"How much time do we have?" Sarah asked as the turned the corner.
"Not much." John B said, his hand gripping the wheel. June pointed between them, her eyes widening as they all spotted the cops.
"Shit cops. Should I peel?"
"No. Just play dumb." Sarah said, her hand pressed against her stomach.
"Alright I got this." John B reassured them all, mostly himself. John B stopped the car, the officer coming to the window.
"Roads closed." The officer said, looking at the three in the car.
"What happened?"
"Robbery. There was a shoot out. Now move along." The officer said, waving them off.
June's heart sank, her eyes catching onto the large boxes of what she already knew contained gold, immediately making her shake her head.
"Well is everybody okay?"
"Move on!" The officer said one more time, walking away from the car.
"John B.... We lost the gold." Sarah said, both of them looking down in disappointment as they looked at the police who were loading the boxes into the back of a cop car.
"Shit. I'm sorry guys." John B said, looking up at the officer again. "Sarah..."
"Go! Go. Go !" Sarah yelled, the officer calling after them as he reached for his gun. John B stomped on the gas, pulling them out of the road and into an alleyway. June kept her eyes on the cops behind them, the girl yelling at him to go faster. He swerved through traffic, turning them down another alleyway, away from the main road.
"Did they follow us?"
"No they went the other way!" Sarah answered, her eyes stuck tot he back window. People shouted at them from outside of the car as John B swerved to avoid people, turning his head so he could look back to see them.
"I almost hit that person!" John B said, the car immediately making contact with a person as soon as he said it. The car came to a dead stop, all three of them breathing heavily as they tried to find something to say.
"You just hit a person." Sarah said, her eyes wide as John B sat in shock. "Go help them!" John B hurried out, running over to the person and helping them up. June's eyes widened when she realized it was Cleo. He helped her into the car, Cleo smiling as she looked at Sarah in the front seat.
"Hey! How'd you make it through girl?!" Cleo yelled, looking at Sarah with excitement in her eyes .
"Are you okay?"
"Just a scrape, you know? I went up and over! Been through worse." Cleo said, punching June in the shoulder.
"We should get outta her now." Sarah said, John B nodding and taking off.
"What happened back there? We went to the playboy and that place was hot! Cops were everywhere!" John B said, looking to Cleo for a moment.
"We were waiting for you guys to show up , and the coppers came. They came form every direction. I jumped overboard."
"Okay well what about Terrance and Stubbs?"
"I heard gunshots." Cleo said, June's eyes widening as she realized what that meant.
"I ran. I wanted to shoot it out with them , but it was too many!" Cleo said, June feeling a pang in her chest as she realized Stubbs and Terrance could have died. The cops appeared behind them again, everyone arguing as John B drove through the town. It was almost an hour later when he pulled the car aside, the cops speeding past them as they hid in the boats.
"Are we good Cleo?" June asked, the girl turned around in her seat as she looked out at the road.
"Yeah. We'll just wait here till it cools down." She said, all of them nodding. John B turned to Sarah, looking to her wound before looking back up at her face.
"You good?"
"Fine." Sarah answered, Cleo and June sharing a look. They did in fact wait there, the day turning to night very quickly as they all sat in silence. John B and June seemed to be in the best health, something that was almost comical given the fact that June was very recently concussed. The heat started to get to them, all of them getting out of the car and leaning against the hood.
"I can get you to a boat. You have somewhere you can hole up?" Cleo said, looking at John B.
"Yeah we're gonna ride the Gulf Stream North as far as it can go. Look for some deserted island to shell up on." John B said, making June furrow her eyebrows.
"And then what? More running?" Sarah asked, a disgusted look on her face.
"John B I wanna go home." June said, her face contorting as he looked to her. He felt bad as he did so, dropping his face into his hands.
"Look I know you don't trust the cops, but you're innocent. I think we should go home." Sarah said, earning a nod of agreement from June.
"To OBX?"
"What about Ward?" John B asked.
"What about Ward? He's the one who should be running, not us. He said he would tell the truth if we came back. I can confront him." Sarah tried to reason, June seeing why John B didn't want to go home.
"But it's not about you confronting him. He's completely untrustworthy."
"Sure but I'm your alibi. Trust me." Sarah said, Cleo whistling from the side.
"Hello lovebirds, we're running from coppers right now. Girl can you walk?" Cleo said, June holding back a chuckle.
"I think so." Sarah answered.
"Okay, you got this girl. Come on guys. We gotta go, stay low." June crouched at her words, the brunette following up the back of the group as she made her way towards wherever this hair was that Cleo had. The travelled in silence for a little bit, June helping Sarah every few seconds as they snuck through the dock.
"Is this cool?" John B asked as they walked through the marina, the boy helping Sarah walk.
"I got an uncle who works at this marina. We're safe here. Recognize the boat?" Cleo said as they approached Sarah's family's boat.
"My dads boat."
"I thought you guys would've pawned it by now." John B said, helping Sarah in and then helping June in seconds later. They stood in board , June nodding at Cleo.
"Seems like a good time to give it back to you." She said, pulling the tarp off and then settling beside them. "Wish I could join you guys. It's a nice dinghy."
"You're not coming with?" Sarah asked, turning to Cleo.
"Are you kidding me? You three are so hot. I'm better off on my own."
"Thank you. Seriously."
"No problem. Maybe one day I get the same thing you two got. Somebody helps me too. Hang tight, I'm gonna get the keys." June looked down at Cleos statement, her eyes filling with tear for only a moment as she thought of how close she was to seeing JJ again. He was her somebody. "Too soon for goodbyes yall. I'll be right back!"
June busied herself with messing with something on the boat, John B muttering something about gas as she did so. It was only a few seconds before a flash light was shone on the three of them, June's eyes widening as she realized they had been caught.
"Hey! You there!" The cop yelled, June throwing her hands up so that he didn't shoot. They all started to reason with him, June getting the sudden urge to pull the gun from her back pocket. Cleo appeared behind the officer, hitting him with a paddle and yelling for them to go. She threw John B the keys as she struggled with the cop, yelling for them to get out of there. She jumped into the water, John B , June and Sarah springing into action and getting the boat away from the dock. June reached into her back pocket as the cop started to shoot the gun, her hand gripping the phone instead of the gun. She fumbled the phone, her chance of communication falling into the water beside the boat.
"Shit!" She yelled, pushing the boat away from the dock and yelling for John B to go. They finally took off, all of them ducking as the guard shot at the three of them. June was in a similar position to the one she had been in the night that they tried to make their grand escape, something that seemed almost fitting as they travelled back home.
Once they were far enough away from the shore June felt a wave of complete and utter fatigue hit her, the girl finding a uncomfortable place on the floor and laying down. She stared up at the stars, wondering if JJ was staring up at them too. He was.
Next chapter! Next chapter! Next chapter!
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