JJ hit the dirt on top of the grave, his head turning up to Pope who spoke.
"I just don't get it! I mean, you guys saw the map. He hides his gold so that no one finds it for 170 years. And then he sends a message to his son Robert to come here to his mother's grave, but the message never gets to him. Denmark wanted him to find the cross. I know this is the right spot. It just feels like—"
"Like we missed something?" JJ said, his eyes attaching to something on the tree. June sat up from her spot where she was leaned against the van, her eyes following JJs to a hole in the side of the tree. "Guys, come here." JJ said, the boy climbing onto the top of the van, Kiara following after him. The other four watched from the ground, eyes wide as they all noticed the hole now.
"That looks like—"
"The painting in the island room." Kie finished, all of them sharing a look.
"It's worth a shot right?" JJ said, looking at the hole.
"Yeah do it."
"Go ahead." JJ said, looking at Kie.
"No chance."
"You do it." Sarah said, furrowing her eyebrows at JJ.
"Come on JJ. Stick it in the hole." June said, all of them turning to the girl with narrowed eyes as she smirked.
"That's what she said." JJ said, giving June a wink before Kie spoke again.
"Sorry I...I went into the storm drain so..."
"She did go into the storm drain." Pope said, pointing at JJ.
"Yeah no I'm gonna do it. It's just..."
"He's scared." Kie said, looking down at June as JJ hovered his hand in front of the hole.
"I'm not scared Dude."
"You seem scared." Kie said as he stuck his hand in the hole finally, June biting her lip in anticipation as he stuck his arm in further.
"There's something in here." JJ said, reaching for something. "Wait." He chuckled, his eyebrows furrowing in worry as he continued to reach inside. Suddenly he started to yell, the four on the ground running to the side of the van and fighting to help as Kie tried to pull him out. June was halfway on the top of the van before JJ started to laugh, all of them stopping as they realized what he had done.
"Oh you asshole." Pope said, only making JJ laugh harder.
"Fuck you JJ." June said, dropping back to the ground and flipping him off.
"Oh man! I got all of you on that one." JJ said, laughing as he looked at all of their faces.
"Oh yeah. Real original." Pope said, shaking his head at the blonde boy.
"Wait, but seriously, there's something in here." JJ said, pulling something from the tree. They all looked at it for a moment before Pope requested it, JJ handing it to the boy and jumping down.
"HMS Royal Merchant." JJ read, the boy taking it from Popes hands. "Give it to the captain. Here we go! It's a spyglass." JJ said, extending it and holding it up to his eye. John B grabbed it away from the blonde, turning the side of it as they all noticed an inscription.
"There's something on the ends."
"An inscription right there. Look at that shit." John B said, Pope pulling the spyglass from their hands and looking down at it.
"Oh, what does it say?"
"'You've come this far, do not falter. The cross is on the freedmans altar.' Freedmans altar! The cross is at the church!" Pope said, all of them looking at the boy in shock.
"What are we doing here guys?!" JJ yelled, jumping into the van.
"Come on!"
"We got it!"
"Woogity woogity!" They all filed back into the van, the excitement high as they realized they had found the cross. The car was buzzing with anticipation as they rode back the way they came, the van coming to a stop as they got to the area they had trouble with earlier, all of them letting out a sigh.
"Oh crap. The tide."
"How deep is that?" Kie asked, looking out at the water.
"I don't know. The roads gone." John B deadpanned, June letting out a sigh as she looked out the window.
"Tide rose a little faster than I thought it would."
"Just a little bit."
"Uh, John B...who high are the spark plugs?" JJ asked, looking over at the Routledge boy.
"They're good. We're fine." John B said unconvincingly, June dropping her face in her hands as she realized this was more than likely to end badly. They continued to discuss the water and the van, June letting out a sigh and then leaning forwards.
"Guys we didn't come this far to get this far. Send it." June said, leaning between the front seats. The boys shared a look, both of them tilting their heads before nodding.
"No were good. Ladies and Gentlemen fasten your seatbelts. Hold onto something. We're about to go into hyperdrive." John B said, gripping the steering wheel.
"I'm gonna say a quick prayer." JJ said, closing his eyes and folding his hands. John B took off the tires sliding against a mud pile and then the van finally taking off, all of them yelling as they got through the water. They almost made it, the van spinning and crashing only mere feet away front he other half of the road.
"Shit!" Multiple people yelled, the two boys in the front seat turning back to look at June with a disappointed look.
"Good going." JJ said, shaking his head at the girl. She let out a sigh as she sat up from her spot she had fallen into , giving the boy the middle finger as she realized how deep the shit they were in was.
"I think we miscalculated." Pope said, Sarah shaking her head sarcastically at his comment.
"I knew I should've driven." JJ said, John B dropping his head into his hands as he let out a sigh. They all field out of the car, June trudging through the disgusting water as they all stood at the back of the car.
"Okay maybe we can walk from here." Pope proposed John B immediately arguing.
"What and leave the Twinkie? The tides coming in."
"So then what are we supposed to do?" Sarah asked, looking to John B.
"Not stay here." JJ said, running a hand through his hair. Kie looked up, realizing one of the only solutions and running with it.
"I can take my dads truck." June shook her head at this, John B speaking.
"Kie are you sure?"
"How much worse can it get? You know?" The girl said, making June's lips tighten into a straight line. This was a bad decision.
"We need something to pull her out with. There's the winch at the Chateau. That's like two miles." JJ said, looking between them all.
"If you're gonna do it let's go okay? Tides coming in, Twinkies going underwater." John B said, Kie and JJ nodding as they started to walk towards the road. June's head turned as she looked between the two groups, wondering where she could be of use. She let out a sigh before looking at JJ, a dreadful look on her face.
"Wait! Let me go with you." June said, trudging through the water and taking the easiest escape route to not have to be stuck in the mucky water.
"Alright Carly, let's get a move on!"
We're heading towards some drama and something BIG!!! Hope you're as excited as me. Probably not ha.
Let me know how you're feeling!!
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