Chapter 52: I Hate You
**Spicy Kissy scene**
My vision blanked out for a few seconds. I came around, with Gally calling my name. He was looking at me like I was a ghost.
"How...? How is that..possible?" He whispered in disbelief.
"I'd always...come back." I croaked, letting my head flop forwards onto his chest.
Gally sank down to his knees when mine gave out, I couldn't stand up anymore. He held me tightly. I heard to heavy thuds, knowing Thomas and Minho just dropped to the ground; exhausted, sweaty, scratched and bruised, covered in my blood.
"..Alby..?" Newt asked hesitantly.
"Yeah...He's alive." Thomas answered from the ground.
"WHAT?" Newt yelped.
"Yeah...Newt, he needs Grief Serum-"
"-but you gotta get him down." Thomas cut in.
Everyone froze in confusion. Looking at the three of us.
"He's tied in the veins, up the wall, just around the corner." I answered, my head still laying on Gally's chest, I couldn't even open my eyes.
"I'd get him down...but I need a second." Thomas said, struggling to get to his feet.
"No!" Newt said sharply, his red rimmed eyes never leaving Thomas. "We can get some of the other runners to get him..."
"Good that!" Minho said, sticking his arm into the air and giving a thumbs up. A few of the runners slowly and hesitantly walked into the maze to find Alby.
Newt hesitated, he turned to Gally, "take her to Clint and Jeff."
Then turned to Thomas and Minho. "Go with them. Get some water food, shower and we ne-"
"-we need a gathering!" Gally barked.
Newt sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, "Yes, Gally, if you had let me finish, I was going to say a gathering."
Gally growled, but got up, pulling me with him. I cried out at the sudden movement.
"Hey! Carful! She just about bleed out, in there!" Thomas cried, scrambling to his feet.
Gally glared at him for a second, but then looked back down at me, I had sunk to me knees, holding my bloody side.
"What did you do?" He cried in shock, like it was the first time he noticed my entire one side was coated in blood.
I managed to smirk, "You should see the other guy." And then winced and let out a moan, as the pain shot through me.
I heard Minho and Thomas chuckle from the ground.
"Shuck! Why do you always do this? Always scaring me half to death?" Gally muttered, running a hand through his messy waves.
He sunk down to his knees, his eyes had softened; worry and care took over from anger, his hands gently held my face. I closed my eyes leaning into him, knowing I was safe. I was home.
"Come on Pipsqueak, lets go get you cleaned up." He said gently.
He slid his arms around me and picked me up, carrying me across the Glade. The runners were working on getting Alby down, Newt came back from around the maze corner and caught up to us. Gally had me in his arms, Minho and Thomas following right behind, and the rest of the Gladers followed, yelling out questions.
"What happened out there?" Newt asked, finally making it beside us.
"How did you guys make it out?" Gally asked in disbelief still.
He looking down at me, I tipped my head back just slightly to see his eyes. There were so many emotions mixed behind his intense eyes, curiosity, relief, joy, sadness, anger, shock, panic, anxiety... none of them maintained dominance, and switched constantly.
"You saw a Griever?" Chuck asked us, as he hoped around us, like a little puppy.
"Uhh, yeah, Chuck... Yeah, we saw one."
I snorted, "Just one Tommy? We were leading an epic death parade!"
"WHAT?" Gally roared, it was so loud I flinched, and I felt his arms tighten.
"He didn't just see it. Him and Tiger killed 'em!" Minho said before anyone else could ask a question.
Gally pulled up gazing down at me, shock and amusement and a look of pride maybe on his face.
But then I saw the fear slid back behind his eyes. He looked up to Newt and then to Minho, but then his eyes slid to Thomas, and they hardened. I felt his body tense.
"Ouch! Gally! Stop, that hurts!" I whimpered, subconsciously he was tensing, and squishing me, making the slice in my side hurt.
"Shuck, sorry!" He jumped, and loosened his grip.
I was grinding my teeth so hard, my head was starting to hurt. Clint was doing his best to be gentle, but anyway you do it, without numbing cream, stitches hurt like shuck! I had Gally's hand squeezed in mine.
"Come on Pipsqueak, it ain't that bad!" He tried to joke.
