Part 10
Hi all,
Here you go:
Laksh and Sanskar came out. Sanskar sat on his bike, waiting for Laksh to start. They were to meet the others at college, from where the trip was to he started.
Laksh sat on the bike. Many memories were coming in front of him, while he sat on it. That's the problem with missing someone. Every happy moment of our life till then will make us cry buckets, once we start to miss someone.
This was happening with Laksh, he wanted to remain positive, but he has nothing to hold on.
He tightened the grip on the handle and closed his eyes. Opened it while thinking of his family and then started riding.
Sanskar could see how difficult it is for Laksh, but he is happy that he is trying everything. Laksh is very strong, Sanskar thought and started his bike.
They reached the college gate only to find Ragini and Ishaan fighting like kids, they were arguing. While Ishaan said Ragini got late, Ragini was there proving that she isn't.
Mauli had her hands on her head, she had absolutely no idea on how to stop her love and friend.
She became glad when she saw Laksan approaching.
Mauli: Rags, Ishaan stop it yaar, if anyone came late then it's not Rags, it's these two idiots.
She pointed at Laksh.
Laksh was kinda offended before he could utter a word, Mauli signed him. Laksh smiles thinking of her miserable situation.
Sanskar sighs. He went near Ragini and Ishaan and snaked their heads.
Lak: Acha girls, did you steal your brother's bikes huh?
Rag: Oi, Rags doesn't steal, and what is there to steal when I can very well take Aru's bike forcefully, with him knowing about it, well his consent never matters.
Ishaan: Of course, stealing is not good, but it's OK if you take things forcefully.
Other three laugh hearing him and does HiFi.
Lak: What about you Mauli,
Mauli: Bhai is completely fine with me taking his bike. When I said we are going on a trip, he himself offered his bike.
Ishaan: That's true, Kunal Bhai is sweet.
They all smile.
San: So let's start.
Mauli: Wait wait wait, I have got something for all of you.
She took something out of her jeans pocket. It was hand made friendship bands for all the four.
Laksh's eyes brimmed remembering Bhavya, she always did it.
He turned around to wipe his tears, but this action of Laksh's didn't go unnoticed by others. They but prefered not to question him.
Mauli, one by one, tied it to them all.
Rag: Don't expect me to wear this all time.
Mauli: I wasn't!! Wear it just for today.
Four smiles at her and had a group hug.
Ish: Now let's start.
Rag: Noooo wait.
They all look at her bizarrely.
San: Don't tell me that you got us, bands!!
Lak: You serious Sanskar, she and making bands,
Ragini fumes.
Rag: Oi, if I need, I very well can make bands.
Ish: Of course you can. But the thing is you would never have the mind to do it.
Four of them laugh doing HiFi.
Ragini fumes more. Guessing her anger,
Lak: Acha tells us, what's that you want to do.
Ragini huff but takes out a packet from the box of the bike.
Rag: our journey is for 3 hours. Now it's 6. Which means by the time we reach there, it's 9, and I am supposed to stay hungry for such a long time.. !! I got cupcakes for me.
Others sigh!!
Ragini unwrapped the cakes, she took out two and forwarded it.
So four of you share it. Mind you share it equally.
Laksh smiles thinking of their last encounter where she was hell bend on keeping equality.
Lak: Of course madam.
Laksh took one cake and divided into two. Laksan shared the cake.
Mauhaan ate together, without dividing it.
Laksh got startled seeing them sharing it.
He remembered the past, where a couple shared food like this. He felt miserable.
Sanskar who noticed him kept a hand on his shoulder. laksh smiled in return and then looked around.
He smiles seeing Ragini eating the cake childishly.
Sanskar too was watching her with love-filled eyes.
Laksh noticed Sanskar's gaze on Ragini. His gaze was enough for anyone to understand the depth of love he held for Ragini.
Laksh for a second left odd but then became happy for his friends.
They then started.
Even though it was difficult for Laksh in the beginning, as he was constantly being reminded of a person, after an hour, he got the rhythm. He somehow wanted to this for his family and friends, who wants the best for him. He can never let them down.
The next two hours became fun for Laksh like others.
After 3 hours and they stopped.
Even though the road was smooth, the place was in high altitude. One side of the road was a cliff.
Sanskar chose the place wisely. He knows how his friends love cliff end and at the same time, he knows about Laksh's fear. So he chooses the place which was a plateau.
There was a small Dabba. Five had their breakfast, pulling each other's legs. They were the lone customers and they were using freedom. They were totally free.
After food, they took a selfie with all the five standing in a circle. They bend the head down, and Ishaan took the phone in his hand, turned it around and took the pic.
Later they took many pictures and selfies.
Then Mauhaan went for a walk together.
Raglaksan sat on the bench of data admiring the couple.
Just then they saw a girl skidding from her scooty.
The trio got up and was about to run to her
Sanskar stopped Raglak.
San: Guys you relax, I will look after her.
Lak: But,
San: She is hurt, but not too much that I can't handle. You are here.
He smiles at them and went near the girl.
The girl is revealed to be
Sanskar smiles at her, made her sit and then started doing the first aid, she was admiring him.
Raglak smile seeing them.
Lak: He is so sweet.
Rag: He really is...
Lak: Calm too.
Rag: Exactly my opposite.
Ragini laughs.
Lak: Opposite attracts you know.
He winked at her, but somewhere he wasn't feeling right about it. Teasing Ragini with Sanskar's name. He didn't know why, after all both are his friends and that too they love each other. Then why is he feeling uneasy with that..!!
Laksh Shook his head.
Rag: opposite doesn't attract always, sometimes like does. Think about it. How will it be? If you mentals become a couple. Think of the level of craziness.
Laksh laughs.
Lak: Something like we both.
Ragini too laughs.
Rag: Exactly, think about how it will be. We will partner up and make others lives hell. Wow, so much fun na.
Laksh looked at her disbelief for a second, and then both start to laugh crazily.
Screen freezes on the six.
Raglak laughing crazily, Mauhaan smiling in content and Sanskar smiling sweetly at Sanchi while helping her and Sanchi admiring him.
How was it??
Ignore mistakes, please ❤️
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