Beauty Has Her Way
-Sienna's P.O.V-
I stood at the entrance, trying to control my breathing. I couldn't put into words how nervous I felt. Was I really about to do this? I looked back over my shoulder to the empty room behind me. My family were sleeping in their little area. Why did I feel guilty? My mom was very hesitant with my decision, she spent the whole last night asking me if this was something I really wanted to do. She even shed a few tears.
I took a deep breath and stepped out, taking in the fresh air. I squinted as the sunlight blinded my vision, I raised my hand in an attempt to block it. A smile crept onto my face as I felt the warmth of the sun against my skin. It felt amazing. It was definitely hotter during the day than the night. I let out a squeal of excitement before walking off to the boardwalk.
I placed my hands against the railing and looked out to the beach, the whole place was rammed. I watched as mothers would play with their children in the sand, couples walking hand in hand enjoying the sun. This is something I can see myself getting use to. I quickly spotted Ashley and the boys and jogged over to them.
"I never in my life thought I'd see you out here at this time of the day!" Ashley yelled. She ran over to me and engulfed me into hug which I happily returned.
"I got some time off of my classes" I told her.
"Great! Please tell me you have a swimsuit under there?" Ashley asked. Thank god my mom told me to wear one.
"Yeah but I don't know if I feel comfortable" I admitted. My face going a little red causing Ashley to giggle.
"Girl, take of your top and get some sun!" Before I could react, Ashley was helping me out of my top, leaving my in my bikini top and denim shorts. She grabbed a hold of my hand and dragged me towards the others.
"Hi Sienna" The boys greeted at the same time. I awkwardly waved and took a seat next to Ashley.
"Why does it look like you've never been out in the sun before?" I looked over at Kiam as he spoke.
"Kiam shut up" Ashley spat.
"No not in a nasty way, like girl your good looking but really pale. A tan would look good on you" I snickered at his little compliment and thanked him.
"I guess I just never stay out long enough, you know with my classes and all" I lied. Kiam nodded and began playing with a string on his shorts.
"Not gonna lie, you give me vampire vibes" Callum joked as he pulled Ashley into him. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. The irony.
"Oh is that right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"A hot vampire" Ben said from beside me. I looked to see he had scooted closer to me. I bit my lip slightly taking in his sculpted figure. He had nothing on Marko however.
"Why thank you" I smiled sweetly at him before looking away. I felt bad because the last time I saw him was the night of the concert and I knew he'd want to talk about it. Deep down, I was hoping he'd just let it go.
"So how long do you have off of classes?" Ben asked. I reached over and stole his sunglasses. As I put them on, he started snickering. I leaned back on my hands, soaking in the sun.
"About a week or so" I explained.
"Why such a short time?"
"I take my education very seriously"
"Hey Sienna, you ever done surfing?" Josh asked picking up his surfboard.
"Never" I admitted.
"Girl you have not lived, get up we'll teach you" They all started hollering and jumped up, each of them grabbing a surf board, even Ashley.
"You are going to love it! Come on" Ashley sounded so excited as she spoke
"You surf?"
"All the time, Callum taught me" The six of us ran to the ocean.
It was safe to say, I would not be surfing again any time soon. Even though I managed to get the hang of it in the end, I fell into the water one too many times for my liking. I did have a lot of fun however. We all had gone for ice cream, which turned into a massive food fight, ice cream was flung every where. We all agreed that for the rest of the week, they would show me all of their favourite places of Santa Carla and I couldn't wait.
Even though Ben had been flirting with me the entire day, we both had a small talk and mutually agreed that the kiss was a heat of the moment type thing and that it would be better if we stayed friends. He asked me if maybe in the future we could try something but I couldn't give him a clear answer.
I dragged my feet across the gravel and up the steps. I could already hear them chatting inside. I began preparing myself for the endless amount of questions. I peeked my head in and sighed. I loved my family so much, but I didn't know if I could tell them that I actually enjoyed today, it would crush them, especially my mom.
"Hi everyone" I greeted. All of their heads turned to me, wide smiles plastered on their faces.
"Welcome home" David greeted.
"Sweetheart you look exhausted" My mom exclaimed, she jumped out of her seat to greet me.
"I am, it's been a long day"
"What's that in your hair?" Dwayne asked taking hold of a strand of my hair as I sat beside him.
"Oh that" I giggled. "It's ice cream"
"Sounds like you had fun" David spoke. The room went silent, all eyes on me.
"I did actually" I looked down at the ground as I spoke.
"Don't be ashamed, we want to hear all about it" My dad said.
I beamed up at him and my mouth wouldn't stop blabbering about my day. All of them laughing when I told them about the surfing incident. I saw the amusement in their eyes, but also a hint of worry.
"How did you end up with ice cream in your hair" Marko asked, his eyes burning into me.
"Well, we all went to get ice cream and I made a joke about Ben and he threw ice cream at me" I told him. I saw him slightly scowl at the mention of Ben. I let out a loud yawn.
"Someone's ready for bed"
My mom smirked over at me. I waved to all of them and slowly found my way into my bedroom. I ran the tap in the makeshift en suite bathroom my dad had built for me and walked back into my room. I opened the bottom drawer and grabbed a towel. I jumped as I felt a hand on my lower back. I gasped when my eyes landed on Marko.
"Stop sneaking up on me" I told him, he wore a cocky smirk.
"Can't help it" He paused. "The sun really caught you, your skin feels like it's on fire"
"Feels great though" I said.
"Were you safe?" He asked, looking at me with his innocent eyes, making me melt instantly.
"I was fine Marko, thank you for asking" I watched him chew on his nail.
"Your hanging around with this Ben alot"
"We all hang out together" I shrugged. "Why does it matter anyway?"
"It doesn't"
"So why ask?" I challenged.
"Or jealous?" He stook at step towards me, we were nose to nose. I froze in place.
"Not at all Cici, me and you are just friends. Nothing more. SO, no reason for me to be jealous" I couldn't let my emotions show but his words had killed me there and then.
"Goodbye Marko" I blurted out and turned to walk away. Only for him to spin me back round to face him. He placed a kiss onto my forehead and pulled me in for a quick hug. I heard him breath in my scent.
"We'll miss you tonight. I hope this is all worth it" And with that he left. I let out a scream once I knew the cave was empty. Him and his mind games can fuck off.
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