June shot up from the booth, the girl sticking her hand up to stop Rafe from leaving. A plan immediately formulated in her head, the girl rushing into action.
"Wait! Wait Rafe!" June said, the Cameron boy quickly turning to look at her. She looked frantic, her eyes holding a different light as he waited for her to say something. "Rafe I'm sorry okay? I'm just upset. I just wanna go home. I have— I won't complain anymore okay?"
Rafe turned around fully now, the door hanging open behind him. June looked between the open door and Rafe, her eyes wide as she hoped that Tyler would walk past again. He didn't believe her, not really, but he would hear her out.
"What changed?" Rafe asked, his eyebrows furrowing at her mood change. June knew that she had to put her best act on, especially for Rafe. She grabbed his arms, her eyes fluttering up to his as she gave him a small smile.
"I just...I remembered us. All our times together. I may be angry now but I think I can get over it. I'm..." June sucked in a deep breath, feeling the lie build in her throat as Rafe watched her warily. "...I'm ready to accept it."
The instant shock and joy that took over the Cameron boys face made June's heart pang with guilt, she didn't like the way that she had lied. But it was a necessary evil in order for her to get back home. To pull the act together she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly to her and letting out a sigh. Rafe didn't immediately hug her back, his arms at his sides as he realized what was happening. He could feel his heart beating frantically in his chest, he couldn't believe she was hugging him. He remembered the last time they had hugged, so so long ago, and how it had felt just as magical as this. He felt a twinge of relief go through him, maybe somebody could love him. Finally he wrapped his arms around her, a swift smile sneaking onto his lips as he held the girl that he loved in his arms once again.
June March was looking past him however, her eyes wide as she stared into the hallway. She prayed that Tyler would walk back past, she knew that he had seen her. He could help her escape, he could get her out of this room. Every boat had a life boat.
Finally she saw a foot come into view, followed by the body of Tyler Sutherland, the wide eyed boy stopping in the hallway and staring at her. June mouthed a 'help me' to him, Tyler furrowing his eyebrows as she pointed at Rafes back. Tyler seemed to connect the dots, the boy nodding as realization came over his face. He gave her a thumbs up, sinking away down the hallway as June pulled back from her and Rafes embrace.
"One thing though." She said, Rafe nodding as he looked at her like a lost puppy. "I want to see Sarah. I don't want to be in here by myself. At least let me see Sarah." June pleaded, knowing that she had to get Rafe out of here so that Tyler could help her out. The Cameron boy nodded, running a hand through his hair before looking back down at her, his hands still on her waist.
"I-okay. I gotta talk to my dad and then I'll come back to get you." Rafe immediately turned on his heel, knowing that if he spent another moment with June, he wouldn't be able to leave. He disappeared down the hallway, his mind reeling over what had just happened. He closed the door behind him, but the lock didn't click, his mind was too occupied to remember to lock it. Rookie mistake.
Once she knew he was far enough away June ran towards the door, a smile crossing her lips as she opened the door. Tyler was on the other side, the boy pushing her back into the room and closing the door.
"What the hell are you doing on this ship June?" The Sutherland boy asked, his eyebrows furrowed as she looked past him at the door.
"Look Tyler, I'm sorry for all that shit I said okay. There was no way you would've known that I was part of Limbreys thing. B-but I need you to listen to me. R-Rafe kidnapped me, drugged me and put me on this ship and I need your help to get off." Tyler's eyes widened at her words, shock coming across his face as she apologized and revealed that she was being held captive all in one breath. He weighed his options, knowing already what he was going to go with, but thinking it over anyways. Finally he let out a sigh, pinching the bridge if his nose as he realized her was being dragged into her shit again.
"What do you need me to do?" He asked with another sigh, a smile breaking across June's face as he asked.
"We need to get to the life boat. I cant be on this ship any longer okay? We can take the lifeboat and go back home but we need to go now or Rafe will be back and we will be shit out of luck." June explained, gripping Tyler's arms as she told him the plan. "There is a lifeboat right?"
"Yes there's a lifeboat. But how do you expect me to get you all the way to it without being seen? Did you think about that?" He asked her, shaking his head as he tried to tell her that it wasn't as easy as she thought. June looked down at the floor momentarily before looking back up, eyeing the hat on his head. She pulled it off his head, placing it on hers and looking at him.
"Oh you're gonna put a hat on and then everyone will think you work here? This is ridiculous. Like truly ridiculous." Tyler said, face palming as he shook his head. June saw his point, but she also saw that they were running out of time, Rafe could be back any minute now.
"Tyler—shit! Look I don't have time for this. If he comes back then I'm royally fucked okay? We gotta go now. We'll sneak, we can do it." June said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards the door. Tyler let out one last sigh, the boy stomping his foot on the floor before pushing past her so that he could lead.
"You owe me." He whispered as he pulled her into the hallway. June pulled the door close behind her, the two of them tiptoeing down the hallway. He pulled her into the next corridor, June already feeling relieved at being away from the room she had been locked in.
She heard chatter up ahead, the girl pulling Tyler back as she heard a familiar voice. Rafe.
"She said that she's okay now. She just wants to see Sarah. You can talk to her when Sarah is in here dad." June overheard Rafe, knowing that Wards voice was likely to come next.
"God Rafe. Don't you see how fucked it is that you kidnapped June?" Sarah's voice was the one that she heard instead, her eyes widening as she realized the Cameron girl was okay. Tyler pulled June away down a different hallway, the boy heading towards the outside of the cabins and to the stairs. He grabbed her right before he reached the door, his eyes wide as he looked down at her.
"I swear if we get caught...I don't know you. I'm gonna help you as much as I can but...I'm not risking getting shot or something." Tyler said, June nodding frantically at his words. "Stay close behind me. You're small enough that if someone sees me, they could possibly not see you." June nodded, the girl feeling the urge to hug him as she felt grateful that he stuck his neck out for her again.
"Thank you." She said, giving him a tight smile. Tyler returned it with a nod, the boy pushing the hat down over her head a little bit more and pulling her out of the door. The sun hit her like a truck, her eyes burning as the sun reflected off of everything, the water, the metal, the crates. She lifted a hand to pull the hat a little further down, the sun becoming less of a problem as they snuck down the stairs. They made it decently far across the deck before they stopped by some crates, Tyler pushing her behind one as footsteps sounded by them.
"What are you doing over here?" June heard an unfamiliar voice say, her breath stopping as she pressed herself against the gray metal crate.
"I'm uh...checking for stowaways like you asked. I'm about to check this crate, thought I heard something." Tyler explained away, June still holding her breath as she waited for the guard to not believe him. On the other side of the crate she heard a shuffling noise, her attention immediately turning away from Tyler and to the shuffling.
"Jesus JJ did you fart?" The familiar voice belonged to one John B, June's eyes widening in shock as she realized what was happening. Tyler came back around the corner, grabbing June as she pressed her ear against the crate, wanting to hear another voice. She wondered if she had hallucinated it, the girl liking to Tyler with wide eyes as he gave her a questioning look. June's heart was in her throat, her chest aching as she prayed that it was true, that they were there.
"There's someone in there. We gotta open it."
You guys are being FED today. Got through my writers block and now I'm ready to do this . Be ready for multiple updates 😉
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