A knock on the door woke June up, the girl sitting up quickly as she tried to remember where she was. She looked around the room, still not completely sure where she was located, rubbing her eyes to try and see better. Finally she realized she was in the Chateau, laid out across somebodies bed.
There was another knock as June stood, the girl running a hand through her hair as she tried to gather herself. She yawned as she scratched at her stomach, the door opening frantically. John B was on the other side, his eyes wide as he looked at her face relieved.
"God you didn't answer I got worried. You okay?" He asked, June furrowing her eyebrows as she looked at him. She nodded, her eyes half open as she lifted her shirt slightly to scratch her stomach again. John Bs face instantly turned red, the brunette boy looking away as he adjusted his hat.
" have no pants on." The boy said, his lips tightening as he tried to hold back a laugh. June shook her head, looking down and noticing that she in fact, didn't have any pants on. A blush covered her face as she pulled the white t-shirt down, her eyes widening as she cleared her throat.
"Okay you have any- I mean- clothes are- are you-" John B walked over to the dresser, pulling a shirt and shorts out and throwing it at the girl, unable to hold his laugh in as he looked down at the floor. The flustered girl thanked him, pushing him with great force so that he would leave the room. She pressed her back against the closed door, embarrassment filling her as she let out a sigh. She quickly changed, pulling the door open when she was done and being met with John B once again.
"I also have a request from the others." John B said, blocking her way as June tied her shorts tighter, the boy shorts sliding off of her hips.
"Okay shoot."
"Can you and JJ maybe not be so loud? We're trying to sleep at night." June pushed him again, a laugh falling from her lips as she walked past him. John B followed after her, the two of them making their way out to the van. The rest of the group was waiting for them, June stopping in her tracks as her phone buzzed. She furrowed her eyebrows, reaching into her pocket and pulling the phone out, a message from Adam popping up on the screen.
Meet me in 20 at the club. Very important.
Adam hardly ever texted June, and when he did it was stupid shit, so she knew this was serious. June walked towards the van, looking yo at John B with furrowed eyebrows, JJ immediately asking her what was up.
"You okay?" Sarah asked, noticing the way the girls face dropped.
"Yeah I um...JB can you drop me off at the country club. I need to do something." June said, pushing a hair behind her ear as she looked at the brunette in the drivers seat. He gave her a strange look but nodded nonetheless, June thanking him briefly before pulling herself into the an.
"Everything alright?" Pope asked, looking at the girl with concern. JJ was also wondering, his eyes narrowed as he awaited an answer. June nodded, a tight smile on her lips as she answered.
"Yeah." She said, a certain level of worry filling her. She couldn't help but feel as if something bad was going to happen. The ride to the club was a short one, June hopping out of the van and making her way to the passenger side of the van, JJ grabbing her hand as she rested it on the window frame.
"Meet us at Heywards when you're done alright? And be safe." This brought a smile to June's lips, JJ immediately realizing what he had said, his face dropping as she spoke.
"I'll be safe for you." June said, patting his cheek before turning around. The van pulled off, the March girl feeling the urge to just turn around and leave, she was nervous. She started to walk inside, a frown on her face as she looked for Adam. Just as she was about to open the door a car pulled up behind her, someone honking a horn. June jumped, turning to see Adam in her car, the passenger side window rolled down as he told her to get in. June shook her head, sliding into the car and giving her brother a slap upside the head.
"What the hell was that for?" The older March whined, his hand going to the back of his head, rubbing the pain away.
"You sacred the shit out of me!" June said, crossing her arms over her chest as he pulled into a parking spot. He shook his head, reaching into the backseat and grabbing something. He laid a change of clothes on her lap, his eyebrow raising as she looked down at it.
"Am I gonna get a thank you?" The brunette boy asked, pursing his lips as he waited for her to answer. June sighed, unfolding the clothes and looking at them before giving him a faux smile.
"Oh thank you so very much Adam. Is this the very important thing you had to show me? Give me some clothes? I appreciate it but-"
"I've been stalking Rafe." Adam spit out, June's mouth dropping at his strange words. "I know it sounds bad but it's true. Ever since- when I found out that he killed the Sheriff I started tailing him. He's into some pretty shitty stuff, he's got s drug dealer on the cut that he gets coke from. It's a - listen I went by Tanny Hill this morning. Tell me why there was police absolutely swarming the place. I mean no stone left unturned. They're swarming, but Rafes not there." June tried to process his words, feeling a bit of hope in her chest at the thought of Ward being put to justice. Then she realized what that meant for Rafe, and also what he said about the boy not being there.
"Where is he?"
"Drug dealers house. That's not the point. My point is that when they find out he's the one who did it, he's gonna try and run. You need to be careful. He sent me a text yesterday, I didn't answer but he still sent it." Adam pulled his phone out, opening it quickly and then holding it up so that June could see.
Tell June that I need to talk to her.
The message sent a chill down the girls spine, her eyes closing as she let out a sigh. Adam lowered the phone, reaching over and grabbing her shoulder.
"I just thought that I'd let you know. We don't know what he's capable of."
"Okay thanks for letting me know." June said, running a hand through her hair before giving him a nod.
"Another thing... I calmed dad down, he said that if you aren't home by tonight you truly won't ever leave the house again. He's giving you the rest of today." Adam said, gripping the seat behind her as hr looked over at his sister. June nodding, giving him a thankful nod before sending him a smile.
"Can we get some food ? I'm starving." Adam immediately nodded, the boy always down to get something to eat. The two of them caught up a bit, June wasting time knowing that the rest of the group wouldn't be at Heywards until later.
After a decent day with her brother she asked him to drop her off at the store, the girl thanking him and promising that she would be home that night. She could hear the chatter coming from the dock, June jogging down and turning the corner.
"So what happened?" She immediately asked, all of them greeting her with a whoop or a smile. JJ dropped his arm over June's shoulder, pointing towards Pope with a beer.
"Pope is related to Denmark Tanny. Old grandpa." JJ said, smiling at the boy in question. June shook her head in excitement, a smile on her face as she got down on her knees.
"Your majesty." She joked, bowing down to him and earning a laugh from the rest of them. They chatted about the cross for a few minutes, Pope looking between all of them.
"Then we can split it just like we were gonna split the gold."
"And live happily ever after?" The voice came from behind Pope, all of them turning as Limbrey rounded the corner. There were two men in tow, one being the guy who had chased them through Charleston, the other making June gasp in utter surprise as she laid eyes on him.
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