Chapter 64: Taken
At each open door to the Glade we had a pile of all the extra wood we could find, all the grease, fat oil; anything we could fine that would light on fire. We had small groups of Gladers brave enough to stay outside and wait. Everyone else we sent into the Home Stead.
Minho, Thomas and I were at one entrance. Newt, and (to my surprise) Gally were stationed at the North entrance. Frypan, Winston and Zart were at the East doors. Vinny, Russ, the Bagger Keeper, and Alby were at the West entrance. A few other Gladers were spread out with each of the entrances and Keepers. Jeff and Clint tried to insist on being with us, but Newt put his foot down and said we would probably need them later, and what good would they be to us if they were injured themselves, they were our only MedJacks. But they were ready with packs of supplies to come help and run between the doors if and when needed.
The sun had set a while ago. It was eerie that the doors were wide open at night. The low sliding rumble of walls shifting and the rusty gears grinding were bad enough, but then came the unmistakable signs of Grievers. The whirring, the sharp sliding of metal on metal, the weird creepy moaning purr and the animalistic machine screech. To top it off the slow methodical metal on stone, the long sharp blade like legs stabbing into the ground like an awful battle drum beat.
I felt my pulse quicken, I could feel the fear and adrenalin rushing through my body. I could feel the tension and anxiety from the others around me, and I'm sure it was the same at every entrance. Just waiting for these stupid things to show up.
"Steady!" Minho yelled at the Gladers. His grim face was set and he tightened his grip on the spear. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
Breath, Sparky
I'm trying. You're with me?
Always. We do this together.
I tightened the straps on my backpack, and readjusted the knives I had strapped to my belt and thigh. The plan, was, if we survived, for Thomas, Minho and I to chase the Grievers and see where they went after. So we all had our runners pack, we all had water, med supplies and a small snack, just in case. Minho had the key in his pack. We had a if it would work...that was the question.
The noises of Grievers were getting louder. Everyone's anxiety increased. Including mine. My lungs felt tight. Regret and fear filled me, what if the last words I said to him were spat in his face, 'No, just drug me and lock me away.' I didn't even tell him I loved him back. I had told him I hated him. I didn't really! Maybe because I had also gone through the changing...or maybe because I was just beat down and I was twisted or jacked from living in this shucked place for so long...I understood WHY he did it- I didn't approve of it at all, and I was hurt and angry that he actually did it..but I could understand his reasons behind his horrible actions. And just those few thoughts alone nearly made me abandon my post and run towards the other side of the Glade.
I should have forgiven Gally! Tommy, what if one or both of us don't make it?
I wont let that happen Charlie. You'll see him...
I wish I had your optimism.'s that or I panic and cry like a baby in the corner.
That was...honest.
"BRACE YOURSELVES!" Minho yelled.
Out of the gloom came the huge figure of the Griever. It slowly stormed down the hall towards us. The moaning making shivers run down my back.
Still with me?
Always, Tommy!
I hardened my resolve, I ad to steal myself for this. I knew it was going to be brutal. These Creators hadn't taken it easy on us before, why would the ending be any better?
Yes, Tommy?
I love you!
I love you too Tommy!
The Griever was 30 feet away.
"Wait!" Minho yelled.
20 Feet away, it let out a loud scream.
"STAY PUT YOU SISSYS!" Minho roared, when a few guys took a few steeps backwards.
10 feet away.
It took a step over the pile of grease and oil soaked wood and cloth.
The Gladers threw spears and Thomas and I threw the fire torch at the wood. It went up instantly. The Griever screamed, as it caught on fire. The wires sparked and it started to smoke.
"It's gonna blow!" Thomas yelled.
"Get down!" I screamed.
I felt someone shove me to the ground and fall on top of me, just as the Griever exploded, sending machine parts everywhere. The explosion caused the Griever behind it to catch fire. The heavy body got up, I rolled over, it was Minho. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.
I nodded a thank you, we turned to look at the entrance. The Gladers had scattered and took off towards the Home Stead. The Grievers behind had started to climb the walls, and come into the Glade.
"Well it sorta worked!" Minho shrugged.
Together and with Thomas we turned and took off towards the Home Stead. There was chaos everywhere. The Grievers came flooding into the Glade, but they didn't really seem to be doing much, smashing a few of the smaller buildings and ripping the garden apart. They swarmed, the few Gladers and Keepers that were at the entrances had booked it towards the Homestead.
I heard a wild scream that made my blood run cold. I stopped so fast Thomas slammed into me sending both of us to the ground. I tried to get up, but we were all twisted together. I heard the scream again.
"GALLY!" I screamed.
I managed to get up, twisting around trying to see him in the swarm of Grievers.
"There!" Thomas screamed, pointing.
Held tight in the claws of a Griever was Gally. My stomach dropped completely out of my body and my heart stopped. The Griever screamed, and instantly every Griever in the Glade turned and went for the entrance. Taking Gally with them.
My legs unfroze and I ran. I ran after the Grievers, following them back into the Maze. Thomas and Minho tearing after me. We followed as best we could. They were faster, but they were loud and we could follow the tails as they whipped around. The swarm split into two. Without pausing to think I went left after the few that had Gally.
Go with Minho. That way we can still talk, I'm going after Gally.
No Charlie! We need to stay together! How are you going to take on more then one Griever?
Go with Minho Thomas! I'll figure something out. The whole Glade is counting on you. GO!
Fine. I hate it though! Just so you know!
Yep. I'll note it down, right beside all the shucks I give and opinions of others I don't care about.
Be safe!
Always! Don't do anything stupid!
I should say the same for you!
