Chapter 46: The Griever
I pretended to be asleep already, by the time Gally came to bed. I just couldn't anymore today. Today... actually my entire year here had been one giant clusterfuck. I heard Gally's breath even out and become deep. He was asleep. How can he fall asleep so easily after sending Ben out there?
Nothing was ever easy here. And felt like it was getting worse. Ever since I went through the changing. I didn't know what was different. I also had no idea what Ben meant by Thomas and I were bad. Nothing in my memories clued me in to that.
I remember bits of Gally and I. I remembered working at a computer desk, a metal desk in a bright lit room, scribbling on papers, all kinds of math problems and blue prints. I remember voices whispering, saying WICKED is good. And a horrible voice which was garbled saying I had to be something called a distraction. And the worst memories; I remember pain shooting through my body as I lay strapped to a cold medical table, being poked and shocked while feeling like I was drowning, and the dark cave tunnle with those horrible creatures with my mother chained to the wall.
Everything is going to change!
I froze. My head vibrated quickly. My blood ran cold. There was a voice in my head...but this voice was different. The presence felt different; it felt familiar but it was uncomfortable and cold.
My heart rate sped up. And I was scared to move. The voice never came back. The uncomfortable tingling was gone.
It took a while for my heart rate so slow down. I was hot and sweaty now. I kicked the blank off and lay there, stairing at the roof. My mind slowly went back to the memories. And then wandered to Ben. How do any of those memories make me a bad person? Gally went through the changing and he didn't say I was bad how could I be?
You're not a bad person.
I shot up. Breathing hard. The voice. The other voice was back, the smooth male tenner voice. The familiar presence, the familiar vibration. I immediately felt settled.
How do you know?
I felt a hum, like the voice was thinking.
You threw yourself in front of someone who had just tried to kill you. Pleaded for his life. A bad person wouldn't do that.
I sighed. Wrapping my arms around my knees. I sat quietly, mulling over the voice's answer.
Thank you.
You should sleep.
I can't. Will you...stay until I do?
I slowly lay back down beside Gally. Curling up I closed my eyes. I felt the familiar comfortable presence inside my head. The steady gentle vibrating lulled me to sleep.
I slid out from Gally and got dressed. As I grabbed my backpack I heard him stir.
"You're seriously going out there?" His morning voice was rough and sent a shiver down my spine, but I heard the disdain behind the words.
"Yes." I replied sharply.
"Fine." I repeated, walked out the door without looking back.
I was already in the map room with a little breakfast when Minho showed up. He looked terrible. He obviously hadn't slept. But he just nodded, and I nodded back.
"Let's run section 4. I want to look at the Cliff." I said, standing by the model of the maze.
He shrugged.
"Do you need to stay here?" I asked gently.
He shrugged again. I sighed. Looks like I'm in charge today. The Runners slowly showed up. Once they were all here all eyes went to Minho, who stood stiff and staring, his arms crossed and his jaw clamped.
"Alright, pair up, guys. Minho and I will do section four." I said as I turned back to the group.
The guys paired up and picked their sections.
"Guys? Run safe. Run fast. Please." I said quietly.
They gave me half hearted high fives as they left.
"Come on Min. Let's go." I patted his shoulder. He nodded and followed after me.
On our way out I saw Thomas walking with Newt. They both waved and gave me a smile. I waved back. I saw Gally behind them, arms crossed, glaring; his eyes going back and forth between Thomas and I. I sighed and rolled my eyes. With Minho on my heels we ran into the Maze.
It was an easier route. And Minho and I both needed an easier day. We ran at a slower pace, stopping just before the end of the section for lunch. We were both quiet. Not needing to say much, both feeling each other's pain and loss.
We packed up and continued on, one more turn. Tag the wall and head back. Nothing new. Again. Even the Cliff was the same. With my hopes crashing down again I took the last turn and scrambled to a stop, Minho slammed into my back. Grabbing me before I fell. He clamped a hand over my mouth.
Laying in front of us was a Griever. It wasn't moving. There was no noise coming from it. Minho and I stayed silent and still. Terrified to move.
"Is it sleeping?" Minho breathed.
I peeled his hand off my mouth, "Do machines need to sleep?" I whispered back.
I felt him shrug from behind me. We watched it for anorher minute. Very slowly Minho stepped around me and slowly closer.
I crept behind him. Up close, I could see all the machine parts through its greenish grey blubbery body. But I could also see what looked like a heart.
"Min...I think it's dead!" I whispered.
"Yeah?" He looked up, his eyes lighting up.
"We'll look." I pointed, "there some kind of creature heart and it's not moving. And it still has Jax's knife in the back of its head, where the brain should be!"
"This is awesome! Tiger! This is something new! Jax managed to kill the shuck ugly thing!"
I nodded. Taking another look at the thing. And I smiled. Jax killed the Griever. He died a warriors death. Fighting on his feet.
"Come on Tiger! We gotta go tell Alby!" He whooped, grabbed my arm and pulled back back around the corner.
We turned and with some spring in our step some hope coursing through our blood we ran, but not just a leasurly jog, no we sprinted. We pushed our selves as fast as we could.