I just growled, and clamped my eyes closed.
"I've had stitches so many times!"
"Yeah? You've had this many done at once? How about the blood loss?"
"You forgot also running for your life for a few hours, bleeding out." Thomas called from the other side of the room.
"True. I also did that!" I grinned back at Thomas.
Gally growled and if looks could kill, I'm pretty sure Gally would have killed Thomas a few time.
"And some slick Tiger Ninja moves to add!" Minho called.
"I'm just awesome! And you guys always sound shocked!" I rolled my eyes, but yelped when Clint stabbed me again.
The MedHut was full. The girl in the corner was still in a coma, Alby was no tied to a bed going through The Changing, MedJacks got the serum in him. Jeff was patching up Minho, Newt was wrapping a particularly nasty cut on Thomas's arm. And Clint was finishing up the stitches on my side. I knew everyone wanted to ask us all the questions, but they were holding them all in. Newt had said no questions until the Gathering. And I was thankful. I didn't want to relive that awful night more then I had to. I was also was way past physically exhausted, I had never pushed my body that hard for that long. Despite the constant pokes, my eyes were sliding shut.
"Okay, done. You're good Snips. Shower and eat" Clint nodded his head, towards the door.
I nodded, went to stand up, but my exhausted legs wouldn't have it. I groaned.
Gally smirked down at me and raised an eye brow, "What are your legs broken or something?"
"I hate you, Gally." I rolled my eyes, "And yes, they are actually. Now help your exhausted battered girlfriend." I whined.
"It's a good thing I like you." He whispered in my ear as he picked me up.
He nudged the MedHut door open and carried me to the shower. He set me down gently inside my shower.
"Gaaaallllyyy! Help me! My arms hurt!" I whined again, before he left.
He froze, and slowly turned towards me, his eyes dark, his intense eyes freezing me to the spot. I knew I was a hot mess, covered in sweat, blood, grim, scraps and bruises, my clothes were ripped and ruined, my hair was tangled and the pony tail wasn't distinguishable at this point. But he still looked me up and down like he wanted to push me up against the wall.
I smirked, knowing I had him. I heard him humm.
"You do look like you need all the help you can get, Pipsqueak." His voice was deep and rough.
I sat on the shower floor and Gally gently washed the sweat, dirt and blood from my hair. My head slowly sunk down, my eyes sliding closed.
"Hey, Charlie..." Gally called gently, "almost done."
My head jerked up. He chuckled, I could feel his chest rumble. He helped me up and turned the shower off. I gingerly dried off, and sat down on the bench, a towel wrapped around me. He was quiet for a moment, I could sense the shift in his mood.
"What is it?" I asked quietly.
He was quiet still, I just waited for him to continue. I turned with a lot of wincing, my muscles hurt so much. I was now fully facing him, he had dried off and pulled on a pair of jeans. He took a deep shuddering breath.
"I thought I lost you." He said quietly, he leaned against the wall, folding his arms. "That was the longest shucken night I have ever had." He looked away and was blinking rapidly.
I was quiet, giving him time to think and finish his thought.
"Charlie...I couldn't sleep, I didn't know what was worse, trying to have hope that maybe you would make it, or the despair knowing I should just start trying to get over it and move on..." His voice was rough, deep, but not in a desired way, he was broken right now, he was trying to keep it together, he slid down the wall, his head in his hands. " least with Bean..we knew. But with you gone..the unknown!"
His voice wavered and then cracked. All my muscles protested, but I got up off the bench and knelt down in front of him, my hands on his knees.
"I almost lost you! I can't...I can't loose you too!" His chin shook and the tears slid down his face.
"I'm right here. Gally I'm right here. I made it, we made it. Tommy saved my life so many times, but we fought, all night and I'm right here. I'll always be right here."
"Of course he did." He spat bitterly.
"What?" I asked confused, the mood shift threw me off.
"Your preciouses Tommy. He saved you!" He snapped, looking up, his eyes were broken and angry, tears still leaking over his eyelashes.
"What do you want me to say? Minho also saved my life. We saved each others lives." I said frowning and my face twisting in confusion.
"It should have been me. But I a coward." He whispered, looking away.
I sighed, understanding a little bit now.
