Miss Innocent
-Sienna's P.O.V-
'Seriously!' I thought to myself. I had been trying to keep my eyes shut and hopefully drift off back to sleep but no it was no use. My family felt the need to start blasting music and hollering over god knows what. Probably a good kill?
Two years ago, I turned sixteen, my mom, dad and the others had sat me down and told me everything. I couldn't be angry with the situation. For all I knew, I could've ended up dead if it wasn't for her. Yes! They killed my biological parents but they were no good anyway. Obviously, I took to the news of them being vampires a little bit differently. Was I scared, absolutely! I even cried at the big age I was and attempted to run away. Begging them not to kill me. It took me a few weeks to adjust and grow accustomed to it. I mean, they should have killed me by now if they wanted me dead, right? To keep me sane, they never 'vamped out' or revealed their true selves in front of me. No matter what, Lauren will always be my mother, and I will always view her as such.
With an agitated exhale, I tossed off the blankets and gathered my curls into an untidy bun. I reached for my toothbrush and gave my teeth a fast brush. Although it was difficult to live in a cave, my dad managed to pull together and try to make my life as normal as possible. Once finished, I kicked a pile of clothes out of my way and marched towards the main area. I scowled at the scene before me. They were so inconsiderate.
"Hey!" I screamed over the music. All eyes came to me. I watched as my dad slowly climbed down off of the fountain and turn the boom box off.
"Did we wake you?" David asked with a sly smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"No shit Sherlock!"
"It's that time of the month?" Dwayne suggested, he shifted uncomfortably.
"Uncle Dwayne that's none of you fucki..."
"Sienna!" My mom's tone said it all. I shot her an apologetic look and dragged my feet over to the couch, taking a seat beside Marko, who planted a kiss onto of my head.
"Morning Cici" he flashed his famous Cheshire Cat grin and I couldn't help but smile. No matter what mood I was in, he always made me smile. Out of all of the boys, I felt a special connection with Marko. He is my best friend.
"It's about time you got up anyway lazy!" My dad spoke, launching a pillow at me. Before I could move out of the way, it smacked me in my face. "Baby girl, I'm sorry I thought you would've ducked!" He couldn't control his laughter. I looked over at my mom for help.
"Leave her alone!" She reached over and smacked him upside the head. "You just like your sleep don't you hunny"
"That's right" I mumbled.
"Right well now that your up, get dressed. We are going to the boardwalk. Family day!" David clapped his hands together.
The loud music and conversations of people passing by filled my ears. The boardwalk was always so lively. I had to wonder if the residents ever got bored of the same thing over and over again. I climbed off of Marko's bike and made my way towards a local food place, the others following close behind me. Many passer's by shot looks our way, women would glare at my mother and me with envy, they clearly crushed on the boys. I loved that my dad always reassured my mom that none of the women could compare to her.
Once we had placed our order, David began informing us that we needed to go see Max about something before the night ended. I only met Max a handful of times and each time I tried to avoid him. The man gave me the creeps. I also get the feeling that he doesn't like me very much. Probably because I'm still human.
I glanced over and spotted a young couple. The man leaning over to wipe the side of his wife's mouth, her grabbing a hold of his hand. The way they looked at each other. I couldn't help but watch in admiration. I wonder if I would ever get to experience that, true love.
"Sienna, did you hear me?" I quickly turned to my mom, she waved her hand in front of my face. My dad and the others in a deep conversation.
"Sorry what?" I asked.
"What are you staring at?" I shrugged and looked down at me feet. I noticed my mum turn her head towards the couple.
"It's beautiful isn't it" she whispered. A small smile crept onto my face as I nodded.
"It's also sad"
"How so?" She rested her head on her hand.
"Well, one day one of them will get sick and die, leaving the other to live alone and without the one they love"
"True, but then the other will eventually pass away and they will be reunited" she argued.
"Not you and dad" I perked up.
"No not us, I'm not trying to romanticise the fact that we are what we are but you know, at least I get to spend forever with him" she lovingly glanced over at my dad before turning back to me. "Besides, I don't think he'll let me leave even if I tried"
The both of us couldn't help but erupt with laughter.
"What's so funny" my dad staring at us with a paranoid expression. "You talking about me?"
"We sure are love" my mom replied.
"Good things I hope"
"Mind your business Paul" he shot us both gun fingers before continuing to conversate with the others.
