Rafe Cameron's hand covered June Marchs mouth,the sweat gathering on the nape of her neck as she struggled against his grip. He pushed his face into her hair, his arm wrapped around her neck as she tried to slap at it. He flexed, making the breath catch in her throat before he relaxed, June sucking in air as he allowed her to breathe again.
"Shh, shhh please don't scream. I just- I wanna talk. Please don't scream." Rafe whispered into her hair, his voice so dangerously low that even June struggled to hear it. "Will you please not scream?" Rafe asked, June's heaving breathing coming to a halt as she nodded her head. He let her go, his face pulling away from her ear as she pushed him back, immediately putting as much space between them as possible.
"What the fuck Rafe?!" June whisper yelled, her eyes wide as she felt the fear gripping her bones. The first thing he did was lift his hands, showing her that he came in peace. It was then that she followed his hands up to his face, noticing how red it was and how upset he looked. His eyes were red and irritated, showing her that he had been crying recently, and the tears were already brimming his eyes as he looked at the girl that he loved.
"P-please. June please let me explain." He pleaded, June feeling her breath catch in her throat as his voice broke at the end of his sentence. She remembered now that his father had just died, had just killed himself in a sacrifice for his family name to be cleared, for Rafe to be free. He killed himself for Rafe.
"Rafe..." June's voice was shaky as she clenched her fists, trying to think of how to talk to him without making things worse and without driving him over the edge. " need to leave." The panic in her eyes was enough to make him lift his hands to his head, pulling at the ends of his hair as he turned away from her, gritting his teeth.
"June please! Please let me talk to you. I just want to talk!" Rafe said, turning back around and getting closer to her. June threw her hands up, taking a few more steps so that she was further away from him.
"Rafe I don't want to talk to you. I want you to leave."
"No June- I- I did it for you. I cleared your name so that you could come home. I did it so that we could-"
"We could what Rafe? Be together?" June asked, her eyebrows furrowing as she gestured between them. The way that he gulped confirmed her suspicions, June top lip curling up in near disgust. "Rafe no..."
"Listen to me. I'm- you and I- June I can't stop thinking about you. I cant sto-"
"You need to leave Rafe. You need to leave."
"—ever since I found out you were alive I've thought about every way I could make it up to you. How I could make things right for you and me. I-"
"There's no you and me Rafe. No." June was trying to reason with him as he spoke, the girl shaking her head frantically as he took steps closer to her. He looked panicked, as if this was his last chance and he was clinging onto it for dear life.
"June ple-"
"Rafe go home."
"—I need you."
"Rafe you need to go home."
"Listen to me."
"No I can't, you need to leave Rafe." June said, breathing frantically as he backed her into the corner. She felt her heartbeat picking up rapidly, her fear becoming evident on her face as he continued to beg for her to listen. June continued to shake her head, trying to get her point across to the Cameron boy who was not willing to drop it. He continued to ask her to listen as she kept telling him no, June lifting her arms as she gestured between them.
"Listen to me. Listen to me. Shut the hell up!" Rafe yelled the last part, his hands flying up and gripping her wrists in mid air. June immediately stopped, her eyes widening as their bodies pressed against each other. He stared down at her, his eyebrows furrowed together as he held her in place. June felt the fear in her body, she was terrified of what what would happen next. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please just...listen to me."
"Rafe please." Was all June could manage to say, her eyes tracing over his face. She had forgotten what he looked like, forgotten the hidden details in his face. She could see the sadness, the grief lining all of his features as he looked down at her, briefly closing his eyes. Her back was pressed against the closet door, Rafe pushing her against the wood, his leg in between her two.
"I love you June. I stuck my neck out and cleared your name so that I could prove it to you. I love you." His hot breath tickled her face as he tried to catch her eye, June refusing to meet his. Her heart was pounding in her chest now, making her stomach swirl at the closeness of the two of them. Waves of memories came back, June taking a breath as she tried to think of what to say.
