JJ Maybank stood in front of a familiar large house, shaking his head as he thought about what he was about to do. Not only did it make no sense, it also completely pissed him off to think about who he was about to talk to. He looked back at the car full of his angry friends, Kie and Pope not liking JJs idea.
He stalked up the driveway, remembering specifically the last time he had done this, and also what had happened when he had. Zach Roberts and JJ Maybank had made an alliance, and now the blonde was fully regretting it.
He thought back to their conversation after June had 'died' and before they had found out she was alive. He ran a hand through his hair, realizing he had left his hat in the car. During the conversation he had promised Zach that if he learned anything new in the case regarding June, he would let him know. He also promised his enemy that if he needed any help in putting the true culprits away JJ would ask for help, because he wanted to be part of it.
Not only had there been a new development in the case, June wasn't dead, but also there had been something else to happen, something that he could use a bit of help with. Ward Cameron had killed Gavin, and the gun that Rafe used to kill the Sheriff had washed down the storm drain. JJ figured that they could do this on their own, until they realized that in Shoupes eyes, they had no credibility. This is where Zach came in.
If he could use Zach to tell Shoupe about the gun when they found it, maybe the man would believe a kook over a bunch of Pogues. He had to.
JJ didn't hesitate as much this time, his finger pressing the doorbell button . He immediately retracted his hand, closing his eyes in defeat as he tried to think of how he would explain all of this to Zach. The sound of the door opening made him look up, his face dropping as the man himself pulled it open.
"JJ?" Zach asked, his eyes going to the car parked on the road that contained Kiara and Pope. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, stepping outside onto the porch and closing the door behind him. "What are you doing here man?"
"You remember our agreement? Something new happened. We have something that could put Ward and Rafe away." JJ said, watching as Zachs face changed.
"You're here because you need my help right?"
"Yeah. Listen I talked to my friends, they know what's going on okay? We need your help like ASAP." JJ said, turning on his heel and walking away from Zach. The black haired boy looked down at his shoes, wondering if running around with Pogues was something he really wanted to do or not. He thought of June, feeling guilty for not being a better guy to her. He shook his head as he mad suck his mind, a lump building in his throat as she made his way down the porch and towards Kiaras car.
"Hey Pope. Kie." Zach greeted as he sat in the back seat beside JJ, his arms crossing over his chest as he thought about how awkward this was.
"So you wanted me to tell you when something happened and something did happen. We followed Ward last night and we watched him murder a guy. The pilot that was on the tarmac that day. He shot him with the gun that Rafe used to killed Sheriff Peterkin." JJ started to explain, Zachs eyes widening as he listened to his words.
"Ward shot someone in front of you? Did you call the police?" Zach asked, his eyes meeting Kies isn't what mirror before he looked back at JJ.
"Yeah we called them, Shoupe didn't believe us of course. That's why you're here. He might listen to a kook who has a little bit of credibility." JJ said, licking his lips.
"So we're going to the police station so I can tell Shoupe that I saw Ward Cameron kill this pilot?" Zach asked in confusion, not quite sure what he was here for.
"No, we're going to the storm drain. Ward dropped the gun down the drain and we're gonna find it. Not only is it the gun that killed the pilot. It's the gun that killed Peterkin." Pope finally chimed in, looking back at the guy he really didn't like. Zach nodded now, still completely confused but not wanting to ask anymore questions. The three Pogues buzzed about finding the gun, Zach leaning against the window on Kies car as they headed towards the storm drain.
After about 10 more minutes the car stopped, Zach practically jumping out so that he didn't have to sit in the awkward silence anymore. He followed the three friends, his lip curling in disgust as they got to the edge of the storm drain. There was a distinct smell coming from the sewer, something he could have gone awhile without smelling.
"This is disgusting." Zach interrupted their conversation, all of them turning to look at him with a glare. "You dragged me across the island so I could go sewer diving with you. I don't know what kind of Pogue shit this is bu-"
"If you're so worried about it princess you can go keep watch from the car. You're only here for after we find the gun. I know you wouldn't want to get your khakis dirty." JJ said, shaking his head as a smirk covered his lips. Zach narrowed his eyes at the blonde for a minute, Pope and Kie carrying on in the their conversation as they began to pick up trash. Zach scoffed, making his way back towards the car that was parked on the street.
"God I hate that guy." Zach said to himself, scratching at the back of his neck as he leaned against the green car. He continued to think on how much he couldn't stand the pogues, and how stupid this shit was that he was in. The sound of bikes pulled him from his thoughts, the black haired boy looking up as two bikes pulled over only about a block away.
Rafe Cameron stepped off of his bike, Zachs heartbeat picking up instantly as he watched the guy. He felt two feeling burn in his chest, hatred and fear as he looked at the boy who hadn't noticed him. He kept his eyes on him as he spoke to whoever was standing beside him, the Roberts boy pulling his phone out and turning on the camera. He took pictures as Rafe stood there, not knowing if the photographs would be useful but still taking them just in case.
