week is definitely Thursday, since I get off of work and I'm off for a week and off of school 🤩🖤
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