Chapter 6: Don't Pull Your Punches
I stood in the sandpit, arms crossed, and lips pressed into a tight line. I have no idea why I decided to try this. This was defiantly the stupidest ideas I've had. But it was too late to back out now. Every eye was fixed on me. I stood up straight. It was too late to back out, but I could do this, I saw his weakness and confirmed it the next fight.
"You sure? I'll let you back out with no hard feelings." Minho said, he had a cocky smirk on his face.
In response, I gathered my long hair and threw it into a quick messy bun, and stripped my long sleeved shirt off, leaving me in a tight tank top. The wolf whistles started, when I turned a raging eye on them they stopped. I could feel the anger, frustration rising, and the humiliation, it was rising inside and I could feel it bubbling just under the surface.
"Bring it." I snarled. I bent my knees bring my fists up, "You missed it, but I already flattened two guys today, I'll add you to the list."
Minho folded his huge arms, cocking an eyebrow at me, his eyes trailed up my athletic body. Not in a creepy way, but in a way that am opponent is trying to find a weakness. I had already turned slightly to the side, my knees bent and hands up, guarding my face and torso. I cracked my neck once and glued my eyes to Minho's. He grinned at me, and stepped forwards.
"Then lets go."
He lunged at me, I saw it coming, he did this with the last two guys. I ducked under his arm, and threw my fist into his toros. He was built like a tree, all solid muscle. But I heard the grunt when I made contact. He turned quickly, trying to grab me. I dropped to my knees and spun away. I jumped to my feet to the wild applause of the Glader guys. I smirked at Minho.
"Not bad."
"You sound surprised."
He grinned again and lunged at me. He swung his fist, but I managed to deflect it at the last moment. The noise from the crowd cut off, I couldn't hear anything other than my own breathing and heart beat. My eyes were glued to Minho, watch him. It was like he was teasing me, not really swinging, not really lunging at me. I was light on my feet, I knew I didn't have the strength, but I had the speed, and I knew his weakness. I just had to wait for the right time. I slowly backed up, taking him with me.
"Stop pulling your punches! I'm not going to break. Come on ya Shank!" I yelled at him.
He grinned even bigger, "As you wish." In a wild attempt to get me, he grabbed my wrist. Pulling me towards him. I stumbled once, but managed to stay on my feet. With a wild yell, I spun into him. He wasn't expecting me to allow him to pull me, but I used the momentum. He hesitated and that's when I drove my knee up into his sternum at the same time. He stumbled backwards, holding his stomach. I could tell he was winded, but trying hard to cover it up.
"Will you stop throwing your punches now?" I taunted, "Or. Maybe that's all you got big guy."
With a grunt he straightened up. I saw the anger flash in his eyes. Maybe no one ever tried to win with him before, maybe no one else got this many hits in? Or maybe I bruised his ego. Either way, he came at me with a growl. He went to try kick me. But I leapt closer, deflecting the kick with my shin, when I brought my leg up. He was trying to catch his balance, and that's when his guard came down, his hands dropped and I smiled in victory, and I threw a right hook. Landing a well placed right hook on his jaw. His head went with the momentum of my punch.
He dropped hard. Before he could get up, I slammed my booted foot onto his back, in between his shoulder blades, making his arms give out and he flopped into the sand. I pressed down just a little, holding him. He stilled, and turned his head to see me out of the corner of his eye.
"Well. I'm surprised now."
I removed my boot, and he rolled over, propping himself up onto his elbows. I smirked down at him.
I held my hand out to help him up. He clapped onto it and I hulled him up.
"When you go for the kicks, you drop your guard, leaving your face open."
He raised an eyebrow, but nodded. He stepped away and swept an arm out and bowed. He was a gracious loser. Newt stepped forwards and raised my arm in the air, and the cheering guys got louder. From the back Alby held up his jar and yelled, "SHANKET!"
