Don't Be Afraid
-Sienna's P.O.V-
Crossing my arms over them, I brought my knees up to my chest. I kept running until my legs gave out and then found a spot where I could sit and hide close to some train tracks. I merely tried to process what I had just witnessed as I stared of ahead, not really taking in my surroundings.
I mean, I know what my mom is, but I've never seen her or any of them like that. I started to question a lot of things I didn't really have any answers to. After seeing her, could I even view her the same? Would it alter our relationship? Am I really ok with everything? A single tear fell on my cheek, which I wiped away with my free hand. To say that I felt overwhelmed by it all would be an understatement.
"How long do you plan on sitting there?"
I let out an audible gulp and looked up to see him standing beside me. I never even heard or noticed him. I let out a whimper and scooted away. I felt him gently grab my ankle, I turned back to look at him and saw he wore a pained expression.
"I'm not going to hurt you Sienna" he spoke softly. He let out a sigh and sat on the ground, tapping the space next to him. I hesitated for a second before cautiously moving to sit beside him. He reached out and grabbed my hand causing me to flinch.
"I get that you're afraid, but it doesn't change anything. We're a family and we'd never hurt you, ever." he began. "I'm glad you've seen it though, you were bound to at some point. It's just something you're going to have to get use to. I'm sorry to be so brutally honest but there's not other way."
"How did you find me?" I asked.
"I feel you and sense you all the time Sienna. I have since you was a child, you can't hide from me." He let out a small laugh and I couldn't hide my smile. I thought for a second.
"Show me" His presence calmed my nerves and I don't know what I was thinking. However, I was no longer afraid.
"Are you sure? You're not going to run again are you?"
"I'll try not to" I lightly joked. "Maybe if I see it again willingly I'll be ok" he gave me a questionable look followed by a smirk, clearly amused at my so called logic.
"I don't know!" I squeaked and playfully shoved him.
He glanced over at me and then back to the ground for a moment. I leaned my head forward to get a look but his head shot up and he was facing me once again, but it wasn't the Marko I knew. My breath got caught in my throat, my first instinct was to run again but I was frozen in place. My hand began to shake in his and he gave it a squeeze.
"It's fine" I let out the breath I was holding and relaxed once he spoke.
I reached up and gently raised his top lip to reveal his fangs. I shrieked and leaped back as he clenched his teeth together and acted as if he was going to bite my finger.
"That's not funny Marko!" I slapped his shoulder and he couldn't hold in his laughter.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry" he finally stopped laughing. I curiously ran my finger across the bottom of his left fang wanting to see how sharp it really was. I hissed and pulled my hand back, a small trail of blood began to roll down. Marko shook his head.
"I didn't think it was that sharp" I giggled nervously. Our eyes locked as he grabbed my finger and pulled it towards his mouth. Without realising, I slowly bit my lip. I watched him lick the trail of blood from my finger and sucking lightly, he never once broke eye contact with me.
"Just as I thought" I blinked rapidly, Marko had let go of my finger and turned back into his human form all within a blink of an eye.
"Your blood, it's sweet" Marko grinned. "If you weren't family I'd so eat you right now"
"Oh thanks" I said with sarcastic tone.
"Why have you gone red?" He smirked whilst standing to his feet. I reached up and felt my cheeks.
"I don't know, I'm really hot!" I started to fan myself with my hand
"Sure" he dragged out the word before holding a hand out to help me up.
"Stop being weird" I mumbled.
"Come on, your mom's worried about you kid" I took ahold of his hand, he pulled me up and towards his bike.
Apologise this chapter is shorter than the rest. Stay blessed xo
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