Chapter 58: Distrust
I could feel Gally's anger from here, and I was still half way down the corridor. I tried to take a breath, but my lungs were tight and I couldn't. I also felt Thomas giving me a quick side eye. He could feel my anxiety, it was rising and I was having trouble controlling it, and it was seeping into our weird telepathy link. The closer we got, the slower I ran. His eyes were ice and his jaw was clamped, the muscle was twitching. And I saw the tell tale sign of his hardly controlled panic, his hands were opening and closing in fists.
We crossed into the Glade, and Frypan, Vinny and Winston gave Newt a sheepish smile. He just indicated his head to keep going. They gladly did, without looking back they slunk off. Newt put a hand on Chuck' shoulder and steered him after the others and shood him away. Before anyone could say anything, Thomas pulled out the cylinder we found and handed it to Newt, with a proud look on his face.
"We found this!"
"It was inside the Griever Charlie and Thomas killed!" Announced Minho, his thumbs hooked into the straps of his pack and flashed a proud smirk.
"These are the same letters we get in our supplies." I ventured, nervous to say anything. I didn't want to poke the already angry bear, I glanced at Gally. His eyes were narrowed and cold. He hadn't said anything and that was out of character for him.
"Yeah! Whoever put us here obviously made the Grievers!" Thomas continued, glancing at Gally and me and then back to Newt. His excitement kept Newt's attention.
"This is the first real clue, the first anything, you've found in over 3 years. Right, Minho?" Thomas asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"Well not exactly, but this is definitely something! Deffinitely something we can use." Grinned Minho, I saw the spark of hope. Something I hadn't seen in a very long time.
"Newt! We gotta go back out there! Who knows where this might lead us."
Thomas was almost vibrating with excitement. I had to suppress a small smile. He was such a child sometimes.
"You see what he's trying to do, right?" Gally finally spoke, his eyes never left me. His voice was low and dangerous.
"First, he breaks our rules, Charlie...and then he tries to convince us to abandon them totally. He talked two Keepers to go out there!"
"That was me Gally. Not Thomas." I said quietly, "Our runners quit, we needed help. I asked them to come."
"Stop defending him, Charlie." He hissed.
"I'm not defending him! I'm giving you straight facts."
I noticed Newt grab Thomas's arm and tugged him. And indicated with his head to Minho who nodded in understanding.
"If you need us, we'll be in the map room." Newt said quietly, and nodded to me. He looked at Gally and gave him a pointed look, "Remember what I said this afternoon, Gally."
They hurried off, leaving Gally and I alone by the entrance to the West Doors.
"Our rules are the only thing that have ever held us together. Why now are we questioning that? If Alby was here, you know he'd agree with me."
"Really Gally? That's low Gally. Even for you! The guys know what's at stake, they aren't babies! They knew what could possibly happen and yet they still came! To help find a way home! Alby came into the maze! And he's not a runner." I pointed out, "how is that different?
"Ya and look what that got him!" His voice started to rise.
"So he deserved it?" I felt like he just slapped me.
"No! Of course not!"
"Then what? Because I don't understand Gally! We all want to go home! We're all trying to get home!"
"I AM home!" He cried.
"What? This is not a home! Home is where we are safe and free! We are neither of those!"
"But I AM home! When your beside me I AM home! Every time you step out of the Glade I feel like I loose that! Every time it's ripped from me!"
I paused. I had to close my eyes for a moment. I was so tired, emotionally and physically. I just didn't have the energy to fight him. I hung my head, running a hand over my fly aways.
"Gally. That's sweet. And I feel the same way, I do. I told you that. But this place, the Glade is NOT a home. It's a jail, we're trapped and we need out!" I said all my energy draining out of me at the moment.
"Why does it have to be you though?" he yelled.
"Because who else will do it? Every Runner quite!" I cried, lifting my head. "The shucken cowards!" I muttered angerly.
"They aren't cowards! Their the smart ones!" He roared.
I took a step back, blinking.
"Excuse me? Did you just tell me I'm a coward or stupid?"
"Maybe." He growled, "Not a coward, but you're sure acting stupid! You keep running out there after the Greenie." He sneered.
I felt the words like a punch in the gut.
"Wow." I whispered, stepping back again.
"You follow him around like a love sick puppy!"
"Don't you shucken dare." I screamed, and I slapped him. His head went to the side and he stumbled.
"I have done everything in my power to show you I love you, to show you I have chosen you over and over. You need to start believing me Gally! 'Cause I'm really tired of having to prove it." I yelled, pushing him in the chest, not giving him time to process the slap. "I have been going out there into the maze for more then a year trying to find a way out. My only friends are guys, I don't have an option! I really don't understand your hatred towards him. All he has ever done was show me a little compassion. Is that the problem? Because you're ego can't take that someone might acutely care because you're used to the fucking jerks that I've delt with since I showed up?"
I shoved him again, he grabbed my wrists, holding them tight to his chest, keeping me stuck.
"Because I saw him! I saw you and him together in the changing!" He yelled.
"And? I saw us together?" I yelled back.
"I don't trust him!"
"And I do!"
Gally's eyes widened, his hands squeezed my wrists. I don't think he realized what he was doing, but it was starting to hurt.
"So that's it? You're choosing him over me?" He asked, his voice dangerously low. I saw the anger in his eyes crack and the scared, sad, desperate boy showed.
"That's not what I said at all! Stop putting words in my mouth!"
"But you trust him?"
