The bonfire, an Outer Banks tradition. The ride over was spent with June and John B arguing about her bad luck with beer, JJ telling them that all they needed was some more drinks, and Pope and Kie talking about Kies parents. When the van pulled in June was quick to get out, excitement on her features as she looked around at all the people that she had almost forgotten about. The possibility of a normal night of partying and forgetting all her problems was beyond alluring, June making a beeline to the keg to get some more beer.
After collecting four cups she walked back over to JJ, the Maybank boy pushing John B towards a girl that June didn't know, a smile on his face as he held out a beer to the brunette. John B hit him in the stomach, JJ leaning over as he scrambled away, June's eyebrows furrowing as she watched what John B was doing, talking to this random girl.
JJ caught sight of his girlfriend, a smile crossing his lips as he skipped over, pressing a massive kiss to her mouth , earning a smile from the girl. Her eyes were quick to return back to John B as she handed JJ one of the four cups, the boy thanking her profusely.
"JJ, what's John B doing?" June asked, JJ placing his hands on June's hips, the girl downing one of her cups and setting it down on the edge of the fire. She looked around, spotting Sarah from a mile away, attached to Topper.
"Huh John B? Oh he's just talking." June clicked her tongue at his response, her eyes narrowing ad JJ sipped at his drink, the boy using his hands to sway her hips. Finally it clicked, June's lip curling up in disgust as she looked at JJ again.
"God they just broke up. Are they both pretending that they're over it already?" June asked, the blonde taking his eyes over her face, a small smile appearing on his lips as he started to turn her a little bit to the music.
"How about you and me..." JJ pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist as he did so, June's breath stopping momentarily as she felt her stomach explode with butterflies. "...let them figure their shit out themselves, and we just enjoy that our shit is figured out now. Let's have a good time." JJ said, pulling back from the embrace and grabbing her cheek with one hand, his fingers knitting into her hair. He gave her the softest eyes he could possibly muster, June letting out a sigh as she nodded, the blonde being almost impossible to say no to.
"That's what I like to hear baby. Now drink your drink." JJ said, grabbing a cup from her hands and raising it to her lips. June smiled, opening her mouth as he poured the warm liquid down her throat, June feeling her chest warm as she swallowed, JJ giving her a proud look and a raised eyebrow.
"Shall we dance?" June asked, holding her hand out to the blonde boy and watching as he smiled down at it.
"Aw, I thought you'd never ask." JJ said, pressing a hand theatrically over his chest, his other hand gripping hers. She laughed, pulling him away towards the middle of the party. JJs hands dropped to her hips again, his fingers gripping her through the fabric, June giggling at the feeling. She wrapped her arms around his neck, JJ and June swaying to the music, the two of them just enjoying each other's presence, and the fact that they were at a party together, like normal people.
The blonde spun her, pulling her bakc and wrapping his arms around her waist from the back, burying his head into her neck as she laughed. He pressed a kiss to the tender skin of her neck, and then to the side of her head, spinning her back out and then letting go of her hands.
"June I'm gonna show you how to break dance!" JJ yelled, the boy bending over and starting to dance terribly to the music, a goofy smile on his face and a hilarious laugh on his lips. June pushed him, the boy falling right over, his face hitting the dirt.
"Get up and dance with me fat ass!" June said, JJ rocketing up from the ground and giving her a salute. After a few minutes of dancing JJ excused himself so he could go talk to Pope, leaving the girl with a sloppy kiss to the side of her head and an impromptu smack on the ass, making June's cheeks light up. He was definitely feeling the beer. The March girl was left to fend for herself, the eyes on her suddenly become noticeable as she scanned the crowd for someone she knew that didn't hate her. Once again her eyes settled on John B, the boy walking away from the girl he had been talking to. June trotted over, a smile on her face as she looked at the brunette boy.
He was turned away from her, June reaching out and grabbing him by the shoulder, turning him around. The Routledge boys sad face lit up at the sight of June, his lips turning up into a smile a s he looked down at her.
"Juneypoo. Are you having a good time?" John B said, watching as the girl nodded at him.
"Dance with me!" June yelled, wrapping her arms around John Bs neck. The brunette boy realized that the alcohol was definitely hitting the March girl, a laugh leaving his lips as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
They danced for a few moments, the two of them spinning around to the music until June got a thought, the girl yelling at him.
"You alright? Sarah's here!" June said over the music, John Bs face dropping as his arms tightened around her waist, the boy looking past her and towards the girl in question.
"Yeah I'm...I'm fine." John B said unconvincingly, June nodding at his words and continuing to dance. He spun her, June laughing did so, the boy using his hand to continue to spin her, her laugh making him smile. He pulled her back as she giggled, their chest colliding as he grabbed her hand, the two of them engaging in a momentary square dance before John B was pulled away by the girl from before tapping on his shoulder.