I pushed my self even faster. It was harder to follow only a few versus a huge horde. It wasn't until I noticed my surroundings that I know we were in section 7. Except that it looked like someone was playing with massive blocks and got mad, scattering their building blocks everywhere. Walls were broken and leaning, some had fallen and broken completely. The halls were dangerous and full of derby. I had to slow my pace, but I had a feeling I knew where they were going.
My suspicions were correct when I made it to the blades and I heard the Grievers ahead of my screaming. I heard the faint yelling of the boy I loved with all my heart. I stuffed the sob down and ran, trying to run even faster.
I made it passed the three rows of blades as I heard a loud siren, and the sliding of stone on stone, and the subtle rumble of the ground. Doors were opening. I came to a long stone corridor, but instead of walls on each side, there was a drop off, with no visible bottom. I saw at the end there was an opening, and the two Grievers and Gally disappearing behind it.
"GALLY! I screamed so loud my throat hurt.
I saw his head twist, his steal blue eyes were bulging in terror. The metal doors slammed shut just as I made it, I was running so fast I didn't have time to slow down so I slammed into the stone. I beat in the wall screaming and crying. My heart shattered into pieces. I let out the loudest gut wrenching cry I think I have ever had. Then slid down the wall, onto my knees and leaned against the wall.
He's...he's gone.
Hold on! I'm coming.
I have no idea how long stayed huddled against the wall. My hearing wasn't working, all I could hear was the pounding of my heart beating. I couldn't see anything, I just staired at nothing.
Someone was shaking me. I felt hands on my face, forcing my face up, I met whiskey brown eyes. They were full of worry.
"Charlie? Are you hurt?"
I just stared blankly at him, my tears had dried, leaving trails down my grimy sweaty face.
"They...they took him." I whispered.
Thomas pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him, my hands clutching fists of his shirt. I thought I had no more tears, but I was wrong, and I sobbed again into Thomas's chest. I felt another hand on my back, I knew Minho was there. The guys just held me while I sobbed.
We made it back to the Glade, it took most of the day to get me back to the glade, I just couldn't keep my numb legs moving. Thomas had to hold my hand and pull me along. My eyes wouldn't focus, and I didn't feel anything other than crippling emptiness.
Newt was running toward us. Alby and Teresa followed. Without warning, Newt flung his arms around Thomas pulling him into a tight hug. If I wasn't so numb I would have made a comment, and teased Thomas. But I hardly registered it. Newt slowly let go, both their faces pink. Newt turned to me, and pulled me into a tight hug too.
"Oh, Love..." was all he could get out. I had nothing left. I just stood there, not even bothering to hug him back.
He let go and stepped back. Minho raised an eye brow and held his arms open, "Where's mine Shank?"
Newt rolled his eyes, but with a small smile gave Minho a quick hug, and slapped his back. He stepped back just as Alby and Teresa showed up.
"Uh, who let the bitch out of her dog house?" Minho wrinkled his nose.
Teresa rolled her eyes and flung her hair over her shoulder.
"We agreed yesterday she didn't CAUSE the buggen' ending." Newt rolled his eyes.
"I expect you all to be... civil."
She had turned her blue eyes onto me, and raised an eyebrow at me. I just blinked, not even sure what was fully going on.
"So..after we left, what happened?" Minho asked, changing the subject.
"Nothin'! The bloody things just left."
"Took Gally and vanished." Alby muttered, he ran a hand down his face. He looked tired.
"He's the only one?" I asked confused, finally saying something.
Newt nodded. I frowned.
They wont kill him. Just use him, like they used you. You were never their favorite, it was always me. You were just his play thing, he used you.
"Say that again. Out loud." I hissed.
Teresa's face faked innocence. I took another step towards her. My anger switched back on. I was ready to throw fists right now.
"Say it out loud!" I said again, stepping closer.
She just smirked. I lunged forwards with a snarl, I managed to slam my fist into her cheek before. Thomas caught me around the waist and pull me away.
"Nicely done Tiger. I'm never one for hittin' girls...but nice right hook Tiger." Minho said flatly, his arms crossed, looking with mild interest at the girl on the ground.
Thomas wouldn't let me go.
"She knows way more then she's say! I bet she didn't even have the memory wipe! She's a treacherous snake!" I yelled.
"Tommy, Minho, please take Charlie to the map room, I'm sure there is something you need to do there." Newt sighed, as he helped Teresa up off the ground. Her bright blue eyes staring daggers at me.
"Uhh, no, there's nothing to do." Minho shrugged.
"I'm going back out." I snapped, yanking my self away.
"Where?" Thomas asked.
"Anywhere she's not." I spat.
The boys shrugged.
"Eat some food first." Newt said.
Newt joined us at the table, Fry had got the kitchen running again.
It was Minho, Newt, Thomas and me, sitting around the table, eating.
"So what's the plan?" Thomas asked as Newt sat down across from him.
"Prep for tonight. It's too late tonight to leave. Survive one more night..."
"Ture. Most of those Gladers wont make it to the exit before Grievers show up." Minho rolled his eyes.
Newt nodded. He looked between the three of us, "So what did you guys find out there?"
"Chased them until they split. Two took Gally- Charlie chased those ones. Min and I went after the others. They went to the Cliff, but by the time we got there...they were all gone and it was solid wall! The key didn't even work! So...I don't know what that's about."
I picked my head up, i was pushing the food around my plate, not really eating it.
"Wait...the key didn't work there?" I asked.
"Right." Minho said.
I frowned. My mind racing again.
"There's something were missing." I whispered. I placed my elbows on the table and rubbed my temples. With all the banging and yelling it was distracting.
"I changed my mind, I'm not going out into the maze, I'll be in the MapRoom if you need me." I said, I got up, turning away, "There's something we're missing!" I muttered again.
**A good mix of Movie and Book...I hope.**
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