June waited in the tall grass, the sweat dripping from her forehead as she waited for the signal. Her, John B, and Sarah had only been out in the grass for about 20 minutes, but the heat was starting to get to June. John B had given her the gun back, the girl having hugged him tighter than she ever had before. Now the cool metal was digging into her hip, the grooves making her skin itch.
Sarah's phone rang, the other two looking to her as she answered it. She pressed the speaker button, John B and June sharing a look.
"They got a truck and two defenders." Stubbs said, Sarah immediately answering.
"But just my dad in the truck with the gold right?" June closed her eyes as she asked, hoping that Stubbs would say yes.
"It's two in the truck." Stubbs announced, June's heart dropping to her stomach.
"Two?" John B asked.
"Rafe." The two girls said at the same time, June feeling the sudden urge to be sick. She turned away from the other two, folding her arms behind her head and letting out a groan as she crouched down. She punched the ground, feeling the pit in her stomach grow as Sarah soon hung up the phone. They had been warned that there were two defenders, all of them armed to the teeth with AKs.
"Fuck! Of course he's here." June said, feeling fear creep into her body as she thought of everything Rafe had done to her. She finally turned back around, making her way to the other two and adjusting the hat on her head.
"Does the plan change now that Rafes here?" June asked, her arms wrapping around her stomach as she tried not to throw up from her newfound nerves. John B shook his head, noticing the way her face was covered in a nervous look.
"No. Terrance and Cleo can handle them. We just need to get the truck okay? Remember the plan. And remember that none of us... none of us are gonna go rogue." John B said, looking between the two girls. He spoke to Sarah as well, knowing that this was her brother and her dad. It wouldn't be easy.
"Okay." June said, taking her hat off and running a hand through her hair. She liked the dirty red cap she had on her head, it reminded her of JJs red hat that he always wore, the one that he often liked to push onto her head. She smiled at the thought, pulling the hat back onto her head and pulling the front down a bit.
The three teens sat in silence for awhile, the air tense and the nerves evident as they all waited impatiently for Ward and Rafe to show up. June stood, stretching as the other two shared a look, following suit and quickly getting up to stretch. June bent down, John B reaching his hand out and grabbing the gun from her pants, his finger brushing against her skin and making her jump. She watched as he loaded it, her eyes widening as he grabbed the waistband of her shorts, shoving it back into her side.
"Thanks." She said, pulling the fabric of her sweatshirt down so that it was covering her midriff again. He nodded, giving her a quick smile as he walked over to Sarah. Just as June turned her head to look at the road the phone dinged, a message lighting up the screen. They had just cross the bridge. The plan became real now, all of them sucking in a deep breath.
"Here we go." John B said, Sarah squeaking out a 'yeah' in response. They all turned their attention towards the road, a chill going down June's spine as she realized she was mere minutes away from seeing Ward and Rafe. The people who singlehandedly ruined her life.
Cleo and Terrance exited their car soon, the two of them setting up their construction ploy so that they could stop the Cameron's. The three teens pulled their bandanas over the faces, the sounds of an engine and tires making them all crouch down. Finally the truck came into view, speeding past them and then coming to a halt at the barrels.
"What's going on?" Ward yelled from the truck, his hands glued to the wheel as he looked at Cleo and Terrance.
"Sorry man!"
"Roads closed. Nobody coming through!" Cleo yelled, the two approaching the truck as June moved her hand to the gun in her waistband.
"Well, can you let just one truck through? We just...we kinda gotta get through today. We got a delivery that—" Cleo cut Ward off, going to the passenger side.
"I don't think so. Sinkhole. Massive." She lied, Terrance pulling his gun out and pointing it at Ward. They coerced them out of the car, moving the two men towards the barrels and signs they had set up. June finally caught sight of Rafe, a shaky breath leaving her lips as he looked around. She watched as him and Ward cleared the signs and barrels, Cleos knife pressing against his neck as he stood.
"Take two steps back. Easy! Get on your knees." Terrance instructed, the Camerons dropping to their knees. A small smile came to June face she looked at a helpless and defenseless Rafe, a pinch of satisfaction coursing through her. "Hands up! Kiss the ground!"
"Who are you? Who are you?" Ward questioned, anger evident in his tone.
"I am the Royal Commission for the redistribution of wealth. Kiss the ground." Terrance said.
"You guys are idiots. Our escorts are right behind us." Rafes voice sent a chill down the brunette girls spine, her shoulder bumping John Bs as she realized it was their turn.
"Okay it's time to go." John B whispered, both of the girls nodding.
"Go! Go! Hurry!" The three teens ran quickly, all of them heading toward the truck.
"Sarah?" A low voice said from behind them. "Sarah! You're alive!" Ward called, the three of them stopping and turning to him. "Baby! You're alive!" Ward fought to stand up, Sarah gasping as she looked at her dad.
"Don't talk to her! Stay down."
"Stay back." John B warned, lifting his hand as Ward started to cry.
"Stay down!" Cleo let go of Rafe, walking over and making her way to Ward. "Do not talk to her!"
June's eyes frantically looked around, the chaos starting to erupt as she realized the plan was starting to slip. She lifted her eyes once more, catching those of Rafe Cameron. The Cameron boy felt an all too familiar clench in his chest, his hand flying to the gun in his waistband. He stood now, his eyes flitting back and forth between her and Sarah. June felt her breathing stop as he looked at her again, the fear filling her as she gripped the gun in her waistband. She soon noticed that John B had his own gun lifted, her eyes widening as he pointed it at Ward.
"Stay back!" John B warned again, Ward being held back by Terrance. He pushed forward, John B holding his finger up to the trigger. "Stay right there! Stop!" Rafe pushed forwards, pulling his own gun out and pointing it at John B. June followed just as quickly, pulling hers out and pointing it at Rafe.
"Hey! I warned you!" Rafe screamed, Cleo jumping over and pushing his hands down. The gun fired, June jumping at the sound of the gunshot. Cleo had the gun now, Terrance pistol whipping Ward. Sarah jumped into the truck as Terrance yelled for them to go, John B pushing June's gun down and ushering her towards the truck. She got in the back, John B getting behind the wheel quickly.
"You're a coward!" Rafe yelled, John B putting the car in gear and starting to take off. "Sarah!" He yelled, the truck taking off. "June get back here!"June held onto the seat, her heart racing as she soaked up the adrenaline of committing an armed robbery and from seeing Rafe. They rode at an amazing speed, the truck seriously weighed down from all of the gold.
"Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. It's too heavy Sarah. The golds weighing us down!"
"Is there any way to make this thing go faster?" Sarah asked, looking behind them.
"I'm going as fast as this hunk of shit can go!"
"Guys they're gaining on us!" June yelled, her eyes glued to the truck that was gaining ground behind them.
"Hold on alright?!" John B said, whipping the truck to the side. June flew to the side, holding onto whatever she could as the truck went up on two wheels. When they were back on all four she let out a relieved sigh, John B pulling the truck into the field and away from the road.
"Sarah. June we got the gold. Sarah we got it. We did it. Oh my God." John B exclaimed, his eyes turning to Sarah in the passenger seat. June smiled, waiting for Sarah to say something before noticing the look on her face. She lifted her fingers, blooding staining them as June's eyes widened .
"I'm shot."
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