The rest of the guys all joined in the chant, throwing their fists into the air. Newt turned me in a full circle. All the guys were cheering wildly, except Gally. He was leaning against table, his feet crossed, holding a jar of his secret recipe. He was staring at me, but I couldn't figure out what he was thinking. My slight smirk slipped off my face. As I watched him, his eyes flicked up to mine. The wild noise of the crowed died away, and I was stuck. Staring at him, my jaw clamped shut. His eyes were a cool steel blue, framed in long lashes. They had an intensity that made it feel like he was trying to read my thoughts and stair directly into my soul. I could feel my heart beat pick up.
I watched his eyes glick back and forth between mine. They softened just slightly. I felt my stomach drop. He blinked and the gentleness I just was gone. Replaced by his cold steely stair if disdain. But I swore for a second I saw a gentleness there, a curiosity, and it almost felt familiar. But it was gone so fast I probably made it up. His jaw clenched and he looked away. I was left feeling weird. I wasn't sure what happened. The wild cheering of the guys broke over me again. I shook my head, riding myself of the weird moment.
The rest of the evening passed without incident. I stood at the back of the crowd again, arms folded, leaning against the outer wall of the Homestead. My eyes were getting heavy. It was a long day. But it went to fast, there was so much that happened! I ran a hand through my tangled hair, wishing for a shower. Newt and Alby came striding towards me, both looking serious.
This can't be good.
"Snips, you need a place to sleep."
"Really? You don't make the new kids stay awake all night or sleep with the sheep or something? Some kind of horrible initiation?" I snark.
Alby kept on like I didn't just interrupt with a snarky comment. Newt tried to hide a chuckle.
"You'll be bunking with Newt until then, I had Gally move another bed into the room. He's one of the only keepers I would trust. Minho and myself...but Minho needs to get up too early, and I usually go to bed after everyone. Also, Newt wont try anything."
I raised my eyebrow at the insinuation.
"You're not really my type, Love."
"Ah. Got it.' I nodded in understanding, well that did make me feel better. Knowing I was bunking with a guy who was second in command and wouldn't be trying to get handsy with me.
"Well, sleeping arrangements cleared up. What about showers up in this joint?"
"Newt will show you." Alby instructed, "I have some things to do."
He spun away and strode back into the dark, towards the fire. Newt turned towards me and motioned me to follow him.
He led me to the new MedJack hut. Inside was a long shelf, full of all kinds of bathroom supplies, linens, bedding and extra boxes of clothes that didn't fit the guys anymore. Newt helped me find some stuff and together we headed back to his room in the Homestead.
Inside the dilapidated structure didn't look much better than outside. Boards weren't nailed down properly, everything seemed lopsided. I felt like I had virdigo walking inside here.
"Who the shuck built this hunk of junk?" I asked Newt.
"My crew." A deep voice behind me said, "think you could do any better pipsqueak?"
I spun around holding an armful of towels, clothes and bathroom supplies. Gally stood in the doorway, taking up most of its frame. His arms crossed and a scowl on his face. The weird flickering light casting shadows on his face making it look more angular.
"Well considering I took down a second keeper today, ya I probably could. I'm surprised no one has died yet!" I snarked.
There was something about this guy, everything out of his mouth made me angry.
"Ha. Pipsqueak, Minho let you win. No one beats him." Gally scoffed.
"Doubt it. I'm just better. Get over it Gally." I shrugged and spun around, Newt was standing in the hall, leaning on the wall, watching the interaction.
"Doubt it. Your just a girl."
My blood boiled. In an instant I was seeing red and all my frustration and anger and resentment and fear kept to the surface. I dropped what I was holding and spun back around. Before Gally could say anything else I punched him. Right in the mouth.
"Spins! No!" Newt yelled leaping forwards.
Gally's head snapped back and he stumbled backwards into someone. That someone was Alby. Who stumbled back into Minho and Zart.
Oh shuck. I was in trouble. I just broke one of their presious rules.
