In The Beginning
As the five fed, the terrifying screams of the victims filled their ears, making them burst with joy. They selected two men and one woman for tonight's meal. Marko and Dwayne shared one, and Paul and his girlfriend Lauren shared one. David had one to himself, figures, given that he was in charge. The boys cheered, celebrating their kill like they always did after draining all of the victims.
"Everybody be quiet!" Lauren gave a hiss. She was intrigued when she heard a rustling sound.
"What's wrong babe?" The man with wild hair enquired as he moved towards his mate.
"Do you hear that?" She asked softly, transforming back into a human. In response, he shook his head and turned back to face his brothers.
"It's probably nothing, now let's dispose of these body's before someone sees!" David let out a sigh.
"Wait!" Dwayne directed the group's attention to a pile of trash that appeared to be moving very slightly.
Lauren moved over gently, with the boys trailing closely after. She let out a gasp, covered her mouth with her palm, and a single tear formed in her eye. She was a woman with human emotions while being a vampire. Particularly in circumstances like this.
"Paul, what have we done?" She let out a cry.
Paul's eyes grew wide at the sight, saying, "What's the pro...oh shit."
Beneath a filthy blanket lay a baby, little older than a month, staring back up at the two with large hazel eyes. The baby's constant opening and closing of the mouth told them that the baby was hungry and in need of sustenance. The others stood next to Lauren and Paul to see the reason for the disturbance, with a troubled look on their faces. The baby's hand tightened around Lauren's finger as she knelt down and wiggled her finger into the baby's palm.
"Well, this is an issue." Marko looked over at David, biting his nail
"Not really, it's nothing to do with us just leave it," David said, he truly did live up to his callous reputation. Lauren could not stand that particular feature of his.
"Well we can't just leave her!" Lauren argued. "And don't call her an it"
"Her? You've already guessed this little runt's gender."
"Listen you!" An inch separated her finger from David's face. "Don't be so cruel; I can tell THE BABY is a her. Paul, tell him.
"Its parents were killed by us David, Ow!" He gave Lauren a pitying glance and stroked the back of his head. "Her parents, my bad"
"If anything we did the baby a favour, the parents would've ended up neglecting her anyway." Marko snickered as Dwayne spoke.
"Let's just kill it, problem solved." David said
"Don't you fucking lay a single finger on her head!" Lauren growled. Paul moved to separate the two. His pack leader and mate clashing was the last thing he needed.
"Well they were drug addicts! I didn't know they had a child" David aggressively rubbed his forehead. "Dwayne Marko you two come with me and help me get rid of the bodies. Lauren and Paul deal with that thing!" And with that he took off into the air, followed by Dwayne and Marko.
Lauren kissed her teeth before turning and made her way back over to the baby. Bending down slightly, she carefully lifted the baby into her arms and gently rocked the child. Paul couldn't help but look over at his girlfriend in awe as he watched her wipe of a little bit of dirt from the small child's face. Lauren's wide smile spoke for itself.
The two began contemplating on what they should do with the child. Unfortunately, there wasn't many options, Lauren had made clear that there was no way they would abandon the child or give the child a death sentence. Paul suggested taking the baby to the adoption centre, Lauren was all for the idea but in her mind she had an ever better one.
"Pauull..." she sang and flashed an innocent smile.
"Oh no! I know what you're thinking" His hands went up in defence and he took three steps back. "David wouldn't allow it anyway"
"Please Paul, it wouldn't be so bad" Paul glared, he could never resist Lauren's puppy dog eyes.
"Lauren...I don't even know how to look after a baby" Paul sighed. "Besides I'm not ready"
"You've been on the earth for generations and you're not ready?" It was now Lauren's turn to glare, his poor excuse was laughable.
"Listen to m.."
"Lauren it's a human we can't..."
"Would you stop inter..."
"ALRIGHT, fine we can keep the baby!"
The constant begging, Paul could no longer handle it. That and the fact that he vowed to make and keep Lauren happy, and this seemed to make her happy. Lauren giggled and softly placed her lips onto his.
"I'm sorry I've just always wanted to be a mother and since I'm undead it's no longer possible so this is the closest I'll get" Paul flashed her an apologetic smile and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"We need to pick up essentials" he sighed. "David's not going to be happy about this"
"David will be fine, he'll agree just watch" Lauren beamed down at the small bundle of joy in her arms.
"Absolutely not!" David yelled causing the baby to let out a small cry. He stared at the two in disbelief, he couldn't believe what had just come out of their mouths.
"You woke the baby!" Lauren spat and handed her over to Paul.
"You agree with this?" David asked, turning his attention to Paul.
"Oh come on D lighten up, what's the worst that could come of it?" Paul had warmed up to the idea of becoming a father to the orphaned child, his girlfriend could be pretty convincing when she wants to be.
"This is a human, we are vampires. Do any of you know what it takes to take care of a child...a human child? You sleep all day, you eat other humans and on top of that, not that I care, but the child needs an education. You two are in no right state to care for this child." David argued. "Now get rid of it!"
"Hey what's the little one doing here?" Marko's voice echoed throughout the cave.
Marko made his way over to Paul, grinning down at the small child, whose mouth had formed into an '0' shape. He placed the tip of his finger onto her bottom lip and she swiftly began to suck.
"She's all gums!" Marko laughed lightly at the feeling. "I think she's hungry"
"I'll sort it soon" Lauren turned back to David. "Please, I'll do everything for her, I'll even home school her! I did really good in school so I'll teach her everything. Me and Paul have agreed to take full responsibility for her. She will not get in your way I promise. Please David give me the chance to be a mother." Lauren had never begged David for a single thing so this was quite amusing for him to see.
"We'll have a little sister!" Dwayne added, trying his best to make it sound as positive as possible.
"How can you say no to this face?" Paul added, holding the baby up in front of David.
David looked back and forth between his pack, his eyes came to rest on the small human held in front of him. Before he could say a thing, the smell of vomit filled the air. The boys and Lauren holding their laugh in a best as the could.
"Get. It. Out. Of. My. Sight." David spoke through gritted teeth. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the smelly substance from his face.
"Come on Sienna, let's get you fed" Lauren hurriedly took the baby from Paul and made her way over to the bags they brought in with them.
"Sienna?" Paul asked.
"Yes, that's what we're calling her."
I'M BACK!! First of all I want to apologise. I have had so much drama going on at home, I recently got a new property which is exciting but also extremely stressful so I haven't really had the time to come on and update or do anything I enjoy doing.
This is my first lost boys story, so be gentle with any feedback, aha
Thank you all so much for your patience. Stay blessed xo
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