Circus fun!!!
Today a wonderful day...to hear the joy for this chapter. You will hear the fantasy of a good fun circus. I may use a little too much P.O.V sorry..anyway If you think this story is great or okay don't be afraid to say something in the comments I don't bite...heh...Anyway I'm being distracted again...enjoy!!!
It's been 4 weeks since the summer began and it's been BORING. The whole day I lie in bed wondering "is this really gunna be it for the summer?" The other day Adonis came to my room while I was laying down, not Doing anything but think and looking a little down. Adonis was asking me all sorts of questions but I really wasn't in a mood to be doing anything really. Adonis could tell I was down and he left to give me some space.
I was laying till I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said. It was Adonis he came and had something behind his back, " hi Luna I just came to talk for a little" he said. "Okay" I said while standing up. I walked up to him and sat down at the stool, "so...what is it that you want to talk to me about?" I asked. "Well I saw you have been feeling a bit down so.. I came to ask why?" He said with a little sad face. "Well...its just that there is nothing to do in this summer and well it's just feeling left out or something" I said frowning.
Adonis came up to me and hugged me I was surprised but I hugged back. "Luna?" Adonis said quietly. "Yea?..." I said still frowning. He pushed back and told me to close my eyes. I closed them and he taped something in my back. "AHHH Adonis really?!?" I said. I grabbed whatever is on my back and was shock. It was a pair of tickets to go to a circus. "OMG ADONIS HOW DID YOU KNOW I LOVE THE CIRCUS" I said happily. "Well I came down stairs and asked you're mom that we should all do something together, she then said something about you loving to go to the circus so she bought some tickets so that we could all go" he said smiling.
I hugged him as tight as I can "THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!" I said while crying a little. "Why are you crying?" Adonis said. I never told Adonis about how I loved the circus apparently my mom and dad took me before...my father had...left my mother. "The circus was my favorite thing to go to when my...parents were together...its been 10 years since I haven't been into one" I said weeping. Adonis then hugged me for comfort, "well then...lets go!" He said happily.
Before the day I felt really bad for Luna.. She didn't feel like she wanted to do anything and something was bothering her so I had an idea of doing something with her. "Hey Jessie can we take Luna somewhere for her to kinda have fun?" I asked. "Well there was the circus she used to LOVE the circus since she was 3 it was the only memory she always remembered" Jessie said. "Can we go get tickets then please" I begged. "Well since ya asked sure"Jessie said smiling.
After when we got the tickets I decided to show Luna when we got home. When I showed her she grew very excited and started to cry. "Luna why are you crying?" I said smiling. She told me about her past and I felt so bad for her I mean her dad left her and the only memory she had with the family was the circus. " well then...LETS GO!" I said excitingly.
*Play the song*
*still* ADONIS P.O.V
As we arrived the circus I could see Luna lighting her spirits up! She's like the person I'd met but...20x's BETTER! I could see her happiness flowing through the amazement and joy to this place. As we went to take our seats we then heard a young man's voice. "Hello! Ladies and gentleman I am the GREAT MARCELLO AND This young lady is my-"as he got caught off a woman young dressing AWESOME came In and said. "* gasp* MARCELLO I am not you're sidekick how dare you say that, *cough cough* anyway I AM THE GREAT PETUNIA! Here to make you have a magical time!" She said.
Everything went dark and colors filled the darkness I could see anything I could've imagine there were music, clowns, amazing tricks, and COLORS! I would see Luna lighting her shiny blue eyes and her beautiful long think dark hair *sigh* she is the most beautiful girl I ever met. Oh! I'm sorry wanted to know more about the circus right...sorry I got spaced off a little I guess but I mean..she has those beautifu- wait! STOP I gotta focus to this.
The circus had great amazement like the clowns driving the little cute car and Oh that tiger trick with that same lady but this one she was wearing a little blue cape and wearing a blue pretty small dress with color yellow stripes. " now ladies and gentlemen THE GREAT PETUNIA AND HER AMAZING BEST FRIEND MARCELLO!!" A man shouted. "So wait these two are best friends? Hmm I thought they were like siblings or something" I thought to myself.
"Hello everyone now for our greatest trick it would be the THE TRAMPOLINE!!" They both said. Everything went crazy colorful and I saw the amazing act. I saw a big trampoline while the two greatest actors one was on one side while the other one was on the other, as soon as they got everything settle I saw them jumping and making coolest poses. They kept doing that till the 6th pose then I started to see clowns and glitter and like the motorcycle dudes starting to get on and riding it while the two actors are still jumping and posing.
Then I saw something better than that... I saw a quick pause then the most beautiful greatest thing I ever saw. I saw the glitter combing with the actors that they were making letters apparently I didn't know that Jessie wanted to make this special for Luna because this was really special for her. I didn't know they had a quick time to make the letters and it spelled out L.U.N.A with a little moon, they then started winking and spot the light to Luna and she started getting excited and started to hug us. "THANK YOU MOM, THANK YOU ADONIS!!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!" She said.
"Everything was the best for me making her smile" I thought to myself.
As soon as I saw my name I started to scream I can't believe it! "This was the best day EVER!" I thought to myself. As soon as the circus was over we went home and apparently Adonis was asleep on my shoulder, I cuddle next to him and kissed him on the forehead. "Thank you" I whisper to him. I then drifted off to sleep, who knew this was the best day.
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