Gally righted himself and spit a mouthful of blood onto the floor. I shoved all my fear and dread back down and slipped a mask of indifference onto my face. I folded my arms over my chest and stuck a hip out. Alby was sputtering, looking iterate. Minho had a slight impressed look and Zart backed up, looking like he was next. And I smoked on the inside. At least one of them fears me.
Alby finally found his voice. He stepped into the house and seemed to grow in hight. I stayed where I was. Knowing the worst he was going to do was yell. He was taller than me so I had to look up, but I maintained his eye contact. He looked ready to strangle me.
"What the actual SHUCK?" He yelled.
"He was being a prik." I said evenly.
"So you punched him?" Alby sputtered.
I shrugged, "isn't that how guys solve their problems?"
I noticed Minho coughing and Newt was holding the bridge of his nose. Alby growled.
"We made a deal, Snips!"
"Did we? You did a whole lot of shuck talking, and I never got any solid answers. You want to walk into a death trap full of stupid dense wolf whistling, gawked eyed hormonal boys and not feel a little threatened? So what? I punched a few guys. I'm sure that's not half as bad as some of these ugly shanks!" I snapped back.
Gally spat another mouth full of blood onto the floor. His steel blue eyes never left me. I could feel them on me. But I refused to acknowledge him. He was a jerk. Maybe now he'll think before he says something stupid.
Alby rounded on Gally.
"What do you want to do with her?"
I finally flicked my eyes over to him, I clenched my jaw but let no emotion show in my face. I didn't want them to know that what Alby just said scared the crap out of me. What did he want to do to me? The shuck kind of thing is that to ask?! I narrowed my eyes, glarring at him. I'm not sure, but I think he might have shrunk just slightly under my sharp gaze.
Gally's eyes looked me up and down. I couldn't tell what he was thinking either. His mask was just as formable as mine.
"One night in the Slammer. Maybe tomorrow she won't be punching people." He finally said.
I snorted. "Doubt it. Someone has to smack some common sense into you."
I heard Newt sigh in exhasperation. Minho had to cough again.
"Lead the way oh fearless leader. To the Slammer." I moked him by bowing and throwing my arm out towards the door.
"It's not me who's locking you up." Said Alby, "This beef is between you and Gally. He'll lock you up."
Gally's gaze never left me. As I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever." I raised my hair, flung my dirty tangled hair over my shoulder, so it smacked Gally in the face and sauntered towards the door.
"Excuse me." I said to Minho, "I have places to be."
He smirked, "Never pull your punches, Tiger."
He bowed me out the door. I smirked back and nodded. Gally stormed out after me. He shoved passed me. He grabbed a torch and stomped away from the Homestead, towards the wall. I groaned in frustration and followed him.
"Where'd you learn to fight?" He growled.
"Oh he talks without insulting does he? Who knew." I snarked.
He growled. It was quiet for a moment. And I finally shrugged.
"No idea." I finally said, "I watcht Minho fight and saw a weakness, confirmed it when he caught Clint. It was easy enough to find the weak points face to face. And your ego got the best of you. Didn't expect me to slug you."
He just hummed in response. He stopped outside a small concrete building. The doors were slanted and had a few metal bars in the windows. Gally pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the rusty lock and swung the door open. I had to jump down a few feet into a dug out pit. It was all cold packed earth inside.
Gally held out a hand to help me down. And I just looked at it and back up to him then back to his hand.
"Oh, now you're being chivalrous? Ha. Get over yourself Gally."
I jumped down into the pit. It was cold and I instantly felt a shiver run down my spine. I stepped over to the back wall, into the shadows and promptly sat down.
"Good night Gally, sweet dreams." I said sweetly.
He didn't say anything, I couldn't really see him in the shadows. But I heard the door creek and slam shut. And a kick of the lock.
I was alone. In the dark, in a strange place. Surrounded by huge stone walls and apparent death monsters, and stupid egotistical bully boys.
I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. Feeling lost, alone and scared.
*Our boo has some sweet moves!**
Do we think Minho let her win? Or did she actually win? 🤔
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