Come To Me
~1 Week Later~
-Sienna's P.O.V-
I groaned and rubbed my forehead, I had a headache from hell. I grabbed my duvet and wrapped it around me, dragging my feet towards the main entrance. Right on cue, everyone became silent when I entered and watched me carefully. Both my parents shared a worrying glance. They always exaggerated. With all my strength, I pushed my dad off of his spot on the couch and lay in his spade, resting my head on my mom's lap.
"What ever happened to excuse me?" My dad came over and flicked my head with force.
"Ow!" I screamed before reached my leg out and kicking him.
"Paul enough!"
"What?! Lauren, she just...did you see? Boys did you see that!" His voice became high pitched and I tried desperately to hide the smirk.
"I didn't see anything" Dwayne held his hands up in defence.
"Nah, Cici didn't do anything" Marko winked, I shot him a thumbs up. My dad looked around in disbelief.
"I seen it all" David voice chimed in.
"Thank you D!"
"It was self defence"
"Oh fuck of!" I giggled as I watched my dad take a seat on the fountain.
"What's the matter?" My mom asked.
"My head is killing me" I muttered. She began to slowly rub my head I closed my eyes.
"I guess that means you're not joining us today, too bad we were going to terrorise our favourite guard" David spoke. I let out a simple 'hmm' in response.
"Want me to stay with you?" My mom asked. My dad was about to object but I beat him to it.
"No, you go with dad. I know you've been planning some time to yourself and I don't want to ruin that. I can stay by myself" I explained.
"I don't feel comfortable with you here alone"
She protested. My eyes shot open.
"I'm seventeen years old...not seven"
"What's your point?" This woman I swear.
"I'll stay with her if you want. I don't really fancy going out tonight anyway" Marko piped up. I noticed David snickering to himself.
I could feel my heart beat quickening. Since our time at the lighthouse, I felt a strong pull towards Marko and it hadn't gone away since. I felt myself blushing whenever he complimented me or winked at me. Before I felt nothing, but was different.
"Thank you Marko" my mom ran over and gave him a friendly embrace.
"Come with us to feed first" My dad told him "Surely we can leave her for a few minutes?"
"Okay!" My mom finally caved in. I watched them all stand and make their way out. Dwayne came over to me.
"Feel better soon kid" He kissed the top of my head.
"Bye uncle Dwayne" I gave him a small smile.
"I'll be back soon Cici" Marko assured me, patting my shoulder as he walked by.
"Let's go I'm hungry!" I could hear my dad yelling outside. "Bye Sienna!"
I swapped out my duvet for a thin blanket, I turned the page of my book 'Wuthering Heights'. This had been my 5th time reading the story since I was younger, I loved it. The story in my opinion was beautifully written, the tale of two people who were clearly very much in love with one another. but yet very toxic for each other.
The sound of boots hitting the floor distracted me from the page. I looked up to see Marko had returned from his feed. I raised my eyebrows, tapping a spot on my chin. He flashed me a smiled and quickly wiped away the blood remain on his chin. Out of them all, Marko was the messiest. I watched him remove his jacket, throwing it over David's chair before going to pet his pigeons. I returned to reading my book.
"Thank you" I blurted out.
"For what?" He slowly made his way over to me, stroking one of his birds.
"For staying with me, even though I make out to my parents I'm old enough. This place creeps me out" Marko let out a small laugh.
"Yeah I could tell" He sat across from me. "What are you reading?" I showed him my book and he playfully rolled his eyes.
"You need to find something different to read"
"No, I like this book"
"Is there a problem sir Marko?" I asked, placing my book mark on the page and let out dramatic sigh.
"No no not at all" He smirked.
I went back to reading, Marko fiddling around with the boom box. Switching from station to station until he was satisfied with what was playing. He had found a song, that unfortunately for him started to die out.
"I missed it" he pouted.
"What a shame" I sarcastically stated. A pillow hit the side of my head. They sure loved attacking me with pillows. A familiar song started playing on the radio. It was a song my mom played for me one time and I fell in love with it. 'Come to me by Patti Austin and James Ingram' I'm pretty sure I played it so much, the others got fed up with me.
"Hey Sienna it's your song!" Marko exclaimed
"Oh my gosh I haven't heard this in a while" I shut my book and began to sway slightly. Marko lifted his hand up, his bird took flight. With a sly smile, he stood up and walked over to me, taking my hands into his and lifting me off of the sofa.
"What are you doing?" I giggled.
"Dance with me. We have to do it right" he joked.
I was too late to protest. Marko took one of my hands and placed it onto his shoulder. He then wrapped one hand around my tiny waist, gripped my other hand and led the two of us in a waltz-like motion. Marko started spinning me occasionally while humming along with the song, letting go of me and then drawing me back into him. Like him, I had difficulty suppressing my laughter.
Me being the clumsy girl that I was fell tripped over my own feet when he span me for the final time, crashing into his chest. The laughter subsided, the song still playing in the background. He wrapped both of his arms around me, I did the same. Together, we swayed slowly as I buried my head in his chest.
I raided my head to look at him, he was staring back at me. I could feel myself fading into his gaze, in a trance like state. We continued staring at into each others eyes, blocking out our surroundings. 'He really is handsome' I thought to myself. His grip on my waist tightened slightly and I gasped.
"Marko I..." There was nothing for me to say. Marko's fingertips lifted my chin just a little and captured my lips with his. My heart rate spiked. I stood dumbfounded for a moment, before closing my eyes and returning the kiss.
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