"One sec June." John B said, earning a nod from the March girl who was starting to dance by herself.
"Why're you dancing with that crazy kook when you could be dancing with me?" The girl said, John B frown growing as she looked up at him.
"Leave her alone, you don't know her." John B said, giving the girl a short look of disgust before looking back over his shoulder at June, his heart warming at the sight of his good friend, the girl searching the bonfire for any sign of JJ.
June looked around for JJ for awhile, eventually giving up when she realized that Pope was gone too, assuming the two of them had gone off to do something or were causing trouble somewhere. She sat on one of the ledges, taking a sip of her drink, the girl swaying back and forth to the music as she watched the party go on around her.
June heard a fair bit of shouting from her spot by the fire, her head turning as she looked towards the commotion. Her eyes widened as she realized that Sarah, John B, and Topper were the ones shouting. She quickly jumped up from her seat, pushing through the crowd that was surrounding them, her eyes wide as she got to the edge.
"Do I wanna start some shit?" John B said, Sarah pushing him back as he looked at Topper behind her.
"We all know what happened last time!" Topper said, lifting his arms up as he looked at John B. June pushed over to the three, shaking her head as she started to pull John B back by the shirt.
"Just get out! Get out!" Sarah screamed at John B, June pulling at his shirt frantically as she searched the area for JJ. She needed his help.
"I'll beat your ass!"
"Just get out of here!" Sarah yelled, June pulling John Bs shirt as hard as she could, but his feet were planted.
"Hey she don't want you anymore bro!" Kelce butt in, pushing John B back as June flew to the boys side.
"Back off Kelce!" June yelled, getting between the two boys the best she could.
"Shut the hell up!" John B yelled, turning away form Kelce and bumping into June who was already past him.
"What are you gonna do, John B, kill me like you killed Sheriff Peterkin?" Kelce said, June internally cringing as she realized what was to come. John B was quick to turn around, chaos erupting as he punched Kelce in the face. Topper was quick to push past Sarah, the boy grabbing John B by the shirt and taking him to the ground. June's as about to go help him when she heard something else, her head turning as she looked at the commotion behind her.
"Get off!"
June's eyes widened as the girl that had been all over John B pushed Sarah, the March girls blood immediately boiling as she walked over to her. The brunette was quick to push the random girl back herself, the girl stumbling but not falling like Sarah. The girl scoffed, June taking a step closer, her fists clenched at her side.
"What bitch?! Don't touch my fucking friend again." June said, getting in the girls face. The girl pushed her back, June stumbling a bit before turning back with anger in her eyes, the alcohol guiding her.
"Fuck you kook bitch! Like you weren't all over him too!" The girl said, June gasping at her words. June pulled her fist back, punching the girl in the face as hard as she could, the girl falling back as a pair of arms wrapped around June's waist, ripping her back as she fought to get to the girl on the ground.
"Holy shit! June! You just punched her! In the face! Let's go!" JJ yelled as he pulled the clearly trashed June away from the party, his lips turned up in a awestruck smile as he laughed at her actions.
"Yeah and don't forget that bitch!" June yelled, pointing towards the girl who was holding her nose on the ground. She shook her hand as it started to ache, JJ picking her up and carrying her away to the van over his shoulder. He sat her down in the doorway of the van, immediately pressing a kiss to her lips.
"Why the fuck are you kissing me? My hands broke. Oh my God JJ fuck that hurt!" June whines, the girl gripping her hand as he took another sip from a drink, an awestruck look on his face as he looked at June.
"That was so hot. You're fucking amazing!" He said, grabbing her hand and lifting it to his lips, kissing the knuckles that were aching. June laughed, playfully punching him in the stomach and then wincing at the pain.
"Well that's as a little unexpected." JJ said, burping as he turned to the others in the van. June laid back, feeling the alcohol make her head swirl and not quite liking the feeling.
"Was it?" Kie said, June turning her head and noticing how distraught and upset John B looked. She reached a hand out, resting it on his lap and giving him a tight smile, the boy struggling to return it as he just let her hand sit there. He reminded himself to thank her later for what she had done for Sarah, thank her when the alcohol wore off and he wasn't in such a shit mood.
"Hey, maybe she'll come around." JJ said to John B, the boy sniffling as the other three shared a look. June and a doubtful look on her face, realizing that after everything that had just happened, it wasn't too likely that they'd be seeing Sarah.
"It's like everything that happened to us didn't matter." John B said, June now specifically reaching out and grabbing his hand, the boy taking it gladly and squeezing it. The other hand was occupied by a beer he was holding to his face, the boy closing his eyes briefly as he tried to regather his thoughts. He stretched out, JJ pushing June the rest of the way into the van before climbing over her and sitting on the seat, Kie starting the engine and heading back to the Chateau.
The bonfire!!! How are you guys? Feel like I haven't heard from you in awhile.
Let me know what you think!!
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