Something New
-Sienna's P.O.V-
I could feel my face burning up, my hands instantly landed on my stomach, the pain was too much, which made the situation worse. Me and Ashley were currently sat on a bench after our shopping trip, she had just made the most hilarious joke at someone that had just past us. The both of us received odd looks from other passers by.
"You sound like a steam train" she finally managed to say in between giggles.
"Shut up, you have a witches cackle" I replied. I covered my face in my hands and let out a long breath. "My god"
"I'm crying" I looked to see her wiping away the tears that formed in her eyes. "Who's that?"
We both looked over and saw Marko making his way over to us, he didn't look too happy. I guess the meeting with Max didn't go so well for them. I immediately became concerned and stood up to greet him.
"We are leaving, you ready?" He asked biting his nail. Growing up, I learned this was a habit he did when he was nervous or being mischievous and right now I couldn't tell which one.
"Sure let me just say goodbye, I'll meet you at the bikes?" he nodded in response and gave a small smile. I felt Ashley swiftly yank my wrist, pulling me into her side.
"He looks like a Greek god! Again, who. Is. That?" I watched her stare after Marko.
"He's my best friend"
"I thought I was your best friend"
"You are! He's my guy best friend" I explained she let out an 'aah' sound whilst lifting her head slightly.
"You gotta go?" She asked.
"Yeah, sorry girl, tonight's been fun"
"No biggie, I'll see you soon" she pulled me into a hug before we parted ways.
I found Marko already sat on his bike, the others and my parents were no where in sight. He held his hand out and helped me hop on behind him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist as he revved the engine. I love riding with Marko on his motorcycle but they also made me very nervous.
"Where's the others?" I questioned.
"I don't know" and with that he took off.
I laughed and threw my head back as the wind blew my hair around my head. No doubt it'll be a birds nest by the time the ride was done. Marko glanced back and smiled sweetly at me before turning his attention back to the road in front. My grip on him tightened that little bit more and I squeezed my eyes shut as he playfully began to swerve left to right, he always did this to annoy me. He let out a hearty laugh when I started screaming at him to stop doing that. After a few minutes, we came to a stop by some rocks and a light house. Marko climbed off of his bike, I followed suit and he lead me towards ladders, motioning to the top of the light house.
"Oh no way!" I tried walking away from it but he quickly appeared in front of me.
"You'll be fine" he whined.
"I hate heights Marko, you know this"
"I'll be right behind you, I'll catch you if you fall" I thought for a moment, nervously looking up to the top of the light house.
I put my shaking hand on the first rung, Marko grabbed my sides, scaring me. I looked back and gave him a look, he put his hands up in defence. I let out a sigh and began to climb, I heard Marko under me, easing my nerves a little. I finally made it to the top and pulled myself up. Sitting on the edge, I rested my arms on the bars and let my legs dangle over the edge, Marko doing the same once he was sat beside me. We sat in silence, listening to the waves crash against the rocks below; enjoying each other's company. I wrapped my arms around myself as the cold air kissed my exposed skin.
"You cold?" He asked.
"Just a little" Without a word, he removed his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.
"You're such a sweetheart, but won't you get cold?"
"Really Cici" I thought for a moment before facepalming...he's was already dead.
"Never mind" I giggled.
"You're such a moron" he laughed, poking me in the side of my head.
"How did it go with Max?" I asked. I noticed him tense up a little.
"Just fine?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Yeah..just fine, nothing to worry about"
"Why are we here anyway?"
"You're just full of questions tonight ain't you" he jokes. "I just wanted to spend some time with you, that's all" I couldn't help but blush...this was new.
Me and Marko had been sat at the top of the lighthouse for about two hours, in deep conversation, blocking out the rest of the world. This was a habit for us. I could open up to him and not feel judge, unlike talking to my parents. My head had found a nice little resting place on his shoulders and he didn't seem to mind. I let out a loud yawn.
"I think it's time we head back home" Marko suggested. I groaned and slowly lifted my head off of his shoulder. I walked over towards the ladders.
"Last one downs a rotten egg!" he yelled. What an idiot, I'm right near the ladders of course I was going to win. I quickly began to climb down, looking up I saw he wasn't there.
"Looks like it's you" he snickered. I looked down to see him already on the ground. Damn vampire!
"That's not fair!" I whined and climbed the rest of the way down. On my last step, I lost my footing and stumbled backwards, a pair of arms catching me. I turned around, his arms still around my waist.
"Why thank you" I grinned up at him.
"I don't remember you being this clumsy" he flashed me his famous smile.
I found myself studying his face properly for the first time. He really is handsome and I never really noticed that. His eyes. They were a gorgeous greeny blue colour, so mesmerising. I found myself getting lost in them. I could feel my heartbeat quickening. 'Sienna focus' I thought to myself.
"Come on kid, let's get back" he kissed the top of my head before pulling me over to his motorcycle. And new feeling took over me.
Was I crushing on Marko? I think so.
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