Adam March had his hand attached to JJs collar as he pulled him up the driveway to his home, somewhere that was starting to feel emptier and emptier by the day. Mr. March had finally rejoined the family at home, Mrs. March struggling to even leave bed now. A mother should never outlive her child.
"Hey man watch it!" JJ argued as Adam pushed him through the all too familiar doorway. The March boy pulled JJ up the stairs, leading him into his bedroom and quickly closing the door. "What the hell dude?"
"What happened?" Adam cut straight to the point, his breaths heavy as his nostrils flared. The March boy was good at holding grudges, his latest one having developed against the blonde in front of him, the newest boyfriend of his little sister and singlehandedly the worst one yet.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb. Why is my sister dead? What happened? Who did it? Because I sure as hell know that June didn't. June wouldn't hurt anybody, let alone kill them." Adam exclaimed, JJ raising his eyebrows at that. He recounted all the times that June had attempted to kick some ass, a small smile fighting onto his face as he recounted the memories. He had been so proud.
"You wanna know the truth? You wanna know who did it? You gotta hear me out, you gotta listen when I tell you." JJ said, remembering how close Adam and Rafe were. He had no reason to lie and yet he felt as if Adam wouldn't believe him when he told him.
"Alright. Just tell me." Adam said, grabbing JJ by the collar once again. The blonde pushed his hands off, taking a step back and shaking his head.
"Stop fucking touching me man. Keep your hands off me." JJ defended, straightening his old work shirt again and taking one more step away from the other boy.
"Some fucking boyfriend huh? You're supposed to protect my sister. Now she's fucking dead and I just can't seem to think of anyone else to blame but you and your little friends." Adam lifted his finger to point in JJs face, the blonde recoiling as the words hit him. Adam was right, JJ was a shit boyfriend. It was his fault she was dead, he hadn't protected her. He shouldn't have let her stay at the tarmac that day.
"It was Rafe who did it. Rafe shot the sheriff and pinned it on John B and June." JJ said lowly, watching as shock came across Adams features. They sat in silence for a moment too long before Adam burst into laughter, the sound of it making JJ look at him in disgust.
"Rafe did it? Right."
"He did. The sheriff was going to shoot Ward Cameron and then Rafe shot the sheriff, Rafe- he did it!" JJ explained, gesturing wildly with his hands as he tried to get him to believe him. Adams face dropped as he realized how serious JJ was, his eyes widening as he thought about his best friend.
"Oh shit. But-but that makes no sense. Rafe would never do that to June." Adam defended, confusion all over his face as he looked at JJ. JJ brushed the comment off, lifting his hands up as he tried to get his point across.
"Before June left she told me what happened. Rafe killed the Sheriff." Adam was taken aback, stumbling backwards a few steps and crashing into his chair. His eyebrows were furrowed as he felt the betrayal seep into his bones, Rafe, his best friend, had killed his sister. It still made no sense. Adam leaned forward in the chair, resting his elbows on his knees and covering his face. He thought of everything he knew about Rafe, everything he knew about June, still not able to put together why Rafe would push her under the bus like that.
"I just makes no damn sense."
"Why is it so hard to believe that Rafe did it? The guy enjoys fist fights and torturing pogues so how hard is it to believe that he would kill someone?" JJ made a point, Adam shaking his head.
"No that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is him pulling June into it. He would never do that." There was something behind this sentence, JJ not liking the way he seemed to repeat this fact.
"And why would Rafe never do that to June?" The blonde asked skeptically, hoping that what he thought Adam was gonna say wouldn't actually come out of his mouth.
"Because the guys been in love with my sister for like ever. Ever since Rafe and June kissed he's been head ov-"
"Excuse me what? Rafe and June did what?" The words cut into his skin as new information came to light, something that June had never cared to bring up into their conversation or mention, ever.
"You didn't know? Well I guess it makes sense that they wouldn't tell anyone, considering the royal beating I gave Rafe after I found him in her bed. But that's not the point. The point is that I believe you, but I don't believe you at the same time. Listen Rafe...Rafe has a lot of sociopathic tendencies alright? But I knew he wasn't a full psycho because the way he talked about my sister. Disgusted me, but he's in love with her. No doubt about it." Adam revealed, the words striking a new emotion in JJs body. He wasn't sure if it was pure rage, betrayal, hurt, or just plain confusion. He found Rafe in her bed? Rafe was in love with June? Why did he not know? Why had she never mentioned it?
"I got somewhere to be." JJ said, cutting the convo short and heading straight for the bedroom door. Adam didn't stop him, instead dropping his head back into his hands. JJ walked down the hall, his head spinning as he leaned against a door, trying to wrap his head around what he had just been told. He took a few deep breaths, pressing a hand to his chest as that physical pain pricked under his palm. He followed his arm as he realized where he was standing, his hand pressed against the wood of June's bedroom door.
Without a second thought he reached for the knob, pushing the door open and breathing in the fresh scent of June. His loss hit him harder as he looked around the room, the thoughts of June and Rafe leaving his head as he took a few steps inside. He closed the door behind him quietly, trudging across the carpet towards her closet.
Her scent was strong in the room, and it wasn't till now that he realized she even had a distinct smell. He felt his lip quiver as he opened the closet door, lifting his fingers to brush over the clothes. His hand found a certain green dress, the one from Midsummers. Midsummers had felt like it was years ago.
His fingers gripped the silky fabric, his eyes closing as he remembered her, her insane beauty and her ridiculous strength. He pulled the dress off of the hangar, draping it across his arm and reopening his eyes to look down at the fabric. He balled the green into his fist, walking slowly towards the bed as his chest began to ache. His breathing shallowed as he felt the tears fill his eyes, his body lowering onto the bed as he began to cry.
The pain was tremendous, the comfort of her pillows and the smell of her skin playing tug of war with his emotions. He let out one audible sob, his teeth gritting as he started to let his mind run rampant, that familiar anger start to lick at his skin. It was easier to be anger than to hurt, he wanted to dry his tears.
His mind drifted to the last thing June had ever told him, their last kiss and her promise. I'll make it back to you. He gripped the comforter beneath him as he ran over that sentence over and over again in his head.
"You fucking liar." He whispered, finally getting the strength to push himself up from the bed. June had broken the biggest promise she had ever made him, and he couldn't help but be mad at her for what she did. He hung the dress back up, walking over to June's vanity and looking at the top of it, ignoring his haunting look in the mirror. His fingers touched a few of her things, the tips resting on a braided bracelet, something he had seen he wear before. He grabbed it, lifting it up to his face and then making the decision to pull it on, an impossible smile covering his lips for only a moment.
Before the thoughts could catch up with him again he walked to the door, gripping the door knob and pulling it open. His escape was quick, his hand fiddling with the small string bracelet he had stolen, the braided pieces of thread bringing him a sense of comfort. A small part of her, always with him.
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