They Grow Up So Fast
-Time Skip-
"Stay still for just one more second, sweetie," I murmured while fastening a bobble in Sienna's hair. Squirting some mousse into my palm, I reached over to her hair and scrunched it in, bringing out her curls just a little bit more. For her, I went with a half-up, half-down hairstyle.
"It smells weird" She complained, picking at her sleeve.
"It smells nice what are you talking about" I snickered at her, she had become quite the complainer.
I helped her stand up and looked at her. I had dressed her in a coral pink dress, white tights and a white lace cardigan to match. Today was October 23rd, her sixth birthday, the boys and I decided to take her for some food and spend some time on the boardwalk for a few hours. We would feed properly later.
But David was right, I had to concede. It was not an easy undertaking to raise a human child. As she grew older, she began to wonder why we only woke up at night, why she had never seen the sun directly, and why she didn't attend a regular school like the children in the books she read. We made up every excuse possible, but we all agreed that we wouldn't tell her the truth until she was old enough.
"And this" She reached down and picked up a pink bow.
"You sure?" Sienna nodded and I clipped it into her hair. "You look so adorable"
"Hey! Happy birthday baby girl" Paul pulled her into a hug, kissing her head.
"Thank you daddy" Sienna beamed up at him.
"I got you something" He bent down to her level. She clapped her hands in excitement.
"What is it?" She grabbed onto his arms.
"You have to wait for everybody else" Sienna began to sulk. "Hey none of that! They all want to see you open your gifts" Sienna rolled her eyes and went of to go colour.
"Sienna, less of that!" His voice raising slightly.
"Sorry" She mumbled
"She's becoming a little madam" I softly said, leaning my head on Paul's shoulder
"Her attitude is all you babe" He cowardly ran of from me before I could clap him around the head.
"Oh my god who is that? Is that a princess?" Marko jokingly asked looking at Sienna. Sienna squealed and ran over to him, giving him a twirl.
"It's me!" She giggled and playfully smacked him on the leg.
"Cici, that's you, I didn't recognise you!" Marko beamed down at her. "Who's your best friend?"
"Marko!" She pointed to him.
"Who do you love lots and lots?"
"Marko!" Again she pointed to him. Marko took his hand from behind his back handing her an envelope.
"Happy Birthday Cici"
"Hand it here Sienna, we'll put it with your presents" Paul held out his hand.
"No!" And she took of running around the cave, Paul hot on her trail.
I held Sienna's hand as she sat across from me on the carousel, my other hand holding onto the pole in front of me. She began shouting phrases like 'go horsey go' and 'does this go any faster?'. Seeing the enjoyment in her eyes was everything to me. Her small hand waving at all of the boys each time she passed them.
I dreaded going back to the cave, knowing I had to clean up all the mess she had left behind when opening her presents. She loved every single one of them. Between both of us, Paul and I brought her a doll. she had been begging me for, every time we came to the boardwalk, she would see a doll in the window and she had to have it. A pair of skates and a microphone, she loved singing. Dwayne brought her a fake make up kit to 'keep her busy'. Marko brought her an art kit which she loved and David brought her a necklace. Her final present I had to get Paul's approval for.
"What do you want to do now sweetie, food?" Paul asked carrying her on his back.
"Tell him mommy!" She instructed
"She umm...actually wants her ears pierced" I hesitantly said
"Excuse me?" Paul stopped walking and started blinking rapidly. I nodded in response.
"Is that a good idea?" Dwayne asked. I told him that she was the one that wanted it done.
"I don't want to see her in pain, no" Paul sternly spoke. "The answer is no"
"Please daddy I wont cry, promise" She got down off of Paul's back, her bottom lip sticking out.
"But Sienna..I...stop pulling that face" Paul whined trying to look in every direction other than at his daughter. I looked down at the ground smirking. She really is my child. "Fine let's go"
Marko helped her up into the chair whilst the woman began showing Sienna the different colours of studs they had. She happily picked out the light blue ones, I had no doubt that she would choose some type of blue. The woman asked another worker for assistance, explain that'll it'll be quicker if they pierce both her ears at the same time. I asked her once again if she was sure about this but she confidently reassured me. However, all of her confidence drained once she saw both piercing guns. She quickly reached out for Paul and Marko's hand, which they had no problem in holding. I knelt down and held onto her legs to keep them from shaking. I glance up at Paul who looked away, he didn't seem too happy at all.
"Ready" The woman asked.
"Be gentle with her!" David warned
"One...Two..Three" Sienna's face turned a deep red, her bottom lip trembling as she let out a small whimper
"That wasn't gentle" Dwayne spat
"It's fine Dwayne" I whispered
"Hey, hey don't cry, you said you wouldn't cry" Marko said stroking her cheek. She sniffed and reached up towards Paul who picked her up.
"Look Sienna" I held a mirror up towards her to show her what they looked like. A toothy grin spread across her face.
"I was brave daddy, did you see me"
"I sure did princess" Paul placed a big kiss onto her cheek. "I'm so proud of you"
The 5 of us walked back to the bikes, Sienna still in Paul's arms. She let out a yawn and we knew it was time to go home. Paul gently placed her behind Marko, before climbing onto his own bike. I got on behind him, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist and rested my head against his back. Before I knew it we were riding off into the night.
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