Five. His name is Five. I remember his green eyes that were deep and unreadable. The tattoo on his arm. His voice was domineering, and authoritative. Something about him, in his eyes, maybe, lulled me into saying yes. Will I regret it? Did I say the right thing?
A hand rest on my shoulder and I'm pulled out of my inner thoughts. "I'm so sorry, sis. That guy was a ass, anyway..." Camila starts next to me. We sit on my couch in the living room, I can hear Luis running around behind us in the house. I glance over my sister seated next to me, her sympathetic gaze searching mine. My lips part. Why'd I call her, again?
"Who was?" I ask, confused. Her arched brows raise, amusement glints in her dark eyes. "Are you in denial?" She questions. I shake my head quietly, no, I just seriously can't remember who she's talking about... " Joseph, Y/n." She answers directly. "Joseph had no right to cheat. I can't even imagine if that were me..." she trails off. "Actually, I can. If I were in your shoes, I would rip him apart, seriously! Ugh. You know, I'd probably kill both of them with my pistol."
My eyes widen at her claim, "Camila!" I playfully slap her arm, earning a laugh in turn.
"I'm kidding! But really, I would've taught him a real lesson." I watch her shake her head
I throw my head back on the back of the couch, a sigh escaping my lips. "Believe me, I wanted to." A humorless laugh escapes, "I wanted to hurt him so bad, Camila. But I didn't, I stopped myself." I feel her gaze land on me for a moment.
"If you don't mind me asking... why?" She ask quietly. I bite my lip and slightly shrug. "Part of me figured it was the right thing to do.. to not hurt him." I stare blankly up to the volted ceiling. "The bigger part of me knew that if I did... I probably wouldn't of been able to stop. What he did really hurt me..." I merely whisper.
"Y/n, you have me. I'm here." She snuggles in beside me, resting her head on my shoulder. "And trust me, someone sooner or later, Joseph will get what's coming to him. He deserves the worse." She scowls.
A smile spreads across my face when my nephew wraps his small arms around me. "Love you, auntie Y/n." Luis exclaims, his smaller frame tugging me down.
"I love you more, Luis." I grin after he runs up to his mother's side. I meet Camila's gaze as she stands on the the doorstep.
"I'll call you as soon as I get home." She says, sympathy as she was carrying sleepy Luis in her hands. I send a small smile. "Drive safe." I lean in to embrace her before she prances down the porch steps and into her car. I shut the front door and stand in a deafening silent home.
Walking up to the sofa, I lazily plop down onto it, resting my body and drowning myself in thought. I didn't tell her about Five, or his last visit just a few hours before she arrived. I informed her about Joseph because she's my sister, and I didn't inform her of Five's visit because...
I don't know.
Push it aside, Y/n. I have better things to think or worry about. For instance - work! Work... which I head back tomorrow to catch up on. I breathe, and sick down into the couch. I need sleep, or some good dream to distract me from the strange awaiting green eyes that seem to keep taunting my mind.
Darkness is all I gain sight of before my eyes jolt open. I sit up in bed, my body hot as I pull the covers off me. I kick my feet around the edge and hop off, running a hand through my hair as I go into my bathroom. I stand in front of my sink, remembering Joseph's sleeping pills behind the mirror - I open up the cabinet to take two pills in my hand - before I walk downstairs for a glass of water.
I can't sleep, I don't know why. I need to - I have to work in about six more hours, and all I can gather is drowsiness.
Ever since I told him that I'm still in, and still up for working for him, a feeling in my gut that I can't quite shake twist my stomach. Is that bad? Is he capable of... hurting me...?
I think back to the first day I saw him; just past the train tracks that I was so anxious to drive over. I think of the damage I've done to his car - what started this all. I remember the golden gun he pressed up against my stomach.
Maybe he is capable...