"You were held down by at least four guys, Gally."
"Still. Now I'm indebted to that...Greenie... and I hate it. I've seen him and I don't trust him!"
I froze, he had never mentioned that last part before. Frowning even more, I slowly turned his face towards me, so he was forced to look at me.
"Tell me what you mean, you saw him? When? The Changing?"
"Why are you so interested?" He growled, I could feel his jaw clenching under my hand.
"Because you never tell me anything about you memories, Gally. And..."
I stopped myself before saying I had been hearing his voice all year, I hadn't told anyone about the voice.. I wasn't sure right now, would be a good time to tell him I can talk to Tommy telepathically. Especially when he's already mad and hurting.
"And...I'm curious Gally." I finished.
He glared at me, his eyes trying to read my mind and soul. I didn't back down though. My eyes burnt and I just wanted sleep, but I held his gaze.
"Yeah." He finally said. "I saw him. I saw him..and you. You were together. I saw you two together a few times."
My eyes went wide, and my mouth opened. It was shocking to hear that Gally had seen me and Thomas together, but it didn't shock me as much as I expected. I felt deep down, we obviously were tight before this shucked up place.
"Gally. Before the maze was a life time ago. Also, I had memories of us. You and me, together, we have matching shucken tattoos for shuck sakes! And I'm here with you right now, not him. And it seems..wrong." I paused and made sure he was looking me directly in the eye. "You are my home, I love YOU. Sometimes I really want to smack you with a chair, but I love you! And only you. You feel right, the only one I want, the only one I need. Okay?"
"No. Not butts. He's a friend. Yes, we went through a shucken traumatic time together, I owe him my life, I owe my life to Minho too, and vice versa. And yes that is a bond that is deep, and strong."
"No." I said firmly.
He finally hung his head. I could see his shoulders shudder.
"I'm..just scared to loose you too."
"I'm here now." I whispered, pulling his head back up.
I crawled onto his lap, my knees on either side of his hips. I slid my hands into his hair, and pressed my body as close to him as I could. I felt his sharp intake of breath.
"Your defiantly here." He whispered, his voice gravely again, but in a different way, his hands slid up my bare thighs.
"Carful. I'm pretty banged up." I warned quietly.
"Hmm, I'll bang you up some more." He growled, leaning forwards to kiss my neck.
"Gally!" I said sharply, pulling his head away. He was just smirking at me now, the fear and despair, the anger seemed to be put on the back burner. Right now...we just wanted each other. I thought I would never see him again, I needed him. I leaned forwards, my lips brushed his.
"I hate you Gally."
"I know Charlie. I hate you too."
"I love you Gally." I whispered on his lips.
"I know. I love you too."
He pulled my head closer, and kissed me hungrily, desperately, like I would never see him again. He held me like I would disappear. His hands were warm, and sent electricity through my sore and exhausted body. Sliding slowly up my bare legs. I moaned and that gave him the chance to slid his tounge into my mouth. raking my nails down his scalp making him shudder. His hands tightened when I did it again. My head was fuzzy, full of a love fog. I felt warm and tingly, starting in the pit of my stomach; it spread through my body into my limbs giving me life. I had to break the kiss to breath. He just went for my neck and slowly down to my collarbone and over to my bare shoulder. I dug my nails into his shoulders, I heard him growl. He slowly shifted so he could stand up, taking me with him, without breaking our desperate kiss.
He leaned me into the wall, I had to go up on my tippy toes, but his strong broad body pressed me into the wall. I wanted him closer. I ran my hands down his sides, making his shiver, and then running my fingers across his belt line to the front, making him whimper.
I wrapped a leg around him as best as I could, pulling closer. His one arm was bent and bracing himself right beside my head, the other one pulled my towel. The cool air on my skin made me shiver. He kissed me roughly now, forcing my mouth open.
The feelings and emotions he made me feel gave my exhausted sore body life again. He left me panting and in a daze. He left me feeling alive again, reminding me to never take life and him for granted. I lived a night in the maze and I had him back, and I wouldn't let him go.
**Filler Chapter**
**But some different perspective of why Gally is angry with Tommy?**
**Too spicy? 🌶️ Not enough? Just right? Ugh..**
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