"What was that shit?" John B asked, his eyes wide as he watched Pope ride away on the back of the truck Rafe was driving. JJ pointed at the house, the boy wanting nothing more than to get inside there since he knew for a fact that June was in there.
"We got the house right there."
"Rafes gone. Now let's storm the fort." JJ said, John B nodding as some commotion started at the front door. They both got down, their eyes wide as the door opened.
"Whos that?" John B asked, unable to tell who it was through the bushes.
"Sounds like Rose." JJ and John B saw the same thing at the same time, their eyes widening at the sight. Wheezie was holding up a barely moving June, the younger girl struggling as Rose helped an equally incapacitated Sarah towards the car. JJ sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes catching onto the brunette girl as she basically was dragged to the car by a weak thirteen year old. "Dude they got June and Sarah."
"She was freaking out. I have her an anti-anxiety pill. She begged me for it but she'll be fine." Rose explained to Wheezie about Sarah, the younger girl knowing better than to ask about June, considering she had been locked up in Rafes room. JJ fiddled with the hat on his head as he fought to not run over there right then, knowing that John B probably had a bit of a plan.
"What'd they do to them?" John B asked, JJ biting back a bad comment as he looked at how bad June looked. She was practically unconscious, she needed help. The two Cameron's got the two girls into the backseat, June and Sarah laying on each other as Wheezie and Rose closed the car doors. They got in, Rose starting the car immediately.
"It's all gonna be okay." Rose said as she started to pull away, Wheezie shooting a glance back at Sarah and June. The March girl struggled to wake up, the remnants of sleep clinging to her and pulling her back and forth.
"Hey! Slow the car! Sarah!" John B said, beating on the windows of the car as he ran after it. JJ was on the other side, the boy grabbing onto the car door handle frantically, trying to pry it open so that he could get June out.
"Wheezie let us in!" He yelled, the girls in the car panicking. Rose sped up, Wheezie apologizing as Rose told her no. The boys fell back, JJ letting out a yell as the car got away.
"Shit!" He yelled, throwing his hat on the ground and leaning over. "Come on! Let's get to the Twinkie man! Come on!" JJ yelled, running over and picking John B up from where he had fallen. They ran as fast as humanly possible, John B immediately starting the van and taking off after the car.
"She was- she was right there! They were's like they were drugged or something!" JJ shouted as he punched the dash, his hand running through his hair as he seethed.
"They were definitely drugged." John B said, his eyes wide as he tried to find Roses car.
"Thats her. That's her! Quarter mile on the left! Quarter mile!" JJ shouted as he caught sight of them, John B speeding up as he followed them. They turned the corner, the engine sputtering on the van as John B pulled it to the side.
"We did it old girl. We did it." John B said, letting out a sigh as they both got out. They waited for a truck to come, the two of them sneaking behind it and going through when the guard was busy. They ran quickly through the wharf, the two of them stopping by a tractor wheel, their attention turning to the ship that was docked there.
"Wait. The Coastal Venture. Dude, I know that ship. My dad did legs on her last summer. It's a total tramp steamer. I worked on her in port."
"Theres the cross, right there. Look." John B said, pointing to the cross that was being lifted into the ship. Rafe was standing by it, watching as they transported it. The Cameron boy made his way to the car that Rose had showed up in, JJ watching him as he did so. The left side door was open, Rafe looking inside at June who was laid out across the seat still, Sarah was already being taken inside. Rafe reached inside, lifting her out of the car and holding her in his arms. JJ felt his fingers dig into his skin, the boy shifting uncomfortably as he used every bit of self control in himself to not run over there and beat the shit out of him now.
Rafe carried June most of the way, confused as to why she hadn't woken up yet like Sarah had. He didn't care though, his plan had gone right in so many different ways. He had the cross and he had June, and that was all he needed.
Halfway to the destination June stirred, the girl waking up and looking up at Rafe, her drowsy state keeping her from registering what was happening.
"You're awake." Rafe said, giving her a half smile. "Can you walk?" June was quick to nod, Rafe dropping her legs and wrapping his arm around her waist as she walked with her eyes closed, the pills still having an effect on her as she was lead on the ship. "Here June, take a step. Theres a step here." Rafe warned her, the boy leaning down so help her and June nodding as she felt a pain in her back. Finally it registered in her mind what had happened, the girl feeling too weak to run.
"Rafe please...take me home." June whimpered, her head turning to him as he let out a sigh. Rafe just continued to lead her, his eyes meeting hers as he spoke.
"This is your new home. With me. And it's all gonna be okay." Rafe said back, a small smile coming across his lips. All he ever wanted. June eyes fought to stay open, the girl feeling tears prick at her eyes as she thought about how much she missed JJ. Her lip started to tremble as Rafe directed her towards a cabin, the boy sitting her down on a booth like seat and then crouching in front of her. He grabbed her face in his hands, June pulling her chin out of his palms as quickly as she could, a shaky breath leaving her lips as Rafes jaw clenched at the motion. He decided to be nice, the boy closing his eyes momentarily so that he could recollect himself before he did something he would regret.
"June look at me. I need to talk to you okay?" Rafe said, June letting out a sigh as she looked at him. She was gaining more strength every minute, the girl now able to keep her eyes open as he spoke.
"What?" She whispered, not quite wanting to hear what he had to say, especially after he kidnapped and drugged her, and then kidnapped her again.
"I want you to understand why I'm doing this. Why it's necessary for me to do this." Rafe said, his eyes burning into hers as he spoke. June shook her head, not wanting to hear again how much he loved her.
