The ride to the Chateau was almost completely silent, June feeling like her chest was caving in as she wondered why Shoupe wouldn't listen to her. It made no damn sense.
"How'd you get out?" Pope broke the silence, the tension and heat in the car almost unbearable to the boy. "What happened?"
June sucked in a deep breath before, closing her eyes, opting for the truth.
"After I left last night I went to the police station. I-I was gonna turn myself in. I got there and Shoupe, he wouldn't arrest me. So I asked him why and he said that..." June took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she started again. "...Rafe recanted his statement. He said that I didn't do anything I was just there. Like Sarah. He- Rafe cleared my name."
They all sat in silence for a moment, half of them wondering why the hell Rafe would clear when name, and the other half knowing why Rafe would clear her name. JJ let out that humorless laugh that June had expected, his fingers running over his face as he spoke.
"That's- that's just perfect for you." JJ said, feeling more anger bubble in his chest.
"I tried to tell Shoupe. I told him over and over again that Rafe did it, Rafe killed Peterkin but he wouldn't listen to me. He never listens. I was there. I watched it happen, and he still doesn't listen." June said, running a hand over her face as she felt tears prick at her eyes.
"Why would Rafe recant his statement? That makes no sense." Pope asked from the seat beside her, his eyes wide as he looked at her in confusion.
"I don't know." June said, swallowing the lump in her throat as JJ cleared his throat. They pulled up to the Chateau only moments later, June being one of the first ones out, she ran to the porch, the rain soaking her as she ran, everyone following her.
They got onto the porch, all of them soaked as June pushed her head into her hands, wondering how all of this was happening so fast. Kie sat down beside her, her anger not being too volcanic to provide some support to the girl who looked beyond stressed and beyond hurt. She had just lost JJ too. She wrapped her arm around June shoulders, rubbing her hand on the side of her arm before looking up at the boys coming onto the porch.
"I'm gonna testify. Under oath. I was there. I just need to get ahold of my sister." Sarah said, June looking up at her as she spoke.
"It doesn't matter if you were there or not. They won't listen." June groaned, remembering the times when she had told Shoupe specifically what had happened, and he didn't care.
"Kie do you have your phone? Wheezie is the only other person who knows Rafe wasn't home that day." JJ looked at the blonde in disbelief, his eyes widening as he listened to her plan.
"I don't know what else to do. I got us into this mess I'm gonna do my best to get us out." Sarah said, walking away with the phone. JJ chuckled dryly, June's lip curling up in disgust as she looked at him.
"Wheezie? Yeah, that will work. Well she's right about one thing. We gotta do something. Our boy is a PO-dub right now, okay? He's held captive by the enemy right now, maybe even scheduled for execution. Are we just gonna sit here?" June groaned loudly at JJs words, dropping her head into her hands again as she felt a headache coming on. "Oh I'm sorry princess, is this conversation getting a little to real for you?" JJ said, looking to the brunette. She ignored the erupting in her stomach from the nickname, her face turning red as she addressed him.
"What are you gonna do JJ? Huh? Break into the jail and bust him out? I know it might be hard but sometimes you gotta be smart about things like this." June said, looking at him with narrowed eyes as she nodded along with her words.
"That's rich coming from you Ms. I'm gonna stay behind so John Bs not alone." JJ said, pointing at the girl with an accusations finger.
"What's the plan? We kidnap Shoupe?" Kie butt in, trying to ease the tension between the two.
"Maybe! Like that's not the worst idea actually."
"Yes it is." June deadpanned, running a hand through her dark hair and standing. Pope watched as the two girls neared closer to JJ, realizing what kind of situation they were about to be in.
"Oh it's not?" Kie said, shaking her head in disbelief at how dumb he was acting.
"That is actually the worst idea I've ever heard." Pope said, gesturing to JJ and shaking his head.
"It's pretty bad." Sarah butt in from inside, JJ waving her comment off.
"You know what? Please, just stay out of this." JJ yelled to Sarah, the girl raising her hands in surrender as she looked back at the phone. "Okay Pope, look. We've been doing everything your way and how has that been working out?"
"Okay, okay so what's your plan? You gonna storm a jail? Guns a-blazing?" Pope asked, standing now and looking at the blonde.
