Chapter 47: The Girl
Alby and Newt stood staring at Thomas and Minho and me.
"Well...why didn't you bring it back?" Alby asked like he was talking to a two year old.
Minho and I looked at each other and then slowly back at Alby like he had grown a second head.
"The shuck? Know how big that thing was?" I asked exhaspirated.
"Look, I know I got muscles and I'm strong as shuck-"
"Dude, I whoop your ass in the sand pit!"
"Technicalities." Minho waved his hand dismissively.
"Technicalities?" I blanched. "Fare and square I kicked your ass!"
"I let you!" Minho rolled his eyes and folded his arms.
"The shuck you did!" I pushed off the wall, only to be stopped by Newt.
"Guys!" Alby yelled, he looked at Newt, "are they always like this?"
Newt shrugged, "probably worse. Couldn't imagine running with them."
"Excuse me, Sir. We are awesome!"
I held out a hand for a high five, Minho slapped my hand without looking and we both folded out arms. Alby sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Newt sighed in exhapiration, but I saw an amused smile on his lips.
Thomas wasn't sure what to think. He looked like a mix of amused, worried, confused and frustrated.
"Yes. Let's focus. Dead Griever." I said seriously.
"Look. If you really want we could probably make it... If we hoofed it." Minho said looking down at his watch. Though he looked like he very much did not believe that, and I probably looked the same. We were just about dead on our feet.
Alby and Newt looked up at the sky and then back at their own watches.
"Nah. Doors close soon." Newt said, shaking his blood head.
"We'll check it out tomorrow. I'm coming with you!" Alby said, folding his arms.
"Whatever you da bass." I grinned at Alby, using Minho's same words.
Minho snickered. While everyone else groaned and rolled their eyes.
Alby wanted me and Thomas to see the girl. Not sure why. I never had a girl pop up in my memories. But I shrugged, why the shuck not.
I pushed off the wall and just about fell over, if Thomas hadn't thrown an arm out I would have fallen into my face. Thomas wrapped an arm around my waist and threw my arm around his shoulders. Minho looked about the same. Newt threw an arm around his waist and helped him to the MedHut, following Alby.
I didn't understand what just happened. My mind buzzed I felt the voice's presence and then it was gone the second I let a gasp out. I frowned. I couldn't't figure out what was going on with the voice. It was so random!
Our weird two legged race group made it half way to the MedHut.
I turned my head and winced, all my muscles screamed in pretest.
"Charlie?!' Gally dropped his arm full of wood and came tering across the Glade.
"What's wrong? What happened? Everytime you go in there you get hurt! I should lock you up and never let you go back! Shuck woman!"
He had shoved Thomas out of the way, making him stumble backwards, wrapping me in a tight hug.
"You done now?" I asked rolling my eyes. "I'm just fine. Minho and I just...need a shower, food and a nap!"
With my muscles screaming at me I pushed him away.
"What?" He had my face in his hands twisting my head this way and that.
"Jeeze Mom! I'm fine!" I swatted his hands, "Mouse and I just got excited and ran extra fast to get our shanky butts back here."
Minho gave a goofy grin from Newt's support.
"Shuck ya we did Tiger!"
He tried to high five me, but our arms were like wet noodles, and the high five was an epic fail.
"So your not hurt?" Gally asked.
"Correct." I grinned.
I could see the tension release, and the worry leave his eyes. Then his eyes hardened as they slid past me to Thomas who stood behind me arms folded.
"Why was he touching you?"
"Helping me? What's got your gitchies in a knot? Man everyone is up tight today!" I huffed.
Gally glared at Thomas and then growled.
"Dude, slim it!" I rolled my eyes. "We were in our way to the MedHut to meet my new best friend."
He didn't wait for an answer and picked me up and carried me the rest of the way.
"Hey Newt? Will you carry me too? I don't like my legs will work anymore." Minho called, faking a faint.
Newt stepped over him without missing a beat or batting an eyelash.
"You're on your own Shuck Face."
I heard Minho huff, "Ya bunch of shucked faces slint heads."
Standing around the new girls bed we all stared down at her.
"She look familiar?" Alby asked.
I stood at the foot of the bed. My face screwed up trying to think, trying to remember. Thomas didn't look much better.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to relax and think, trying to break passed that mental wall around my memories. The thing was, at least other times I had an inckling or a feeling. I got nothing from this chick.
She was pretty. She had clear pale smooth skin. Dark raven black hair, curves in all the right places, thin and delicate. I could see how Thomas would think she was hot...even if he kept trying to make eye contact with someone else...
But I got a cold feeling from her. She didn't seem warm and welcoming. But I should be one to judge...I'm not exactly the welcome wagon committee.