I suck in a tired breathe, ridding my angst thoughts. I grab a clear glass from the cabinet and get cold water from the kitchen sink. With the two sleeping pills in one hand, I toss them at once into my mouth, following after I drink from the glass in the other. I lick my lips, placing the half filled glass into the sink. Before I can rest m, clearly, I need to think. I need to recall and process everything that happened yesterday; from the unexpected company of Five, to the talk I had with my sister about Joseph. Maybe, just maybe I can put together something, or anything, to figure out where Five is - I need to speak to him. I can't neglect this instinct to not work for Five. I can't.
Before I know it I'm at the front door, already twisting the doorknob to step outside for air and to revisit my train of thought. My feet step out onto the cold cemented porch. I shiver, folding my arms across my chest. My thick pajama pants will do well enough from the light, chilling breeze. I pull the end of my sleeves over my fist for more warmth, taking a seat of the frigid porch step.
I can't help it but for it to cross my mind again. I need to speck to him. Maybe I was angry at Joseph, maybe when he crawled into my head I didn't showcase the anger, for it was too deep inside. I gave Five a yes, something I shouldn't have done. And why can't he leave my mind.
At this point, I want to scream; let everything out when the heaviness settles on my chest from everything that's happened this past week. It had made me a wreck.
Brushing my hand through my disheveled hair, I huff out a breath. That is, before headlights shine down the road. Who would be driving at this time of night? ...What time is it again?
I rub my eyes hard, preparing to pick myself back up and try heading back to bed again. But the headlights, bright and drawing near, travels into my driveway. I narrow my eyes to recognize the vehicle - when my eyes widen. A silhouette exits the car and makes way from around it, before the familiar face appears by the porch light reflecting on half of his face.
My body freezes. My heart pumps - when my eyes lock onto his blue pair. "Joseph.." I breathe, unsure of whether to be angry.
I should be.
His lips merely tug upward. "Baby, look, I am so sorry for what I did to you." He reaches out his hands that once brought me comfort - drawing closer in my direction.
Something flickers in his blue irises - hurt, pain.
And I loved it.
"Good." I say under my breath. I watch him continue to walk toward the porch. "You need to feel that pain after what to did." My brows furrow, "Don't come near me." He stops in his tracks, his arms dropping lazily back to both his sides.
"Leave. And don't come back." I state, turning to enter house.
"Whoa, wait. What about all my stuff?" I hear his pathetic voice, and fun around to see him once more.
I perch a brow. "I'll throw it out tomorrow. Feel free to come by the yard and pick it up. If you don't show I'll burn it." I say carelessly with a shrug. "After that I don't want to see you." I watch him, not able to latch in to the unreadable emotion behind his eyes, but I turn away with a smile and my back faces his slouching frame.
Just when I reach the front door to open it, a firm hand slams on the outside wall next to my head, causing me to jump. Standing, I quickly move my gaze to the anger radiating beside me. Joseph stands with either of his hands on the tall wooden door I'm up against. "Please, Y/n, it was a mistake. I didn't mean it at all." He stated with water eyes forming from his pathetic face.
My eyes narrow at him, when a visible expression passes of his face: regret. "Have you lose your mind?" I say though gritted teeth, his body close.
His hand drops from beside my head and back to his side. Instantly, angrily, I knee him between his legs. He immediately bends over and cries out a groan. I don't have time for this.
I squat down to meet his face. "Cheating isn't a mistake, it's a choice." I say under my breath as I watch him continue groan in pain. "You come near me again, and I will make sure you will not live to see the next day. Understand me? I breathe; a mixture of pride, anger, relief and satisfaction swirl in my veins. He hurriedly nods in understanding.
"Go." I demand boldly, when he limps down the porch steps and carefully makes his way to his car. I stand with my arms crossed, watching a couple more minutes; to se the headlights speed out of my driveway and hear the engine roar down the street, before I finally head back inside my house.
I kick the front door shut behind me . A yawn escapes my lips. And I head back upstairs to plop onto my comfortable bed - the pills finally started kicking in, heavy.
I'm definitely gonna sleep good tonight.
Thanks for reading!!! I hope your enjoyed ;)
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Much love,
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