"Rafe no it's not-"
"Damn it June! Please. I love you, I do . I don't know about anything else but I know that I'm in love with you-"
"This is not love. This is no- "
"I love you so much and I tried to warn you. I tried to make it better. I warned you so many times to stay out of it. I didn't mean to involve you. I would nev- I tried to let you go but I can't, I can't let you go." The honesty in his tone became evident, June feeling her insides twirl as she listened to his words. His eyes were lined with tears as he fought to make her believe him, one of the hardest fights he had ever endured. Rafe could feel his heart beating against his rib cage, so hard that he was afraid it might explode. He had dreamt of being this close to her again, dreamt of her being in his arms.
"Rafe...I don't love you. I love JJ. I love-"
"You're telling me you don't feel anything for me? When you look at don't remember all the good times we had?" Rafe asked, his tone changing as his breath fanned over her face. June turned her head, her teeth gritting as she worked up the courage to lie. She knew the answer, something she had come across when she had spent hours of her first night home thinking. Rafe had been her first love, her first time, and arguably her first kiss. He had risked his alibi to clear her name, he had freed her so that she could see her family again. From a different point of view he had warned her time and time again, just like he said he had. June knew the truth, but he didn't have to.
"That's what I'm saying Rafe. I don't feel anything for you. Not anymore." June whispered, watching as his face contorted into one of pain, his lips parting.
"My dad died. My dad died and I have nobody, no one to talk to and I-I've loved you for so long-"
"Rafe I cant be that person for you. I cant."
"June I need you. I need you. You drive me crazy. I need-"
"Rafe stop! I don't love you." Her voice raised, the blonde stopping his pleading and realizing that being frantic and begging wouldn't get him anywhere. He felt the anger lick at his skin and he ran his tongue over his top row of teeth. The corner of his lip turned up slightly, June furrowing her eyebrows as she wondered what was amusing about that. The look in his eyes changed and he took a small step back, his hand still pushing her wrists against the closet door. June let out a short huff as their bodies disconnected, the girl fighting every urge in her body to take back what she had said.
"I don't believe you. Remember that time when you and I went to the beach or-or what about the entire summer that you and Zach dated, the one where I was the one you called when you were drunk! Or the time where you convinced him that you were a virgin and you wouldn't fuck him because you were fucking me behind his back?! Huh? Until you got guilty about cheating on him and that shit was over. You cant look at me and tell me that one mistake made all of that go away!" June felt her chest tighten as he brought up their past, her eyes widening at the sudden mood change. This was the Rafe that everyone else knew.
"You swore you wouldn't bring that up." June said, feeling the guilt in her chest. Rafe smiled again, the devilish look in his eyes seeming to come to light as he thought of what they had done. June still hadn't forgiven herself for what she had done to Zach, for having cheated with Rafe for so long. June and Rafe had more history than she would like to admit.
"Yeah June don't think I forgot about you cheating on Zach and then playing it off like you're a fucking saint. You were fucking me for a year of your relationship! All the shit that he did for you... damn it sure would crush him if he found out that you're really a liar. Oh and not just cheating with some random! No! With me ! His best friend! Imagine if everybody found out about that." Rafes threat made her eyebrows twitch together, the grin on his face making her chest tighten in fear. "So who know about that one huh? Who knows?"
June's silence confirmed to him that nobody knew, just the two of them. June's lips tightened into a thin line as she tried to think of a way out of this conversation, as she tried to think of a way to get him to leave.
"Yeah that's what I thought. You've got everybody fooled June. Zach, John B, your little pogue boyfriend and even yourself. But I can see you for what you really are. A liar. That's how I know that you feel something for me. Because all you ever do is lie June." Rafe finished, stepping back from the girl the rest of the way. June remained pressed against the door, seething as she looked at the floor instead of him.
"I watched you be with Zach and it was easy because you weren't happy with him but JJ—I can't sit back and just let you move on. I can't do it." Rafes demeanor changed again, his hand reaching out as he grabbed her chin between his fingers, pulling it up so that's he had no choice but to look at him.
