"Guys we're coming up on Freedmans church. That's the church Denmark built for all the slaves he freed." Pope said, the van quickly passing by the church. June was sat in the back beside Sarah, the two girls engaging in excited conversation about how the map had been under their noses the whole time.
"There it is! Angel Oak." Kie said, leaning between the front seats and pointing at the tree. They all looked excitedly, June smile growing as she realized they're ere on their way to another adventure.
"Oh shit! Tides coming in." John B said, the water flooding the road in front of the van and making June shake her head.
"Hey wait a second. Look . They already came through here. Those have got to be Limbreys tire tracks. Guys we gotta go." Pope said, John B raising his eyebrows as he looked at the ground in front of the car.
"Mm, what do you think chief?" JJ asked, looking over at the driver.
"I'm thinking it's looking a little dicey." John B said, his eyes glued to the muddy road in front of him.
"Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with that statement."
"Okay well clearly they made it right?" Kie chimed in, gesturing to the water.
"In a two wheel drive? I don't know about that."
"Why are Yall acting like you're not gonna do it anyways? Like when have y'all ever done the safe thing?" Sarah said, June nodding in agreement as she held onto something.
"She's got a point."
"Speed is your friend here, okay? So put her down in seconds and hammer down brother." JJ said, his voice jumping excitedly as he grabbed onto the handle above the window.
"Stick to the high ground in the middle John B." Pope shouted, looking at the road ahead.
"All right, ready? Here we go." John B accelerated, all of them shouting directions as they sped through the mud. They got to the other side, the teens cheering excitedly as they continued to ride.
"I told you we'd make it."
"That was sweet John B!" June yelled, sitting back in her seat as they all laughed.
"That's my girl. Alright alright alright. Right here. Right here." JJ said, the boy immediately jumping out and opening the side door. "Alright word to the wise, definitely know that gators nest back here, so keep your eyes peeled okay?" JJ said, wiping his nose as they all filed out. "You don't wanna step on a mama gator, that's the last thing you want."
"They have nests?"
"Seems like a great place to park." Sarah said, all of them walking off towards the Angel Oak.
"Alright. You don't wanna be a Pat Womack. She had her calf chewed off by a gator, right? You know that right?" JJ said, leading the pack.
"That's actually not true. Pat Womack was injured in a car accident but I hear you."
"Okay just live in ignorance. But like, she had her calf chewed off by a mama gator. I know that for a fact,they lien the brackish water. Oh wait hold on! I see something." JJ said, his arm pushing June back as he looked down. He grabbed a stick, hitting the water and making them all sigh.
"Right wake them up. That's smart."
"JJ I love you and all but if you don't shut up about the gators I'm going to feed you to one." June said, walking past him and towards the large tree. The sound of mechanical whirring made her walk faster, her eyes wide as her and Pope approached the bushes. He shushed them, all of them moving towards the bush and looking over it. A small tractor was there, a few men digging by the foot of the tree.
"I don't see shit." The voice sent a chill down June's spine, the girls eyes widening as Rafe rounded the side of the tractor. JJs jaw clenched as he looked at the oldest Cameron, his eyes briefly flitting to June before he looked back at Rafe. "You sure this is the right spot?!"
"It's there. The garment will be in the cross, and the cross will be at the foot of the tree." Limbrey said from where she was sitting, but June s eyes were glued to Rafe, the girl feeling anger bubble in her chest as she thought of what he had done.
"Well whatever we find I get my cut." Limbreys lackey said as he reached into the trunk of the car.
"The actual garment. You understand the significance." Limbrey said, a smile on her lips as she looked at the tree.
"I do Carla. Completely." Renfield said, unfolding a chair for her.
"One touch of it and I'll be healed and this ling nightmare will be over." Limbrey said, looking at Renfield. June's eyes narrowed as she looked at Rafe, the boy donning a blue flannel that June faintly recognized. She felt her cheeks heat up as she looked at him, the girl looking away and turning to JJ, a look of disgust covering her face as JJ held a finger up to his lips.
It wasn't long until they hit something, Rafe and Renfield pulling it out of the ground and putting it in front of Limbrey.
"They got the cross. What do we do? What do we do?" JJ asked frantically, his eyes wide as John B stopped him.
"What can we do?" The brunette boy said, making June feel defeat as she looked at the casket they had pulled from the ground. Rafe and Renfield pried it open quickly, the three of them looking inside. Limbreys face visibly fell, June furrowing her eyebrows as Renfield said it was just a corpse. Rafe wiped the side of his mouth, June watche sad he lifted form his crouching position, his head turning to look around. His eyes flew past the group of teens, June's chest tightening as he looked at them.
"We must have missed something."
"Of course. Of course. Of course it's just a dead body. Jesus!" Rafe said angrily, standing an shaking his head.
"We just got the wrong place. We'll go back to the island room. We're going back. We're going back!" Limbrey yelled all the men filing back into the trucks. Just as they left Pope ran off, JJ trying to catch him but not being able to grab him. The Heyward boy stopped in front of the casket, dropping to his knees as he gripped the side of the wood.
"Cecilia Tanny, Denmark's wife." He stood, looking up at the tree with wide eyes, a look of realization coming across his features. "He wasn't talking about the cross. He buried her at the foot of the angel."
"The true treasure." Kie said, June feeling a pang in her chest at the beautiful story.
"His wife." John B said, all of them looking to Pope. The boy started to cry, all of them kneeling beside the casket as they looked at him.
"Denmark was hung for burying his wife, and now they defiled her grave." Pope cried, his fingers dropping into the casket and grabbing something . Sarah grabbed something too, a small smile coming over her lips as she lifted a wedding ring for them all to see.
"This must have been from Denmark. Her wedding ring." Sarah said, the girl looking over at John B. June wrapped her arms around JJ, her heart aching in her chest for the ill fated lovers.
"We can't leave her like this." Pope said, June nodding in agreement.
"We won't." John B said, him and JJ lifting the lid of the casket and putting it back on as they backed away. They hammered it back closed, Pope picking some flowers and putting them on the top of the casket. The air was filled with unmentioned sorrow, all of them feeling horrible for the star crossed love story they had heard, and how unfortunately it had ended. Denmark had buried his true treasure at the foot of the angel, the only thing that had truly ever mattered to him. His love.
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