I have never felt so full. I stood with my family, watching the passers by. Marko had wrapped his arm around my shoulders, teasing me about my height. Funny, considering he was only a few inches taller than me. I really did not want to go with them to speak to Max. I scanned the crowd and spotted my best excuse, hoping she would notice me. 'Come on look this way' I thought to myself and thankfully she did.
"Sienna!" Ashley yelled, waving at me crazily. My parents took a look.
"Can I go?" I begged.
"What about family night?" David spoke up.
"No thanks," I squinted in the hopes of hearing "yes."
"You don't wanna stay with us kiddo?" Marko asked, protruding his lower lip. I felt horrible right now.
"Umm...." I stood on my tiptoes and whispered into his ear. "I don't want to go to Max's" He glanced at me and indicated that he understood by nodding his head. I slowly walked over to my dad, holding my hand out with an innocent smile.
"What for?"
"Can't you just shop lift instead?" I watched my mum elbow him in his side.
"Be back here at 11" Dad instructed me and handed me some cash. I thanked him, kissed his cheek and ran of into Ashley's direction. I could feel their eyes watching me as I left.
I became friends with Ashley a few years back when I was wandering the boardwalk one time. she was new in town and we clicked instantly. Of course, she questioned why I was never out during the day time, I told her I had private classes and had no way of getting out of them. Thankfully she believed me.
"Why do your family always look at me like that?" Ashley asked. I turned to look back and saw they were keeping a close eye on us. "They hate me don't they, they're really protective of you"
"They don't even know you and they aren't that bad"
"Oh yeah? Watch this" Ashley playfully grabbed a handful of my hair. I watched my dad instantly perk up and make his way over to us. "He's going to kill me isn't he"
"Oh shit go" I laughed, snatching Ashley's hand and sprinting in the direction of the rollercoasters.
"This is so you"
I turned to the side, checking the outfit out in the mirror. Ashley picked out a pair of black denim shorts that laced up at the side and paired it with a white bralette and a long sleeve fishnet top that came just above my stomach. I had to admit, I loved the outfit, I really did.
"You could pair that with boots or a pair of converse?" She suggested.
"Yeah" I mumbled, still looking.
"What?" She questioned raising her eyebrow slightly.
"My dad would be mortified if he saw me in this" I snickered.
"Well daddy's little princess has to grow up sometime" she tapped my shoulder twice. "Besides, you look hot, if I wasn't straight I'd so go there"
"How sweet" I playfully rolled my eyes before heading back into the changing room.
-Lauren's P.O.V-
"That's just the way it is" Max sighed adjusting his glasses.
"That's bullshit and you know it, no!" I yelled, Paul holding me back by my arms. I quickly looked at him for back up and saw his expression matched my outburst.
I never would have shown up if I had known that this was how the talk with Max would end. I didn't believe that would alter because I always assumed he was happy with Sienna. But obviously I was wrong. He'd said that Sienna would have to go if she refused to be one of us.
"Why come to us with this crap now huh? Why not years ago?" Marko asked, visibly upset.
"Because dear boy she wasn't old enough to make her own decisions" Max began to explain. "And it's not like little miss here would've considered the option anyway"
"I'm not even considering it now!" I argued.
"You have no choice" Smug fuck.
"Excuse me?" Max cleared his throat.
"Lauren!" David warned. "Max, I doubt the kid not wanting to change isn't a problem, she's fine with us now"
"Listen, my pack...my rules" he turned to Paul. "I'm sorry"
"Fuck you Max!" Paul spat before turning to walk away, Marko following him.
"You know, one day the decisions you make will come back to bite you in the ass!"
I saw David shake his head, the rest of us walked away. I ran straight over to Paul, who immediately wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"What if she doesn't want to turn?" Dwayne spoke breaking the silence between the five of us.
"She will" David reassured.
"I'm not forcing her David!" My head still buried in Paul's chest.
"We have to tell her" Marko sighed.
"No!" Paul tensed up as he spoke. "No one breathes a word of this to her until me and Lauren feel it's right, We are her parents, we'll do it" I huffed. I heard rustling and turned to see Marko storming away from the group.
"Where are you going?" Dwayne called after him.
"To find Sienna!"
Sorry this chapters a little long, I hope this story isn't boring you all. Stay blessed xo
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