June found herself longing feverishly for a taste of his familiar lips, her eyes lifting from the floor as he gripped her chin in his hand. Rafe held the eye contact with her, a snarl leaving his throat as he realized where exactly his hands were. He slid his hand down to grip her neck, his fingers finding the quickness of her heartbeat just under the skin. He noticed the purple mark under his thumb, left there by who he assumed was JJ. He fought against the insatiable urge to create his own mark, instead meeting the expectant gaze of June March. He searched for that fear he had longed for, his teeth gritting when he realized it wasn't there.
"How do you not feel anything? Huh?" Rafe asked, licking his lips as he looked down at her. June did, but she held her head high, her heart rate accelerating as his hand remained on her neck.
"I love JJ."
"But-but don't you remember how this felt?" Her words shook him to the core, his eyebrows furrowing together as he asked her the question. She waited for what he was gonna do, watching as he looked down at his other hand. His fingers shook as they reached towards her waist, his skin touching hers. The heat from his fingers burned her bare skin, her shirt having ridden up in their struggle. June stopped breathing all together, the hand on her neck squeezing as Rafe noticed the way her breathing had stopped. He pressed forwards, their legs intertwining as he spoke again.
"Or this?" Rafe dropped his face so that his lips were in line with hers. June fought to not give in, feeling like every bone in her body was screaming for her to give in to the allure and the familiarity of it all. JJ was the only thing holding her back, Rafes troubles not being enough anymore. He leaned forwards, his mouth missing hers as he pushed his face to the other side of hers, his lips brushing against her ear as he leaned over her. June's eyes closed, the lump in her throat growing as she tried to find the will to not give in.
"Do you remember the night after you and Zachs first fight? Who did you call? Do you remember how you much you wanted me that night?" Rafe pulled back from where he was looking to the brunette girl, waiting for her to object to anything he was doing. Instead her eyes were closed, the girl biting the inside of her cheek as she waited for him to do whatever he was going to do. A small smile came to his lips as he leaned forwards, the answer so abundantly clear. Rafe kissed her, something he had been wanting to do for so very long, the kiss making him believe that maybe he wasn't so crazy after all, maybe he could fix himself without help, maybe this was his antidote, his cure. The heat between them made both of their stomachs explode with passion for the short moment that they were connected.
June pushed him back, his hand falling from her waist and her neck, his eyes remaining closed as he held onto the final fleeting seconds of June Marchs intoxicating kiss. June's face scrunched up, the girl feeling guilty for even letting him think that kissing her was an option. Before she could even say anything he opened his eyes, an evil grin on his lips as he pointed at her.
"Yeah. I knew it."
"Knew what Rafe?" June said, shaking her head in anger as she looked at him.
"You still have feelings for me. You still care about me. I knew it. I doubted it a little bit after Peterkin but now I know."
"No you're wrong Rafe." June said, wanting nothing more than for Rafe to leave now, the girl turning away from him and crossing her arms, wondering how she continued to make the same mistakes over and over again.
"No I'm not because I bet that if I kissed you again, right now, you wouldn't pull back. You act so high and mighty but I know you're not above being a cheater. Me and you.....we were made for each other June. Don't forget that." Rafes words cut deep, the truth behind them making the deepest cut. June walked towards him, pushing him back and then pushing him once more for good measure.
"You're wrong and I don't think you should stick around to find out. Get out, or I'll yell for Adam." Rafe smirked at her, the corner of his lip lifting as he held his hand up in surrender. He wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb theatrically, making his way towards the window he had climbed through.
"I'll see you around June." He said, disappearing into the darkness, his promise sinking into the air and hanging above her head. June ran to the window, slamming it closed and locking it, stepping back and staring at it angrily.
Rafe dropped to the ground by the side of the March house, reaching into his pocket and grabbing the keys for his bike. He smiled down at them, happiness in his chest as he realized maybe he had a chance after all.
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