"YES! He saved my life when Ben attacked, and stayed to help me save Alby when Minho ditched me, and again when we were on the wall trying to get down, and again when were were trapped in a dead end by a Griever. He helped stop the bleeding when I almost died! If he was a spy, like you say, then why did he save me so many times? Why did he save Alby? And Minho? Why did he try and plead for Ben's life when you sent my friend to his death, after all the klunk Ben screamed about us? Wouldn't it be easier to just let us all die? He wants out just as bad as I do, as Newt, as Minho, as Chuck...and Alby...and everyone else! Why can't you see that?"
He was quiet, he had stopped holding my wrists so tight. His body was still full of wound up tension, but his eyes didn't look so murderous. They looked broken.
"If you love me Gally, then you will believe me. You will trust me. Because if you can't do that...then this wont work. I'm going to find a way out of this shucken nightmare. WITH Minho and Thomas."
With that I ripped my hands out of his grasp and turned to walk away.
"Where are you going?" He growled garbing my arm.
"To shower. And then see Alby." I snapped and yanked my arm out of his grasp.
I felt a little better after a long shower, I needed to cool off, and so did Gally. I grabbed a snack from Tim in the kitchen and knocked on the Med Hut door and entered. Clint was trying to spoon feed the girl and Jeff was folding towels.
"Hey Snips!" Clint smiled.
"Hey guys." I nodded, "Mind if I just sit?" I indicated to Alby.
"Go ahead. We were just on our way out for a bit. Do ya mind actually keeping an eye on them? They're pretty easy patients." Jeff asked over his shoulder.
I nodded and slid into the chair by Alby's bed. He didn't look too bad anymore. He was going through the changing faster then anyone. He had stopped screaming last night apparently. He'd wake up in a day or two. I sat with my head in my hands. I heard footsteps and the door closed. The moment the door closed, the tears came. Angry, hot, hurt broken tears.
"I need your grumpy advice Admiral Alby. You always had my back. It never wavered, I need you." I cried.
WICKED is good
I jumped, and fell out of the chair. I whipped around. The voice was female and it seemed cold. My head vibrated and I felt the presence of the voice, but it was uncomfortable, not like Thomas's.
"The shuck?" I whispered.
I triggered the ending.
Tommy? Are you hearing this?
Yes! What the hell is going on?
Shuck if I know!
WICKED is good, Charlie. It's all going to change, Tom.
Get the hell out of my head!
Agreed! Leave us alone!
I triggered the ending...It's all fading, I wont remember. WICKED is good.
I felt the cold uncomfortable presence leave.
I was leaning against the wall, breathing hard. My eyes wide and wild. I heard a groan. I whipped my head around. The girl in the comma on the bed was finally stirring. I turned and sprinted out of the MedHut, yelling for Jeff, Clint and Newt.
I sat with my knees pulled to my chest, my arms wrapped around them, my forehead pressed to my knees. I was leaning on a tree in the Deadheads. After I got The MedJacks and Newt I sprinted away. I just needed quiet. I needed space. I just needed to be alone. My heart raced as fast as my thoughts. I had no idea what the girl meant.
You okay Sparky?
I snorted. And I felt Thomas sigh.
Can I come find you?
I shrugged. He seemed to understand.
Where are you?
Very helpful.
You didn't ask specifically where. But I don't corner of the wall.
I didn't have to wait long. Thomas found me pretty quickly. He slid down the wall and sat beside me, his long legs sticking out in front of him, and lend his head back.
"Been quite the few days, huh?" He bumped my shoulder with his own.
I just snorted. We were quiet.
"It's been quite the year." I whispered.
He hung his head, "Yeah I've heard a bit."
We were quiet again. But it wasn't awkward, he let me be quiet and was okay with my melancholy mood. He was twirling a stick between his long fingers.
"I take it your talk with that boyfriend of yours didn't go so good?"
I just snorted again. I finally uncurled myself, stretching my legs out and leaning back against the wall, matching his seating position.
"As well as I expected."
He just hummed.
"He doesn't trust you because his memories showed more of us together." I finally cried, throwing my hands into the air, "But he wont believe me when I keep telling him I love him!"
" you love me?" Thomas asked, his mouth was pulled down, into a frown.
"Yes." I whispered, tears in my eyes. "But it's different!"
He just hummed again, nodding, he kept his eyes down, waiting for me to continue.
"I love Gally with a hot burning passion- I mean right now I'd like to throw a chair at him- but I love him Tommy! I'd fight for him, but I'm so tired of having to prove it! And I feel different about you. It' and comfortable, I haven't opened up this much, I don't trust them like I trust you. I do, Tommy, I love, but it's so different."
"I get it," he said slowly. "But you should know-"
"I know Tommy. I'm not your type." I gave him a small smile.
His eyes snapped up to mine.
"I think your type is tall tanned and blond, like a Greek God."
He turned a bit pink.
"Has some defined muscle, but is built more like a runner then a muscle head..."
He cleared his throat and looked away.
"Says the word bloody, and buggen a lot..."
I was smirking at him. By this time Thomas's face was beat red.
"Likes getting his hands dirty...his dirty dirty hoe hands.."
"OKAY! Enough! " Thomas shrieked, "Jeez your awful!"
I just laughed, "I know!"
"Awfully annoying!" He rolled his eyes with a huff and pushed my shoulder.
"Come on Tommy Boy! Admit it! I'm a girl, I can see these things!" I grinned.
He sagged, and huffed.
"He wont feel the same."
It was my turn to roll my eyes.
"Man. Boys are blind. And dumb. He SO dose feel the same! Trust me!"
His eyes slowly locked onto mine, his cheeks and nose tinged pink, and his eyes searching mine seeing if I was lying.
"Trust me! I KNOW he's into you."
"You better be telling me the truth Charlie!" He muttered, crossing his arms.
"I found you two." said a females voice, the raven haired girl slid out of the shadows. She was finally awake.
**Bit of a filler chapter**
**klunk is going to hit the fan soon!**
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