He couldn't tell what his old friend was doing, the man seeming to be in a heated conversation with he man with black hair. Finally Rafe made his way towards a tank looking thing, turning the valve and making water erupt from the manhole by Zachs feet. His eyes widened as he realized what he was doing, he was flushing them out. The black haired boy lifted his head to Rafe one more time, a chill running down his spine as Rafes eyes met his. The Cameron boy gave him a smirk, Zachs eyes never leaving his as he made his way to his bike. He watched as Rafe rode off and away from the scene, his heart beating quickly as he realized he had been caught.
"Zach help!" JJ called, Zach turning his head as Pope and JJ ran towards a manhole cover. The black haired boy pushed his phone back into his pocket, running towards the other two boys and now noticing the fingers sticking out from the drain. He reached into the man hole as Kie yelled for help, the water rushing over her head as the three boys pulled on the metal. Finally the cover gave way, the three of them lifting it with all their might as Kie popped out of the hole.
She gasped for air, Pope and JJ asking her if she was okay as Zach pushed himself back up into a standing position, his eyes widening as he once again realized that Rafe had caught him.
"This wasn't what we were looking for right?" Kie asked, pulling the gun out of her waistband and showing it to the three boys. They all shared a smile, Zach nodding his head as Kie started to get up.
"It was Rafe. He was here and he turned the water on." Zach said, pulling his phone out to show them the pictures. They all looked at them, JJ shaking his head as he wrapped the gun in a bandana. "He knows we're onto him."
"We need to get this gun to the station. Zach it's your time to shine." JJ said, shaking his head as he tried to think of what to do now that Rafe knew they were onto him again. The four of them travelled to the Sheriffs station as quickly as possible, JJ trying to brief Zach on everything that he could so that he could sound believable. He left the details of June being alive out, not wanting Zach to get his hopes up about his own girlfriend.
When Shoupe finally let them in, JJ dropped the gun on his desk, Shoupe looking down at it before looking back up at all of them.
"So y'all are telling me that this is the firearm Rafe Cameron killed Peterkin with?" Shoupe asked, his eyes settling on Zach, someone he had never seen running with these kids.
"That's exactly what we're telling you." JJ said, hitting Zach in the arm.
"And it's the gun that killed Gavin." Zach said.
"Uh—where's that corpse again?" Shoupe asked, looking between the four teens.
"Didn't you look?" Kie asked, furrowing her eyebrows at the police officer.
"I checked the hospital. I went by his house. He was out." Shoupe revealed, all of them jumping into action.
"He was out?"
"No shit! Cause he's dead!"
"Listen to yourself it makes perfect sense!" Kie argued, Shoupe dropping his hands onto the desk in front of them as he spoke again.
"Just because he's not in his damn home does not mean he was a victim of homicide." Shoupe said, the three teens starting to argue with him. JJ pulled his hat off of his head, trying not to jump over the desk as he listened to Shoupes ridiculous reasoning. He just wanted to clear his friends names.
"Are you at least gonna send it in for ballistics and shit or are you just gonna sit on your ass?!" Kie yelled, Zach realizing that maybe he was in a little bit over his head.
"He'll sit there and wax that damn mustache! Is that even real?!" Shoupe stood from his chair, his finger pointing at JJ as he jumped to defend himself.
"I'll wax this—"
"Shut up JJ!" Pope said, pushing the blonde back.
"This doesn't make sense Shoupe. They witnessed the murder, they gave you the gun. What more do you want?" Zach said, gesturing towards the gun. Shoupe narrowed his eyes at the boy, wondering why exactly he was here. He walked towards the door, opening it and gesturing for the kids to exit.
"Get out. I've got work to do."
"Are you kidding? What kind of cop are you?!" Zach said, shaking his head as he looked at the other three.
"Did Ward bribe you? This doesn't make any sense." Kie said, pushing past Shoupe.
"You ain't gonna do shit." JJ said, speeding past the man with a frown on his face. Pope approached the man, his eyes wide as he did so.
"We brought you the murder weapon. Theres no logical reason for you not to send it in." Pope reasoned, looking Shoupe in the eyes.
"Go with your friends."
"This is bullshit." Pope said, walking out of the office. Zach stood back for a moment, shaking his head as he looked down at the gun on the desk. He turned, Shoupe eyes already on him as he went to walk past him. The older man stopped the boy, Zach looking down at the hand on his arm before looking back up at the Sheriff.
"Take a page from your friend June's book and stay away from these kids. All they do is make things worse." Shoupe said, making Zachs lip curl in disgust. He pulled his arm from the mans grip, walking out after JJ and leaving Shoupe to stare after him.
"What a joke."
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