"Look, Pope, all I'm trying to get you to understand is that they got our boy. Are we just gonna sit here and do nothing? No! We're gonna go get his ass. We're gonna do something about it!" JJ said, his voice raising as he tried to get them on board.
"JJ I truly believe you're smarter than this. Truly. This is so stup-"
"There you go again . I'm sorry, don't you have somewhere to be right now? I heard Tannyhill is nice maybe you can pay Rafe a vis-" JJ turned his attention to June, getting closer to her and getting in her face. She didn't back down though, her blood boiling to extreme anger as she cut him off. His eyes darted to her lips, the plump pinkness almost making his knees weak. He wouldn't admit it but he liked provoking her, it was a bit of a turn on to see her so angry.
"That's funny JJ! What? Are you just gonna bring that up forev-"
"I don't know! Are you just gonna go open your legs for the #1 enemy again? There must be some real magic down there considering all the guys in town are tripping over themselves to get it from you!" JJ said, their faces inches from each other as he pointed his finger in her face. June laughed at that, her eyes holding a deadly glare as she spoke again. Their mixture of hot breath and radiating anger was enough for Pope and Jie to realize what was really going on here, the two of them sharing a look as they were unsure whether or not the two of them were going to resort to punches or start making out.
"I don't know about magic JJ, maybe you should tell me since you were tripping over yourself to get in there too!" She pushed her own finger into JJs chest, the tension levels skyrocketing as they both glared at each other, their breaths heavy as June's finger touched his chest, JJ trying to ignore the frantic beating of his heart that was caused by her touch.
"Fuck you June!"
"Oh you would." June said, her eyes dropping to JJs lips as he licked them, the girl struggling to pull her eyes up from them.
"Do you guys need a few minutes alone?" Pope interrupted, JJ swallowing the lump in his throat and turning away from June. She stayed where she was for a moment, trying to regather herself as her stomach started to stir.
"No, fine man. Sit in your comfy chair. Do nothing. I'm gonna see what I can do. Make something happen, even if I have to do it by myself." JJ said, looking between the three on the porch before storming off. June fought with herself, finally deciding to follow him. She pushed the screen door open, running to catch up with his and grabbing him by the arm.
"What?" JJ asked, his teeth gritting as he looked at her, the rain pouring on the two of them.
"What are you gonna do JJ?" She asked, pushing her hair back from her face and gesturing towards him.
"I'm gonna make something happen. They're not killing my boy!" JJ said, starting to turn away again. She pulled him back though, shaking her head in anger as he looked at her expectantly.
"Talk to me! Don't turn your back on me." She said.
"And why not? Huh? We're not together anymore."
"Maybe we're not together anymore but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you go do something stupid. John B is already in trouble, we don't need you in trouble too!" Her voice was raised, although her words were genuine. She didn't need him behind bars for something stupid.
"I'm fine. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me June."
"I have to! I have to worry about you and I have to chase after you because they won't. Don't you remember last time you went off on your own?! " She pointed back towards the porch, JJ following her finger to the Chateau. The last time and bene when he had stolen the money from Barry, when he bought the hot tub and when his dad had beat him. He looked down now, listening as he realized how much she actually seemed to care. Their attitude toward each other had made a full 180, care coming in and showing itself. "I know that you are impulsive and you don't mind getting into trouble but I don't want to see you make things worse for yourself." She tried to convince him, the boy looking down at his shoes before reaching out and grabbing her hands. She accepted this gesture, her eyes meeting his as he shook his head, his words striking her.
"I fuck everything up June. I ruined us. I've already made things worse for myself." He said, his eyes dropping to their hands. He played with her fingers for just a moment before letting go of her hands, the girl unsure what to say. She wanted to kiss him, to pull him to her and hold him until he would come up with a better plan, but her mind continued to tell her no. He had said some very hurtful things, and she couldn't easily forgive him for that. He turned away, walking off into the rain and leaving June there, completely soaked and helpless.
I have.....writers block. Man I was truly on a roll and now I can't think or write for shit. This chapter was a struggle, I hope it turned out okay . I'm trying to show you a different side of June and Jjs dynamic, they're both explosive and throw words around like this nothing but in the end they still love each other (of course).
I think that June is understandably mad. I think that JJs being an ass because he doesn't really know how to deal with these kinds of things with her because he's never argued like this with her. But that's just my opinion.
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