When nothing forthcoming came I sighed and opened my eyes, shaking my head.
"I got nothing Alby. I'm sorry!"
He sighed and ran a hand down his face.
"It's okay Snips. You tried." He turned to look at Thomas, he still had his face scrunched
"If you know something and ain't tellin' me..." Alby's tone was demanding and accusatory.
"Look! I know nothing! I showed up here with nothing, apparently same as you! And isn't that the problem? None of us know anything! So why the....shuck? Why the shuck would I know?" Thomas had raised his voice, some heat behind his words.
I could feel his frustration, deep inside. I felt my own stomach twist in frustration. Why did Alby and Gally keep picking on the Greenie.
"You sure Greenie?" Gally spat.
With a frustrated sigh, he ran a hand through his dark brown hair, "Why do you hate me so much?"
The look that came over Gally's face was indescribable, part confusion, part anger, part shock. Alby looked about the same. Alby spoke first.
"Hate you? Boy, you ain't learned nothin' since showing up in that Box. This ain't got nothin' to do with no hate or like or love or friends or anything. All we really care about is surviving. Drop your sissy side and start using that shuck brain if you got one!"
I frowned at Alby. He seemed extra stressed today. He's normally grumpy and shirt tempered, but not this bad. Thomas felt like he'd been slapped. I felt his shock from where I was standing. I saw his confusion and anger on his face.
"But ... why do you keep accusing-"
Gally growled and cut Thomas off.
"Cause it can't be a coincidence, slinthead! You pop in here, then we get us a girl a few days later, a crazy note, Ben tryin' to kill you and Charlie-"
"- and dead Grievers." Alby added.
"Something's goin' on and I ain't restin' till I figure it out!" Gally finished, folding his large arms.
"I don't know anything!" Thomas threw his hands into the air, he pushed past everyone and left the MedHut, slamming the door.
Newt frowned after him.
"Well this has been informative. I'm going for a shower. Later shuck faces." Minho spun away with a wave of his hand.
I frowned again, looking at the girl.
"Snips? There's nothing?" Alby asked me again, almost pleading.
I thought for more more second, but sighed and shook my head, and looked up. I saw the disappointment on his face.
"No, I have nothing. Honest. And you know if tell you if I did! Promise!"
"Ya...yeah I know Snips." Alby turned to Gally, "you also went through the changin' anything from you?"
Gally shook his head. Alby and Newt sighed.
"If you do...let me know. This place is going to shuck." He grumbled.
I saluted Alby. "Aye aye Admiral Alby."
He rolled his his, but I saw a small smirk. They left and it was just me and Gally and the girl. I kept looking at her, it was hard not too.
"So...what's your plan now?" Gally asked me.
"Shower. Eat.ay down and never get up."
"Hmm." He nodded, "what's the matter?"
"Nothin'. Minho asked Tommy if he thought she was hot, she's pretty in a cold sorta way."
Gally glanced at her, "sure if you like ice Princess."
I glanced up at him and the corner of my mouth lifted.
"So Greenie thought she was hot?"
I shook my head, "no, didn't seem convinced."
I saw Gally's face harden.
"What is it with you and this Greenie, huh?"
I raised my head and turned to fully face him.
"He's a new kid who's been thrown into this shucken hell hole. You and Alby seem to think he's part of some big conspiracy theory! The poor kid has no memories, and he's just trying to learn the ropes! He saved my life!"
He ground his teeth, his intense eyes trying to read my soul.
"You guys seem to stare at each other a lot."
"Gally I'm like 90% sure, I ain't his type." I smirked.
"What does that mean?"
I rolled my eyes and turned towards the MedHut door.
"I mean...I ain't his type. Pretty sure his type is blond, tall..."
I opened the door and leaned on the door frame, looking out into the Glade.
"...big chocolate brown eyes, golden tanned skin.. muscular..."
Gally came up behind me.
"Works in the garden... British..."
"Okay I get it."
"You sure? You're awfully jealousy of a guy who has a crush on a other guy." I rolled my eyes and tilted my head to look up at him.
"Just making sure everyone knows your all mine." He growled in my ear.
My stomach flipped flopped.
"Well I was going to go shower..."
"Were you now?" He raised an eyebrow.
I just hummed. I sauntered away, swinging my hips. I saw him glance at his watch.
"Work days almost over..."
"Well then...come on, I have sweat hair you can wash." I grinned seductively over my shoulder.
Gally growled again with a hunger in his intense steel blue eyes that made me shiver and smirk. He stormed after me. Gally grabbed me from behind, making me shriek and then giggle when he picked me up and hulking me away over his shoulder.
**Oooo Dead Griever. Teresa. Everyone accusing Tommy..**
**Short one. Sorry!**
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