"Rafe I don't...I don't care. You're gonna do whatever you're gonna do anyways. I cant stop you, thats a proven fact." June said in a whisper, Rafe shaking his head at her words. He did not like them.
"You need to know that I'm doing this for us. For you. Because I love-"
"You love me. I know okay? You keep saying keep telling me over and over again that you love me and that you're in love with me and that you need me and that you're doing this for me but you're not proving to me that you are. Why can't you see that you're not doing these things out of love?! I don't understand how you can't process that you're making things worse for me Rafe. You have been nonstop hurting me! If you truly loved me you would let me go." June's eyes were pleading with him, this was her last ditch effort to get off of this boat. And she knew that it was truly a long shot, but she had no better ideas. She could hardly stand and she definitely couldn't run. Rafe ran a hand through his hair, a stressed out looked coming onto his face as he pushed away from her, the boy standing and immediately starting to pace.
"I can't just let you go. June I know you love me too. Deep down in you somewhere, past all the JJ bullshit you love me too. I'm gonna help you find that part of you again, we're gonna be-"
"Rafe we're never gonna be what we were! We are not the same people! You are fighting for something that is gone, it's been gone and I don't know what to tell you. I don't love you like I used to Rafe I-I will never love you like how I did again." Rafes face was contorted into one of pure disbelief and heartbreak, his eyes filling with tears as he listened to her tell him that there was no chance. "I care about you, and I will always remember what we had but I am in love with JJ, I will always be in love with JJ. I'm choosing him, and I'll continue to choose him." The weight that lifted from June's chest was astronomically large, her breaths feeling as if they fell easier as she finally verbalized her choice. However the look on Rafes face was enough to make her feel almost guilty for what she had said.
"You're breaking my heart June. Don't-please don't say that." Rafe closed the space between them, the boy grabbing her face as tears brimmed his eyes. "I know that we still have a chance. June ple—"
"No we don't Rafe. The second that JJ walked into my life your chance was gone. It's—we're done." June said, Rafes eyebrows furrowing at her words. He was far from accepting them, he was going to make her see things his way or no way.
"So-so I'm the bad guy because I love you? Because I'd do anything for you?! You and those Pogues make me the villain for trying to save you?! I don't-I don't understand that. How am I the bad guy?" Rafe said, his tone changing as he took a step back from June. His eyes were narrowed as he pointed to himself, confusion and disbelief being the two emotions that June could clearly see. Rafe was fighting for his life right now, he needed her more than he needed anybody else and he was trying to get her to see that.
"You won't let me go! God I don't understand how you don't understand?! You kidnapped me! You murdered someone! You stole from Pope! Y-you are the bad guy! You are him! You and your dad are the same pieces of sh-"
"Can't you see that I'm so in love with you that I did all these things for you! You're the one holding us back, we could be everything together. We could be just like we were in the beginning! Remember that? Remember the way it felt to be together? You have always been the only right thing in my life June. You have always been the one who cared, the one who was there." Rafe as shouting now, the tears in his eyes threatening to spill as June just looked at him. He was right, it had felt amazing when they were together, everything had felt right between them. "Don't you ever think that I was a bad guy to you. All I ever did was try and be good for you. I loved you, all of you, every second. I let you be yourself—we were real. Not that carbon copy kook bullshit that you were with Zach! We were- it was real June. How can you just do this to us? How can-"
"Because I love someone else! Rafe if you love me the way you say you do you'll let me go! It's the only way I'll ever forgive you!" June said, the girl finally standing from her seat. Rafe shook his head, getting closer to her and pressing his finger to his temple as he spoke.
"Why don't you understand that I can't do that?! Why?! You are the only person I have ever been enough for, you are the only person that didn't look at me like I was a fuck up and now you do and I can't—" Rafes voice cracked, June biting her lip as she heard him. She blinked a few tears away, her head shaking as Rafe grabbed her hands. "I can't do this without you. I can't breathe without you June. I need that calm back, I'm so bad without it, I need you."
"Rafe you don't need need help." June said, pity and sympathy mixing together as she realized what was truly going on. June pulled her hands from his, her hand going up to grab his cheek as she furrowed her eyes at him. He almost flinched as her hand held him, but when he realized she wasn't going to do anything he immediately melted into her familiar touch. "You need help Rafe."
Rafes face contorted into one of pure love, a single tear dropping from his eye as his heart exploded. She was the only person who cared, the only one who truly saw him, and all she did was make him love her more. His hand went up to hers on his cheek, his face turning as he pressed an impromptu kiss to her palm, June letting it slide so that she could try and get her point across.
"You're the only person who sees that. And you're right. I'm not okay, okay? I need help. Serious fucking help and I need you to help me do it. I cant do this by myself anymore. June you're the only person I care about. The only one. Please help me." Rafe had twisted her words once again, the boy seeing this as a sign of her love instead of her trying to get him to let her go. June looked down, her own eyes filling with tears as she once again realized that reason and logic was useless here. His gaze softened, his face falling as he muttered his next words, shattering her heart in the worst possible way as she realized what he really wanted. "June I just want you to love me. That's all I'm asking. I just want somebody to love me. Please."
"Son." The voice struck both of them, June's heart palpitating as she heard it, her head looking past him ridiculously fast as he grabbed her wrist. The figure in the doorway made her blink a few times, pure shock lining her features as she saw who was standing there.
Ward Cameron.
Some Pogue action next, we're gonna catch up w JJ and the gang because we've been getting a LOT of June and Rafe so I guess it's about time to see how Jjs feeling.
I'm gonan try and stretch the last episode out as much as possible, I don't want this book to end but the closer I get to the end of the season, the closer we get to the end.
Let me know what you think!!! Love you guys and thanks so much for 100k!!
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