"Come on Tiger!" Minho yelled between his heavy breathing.
"I'm-" heavy gasp.
"-coming-' heavy gasp.
We sprinted.
My legs burnt and my lungs couldn't get a proper deep breath. I had a stitch in my side and sweat ran down my face and neck, sliding down my back. But we ran with a new determination.
We took the last corner, glancing at each other, with big grins. Minho raised his eyebrow.
I grinned back and we sprinted, we gave the last push, racing to the Glade.
"Ha! Winner!" Minho huffed. And promptly collapsed.
"Hardly!" I dropped on top of him, because yeah, he won...
He groaned and shoved me off. We both lay on the grass gasping.
"I think I'm dead."
"You smell dead!" I whinned. And then groaned. "I can't feel my shuck legs!"
I heard footsteps. I had just enough energy to turn my head. Thomas was running towards us followed by Alby and Newt.
I turned my head back to Minho, "Greenie got some speed." I smirked.
Minho raised an eyebrow and lifted his head, gave an impressed face nodded once and then collapsed back down in a huff.
"Charlie? And...Minho, right? You guys okay? What happened?"
"Slim it Newbie!" Minho huffed.
Alby and Newt finally showed up. Alby took a quick look at us and kicked Minho's leg, harder then he should have.
"What the shuck happened out there?" He growled, "the shuck you back so soon for?"
"Dude! Slim it nice and cool!" Minho huffed.
"What's got your gitchies in a knot?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"We got another Greenie!" Newt said.
"What? We just got a Greenie!" Minho asked, sitting up, pointing towards Thomas.
"Yeah. A girl." Newt glanced at me.
My eyes flew open and sat up, with a groan, my muscles protested.
"Yeah. Weird thing is, we thought she was dead, but then she sat up, and yelled Thomas, Charlie and then collapsed into a coma thing."
"The shuck?"
"Yeah we said the same thing! Also, what's weirder still! Is that she whispered something too right before she collapsed. She said everything is going to change."
My eyes snapped wide. And flew up to Newt's face. He was frowning. I looked at Alby and he looked just as perplexed. I glanced at Thomas. He was looking at me already. When we made eye contact my stomach twisted weird, and I felt my heart beat faster, like I was guilty of something. Thomas had his face scrunched, like he was trying to remember something.
"She also had note that said she's the last one ever." Alby added.
"Well shuck me." Minho muttered, "today gets weirder." He collapsed back to the grass.
"Yeah, about that! Why the shuck you two back so soon?"
"How about some water Alby?" I asked. My arms gave out and I flopped back down into the grass.
"Yeah Admiral Alby chop chop! Water first answers second." Minho added, clapping his hands in front of him.
Alby growled.
"Alby...I'm dying of dyhidration. Don't want to add that to hyperthermia now do we? Be useful!" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Seriously Snips."
He rolled his eyes and turned, giving Thomas a very pointed look, and pointed to the two of us.
"They are the only two who can talk to me like that."
There was a slight smile on his face when he looked back at me. I winked at him and he rolled his eyes with a fond smile. He turned and trudged back to the Kitchen.
Thomas looked down at us shocked. And Newt looked quite ammused.
"He lets you boss him around like that?"
"Pfft. Please. I'm the lone female. I talk how I want and do what I want."
Newt folded his arms a smirk on his face.
"Well I guess I'm not the lone female anymore. Weird." I frowned.
"You get a good look at her, Greenie?" Minho asked.
Thomas nodded.
"She hot?"
I gasped and smacked Minho in the chest, it wasn't very effective considering I was laying down.
"Minho! The shuck!" I gasped.
I noticed Newt look down quickly and glance at Thomas. Thomas frowned and shrugged.
"Uh, I guess?" He said uncertaintly.
"You guess. If you're into chick's in comas, right?" He snickered.
I sat up and smacked Minho, and continued to smack him.
"Ouch! Tiger! I'm teasing! I'm teasing! You know I don't mean it!" Minho yelled throwing his hands up to protect himself.
"We are not slabs of meat to be drooled and fought over! I hear klunk like that again and I'm punching you like I did Gally my first day here! And you know I don't pull my punches!"
"Okay! Okay Tiger, yeish! Put those claws away!" Minho yelped and chuckled, when I finally stopped, folding my arms.
"So?" Thomas looked eager again, "why are you back so early?"
"Slim it Greenie!" Minho rolled his eyes, "wait for Admiral Alby!
"Did you guys find something?" He asked, hungry for answers, I saw his eyes slid to the door behind us, and his eyes searched the maze behind.
Newt, Minho and I glanced at each other and then at Thomas, with a frown. He only looked back now, realizing we were all frowning at him.
"What? What did I say?"
I saw Minho's eyes open wide; he focused on Thomas.
"You know what,Greenie? That's usually the dumbest shuck-faced thing you could ask a Runner." He closed his eyes again. "But not today."
"What do you mean?" Thomas gasped.
I saw the hope flash in his eyes, the need for answers. Newt crouched down at this. And his eyes were wide, flickering back and forth between Minho and I. I grinned and held my hand out for a high five.
"Wait for Admiral Alby!" I rolled my eyes, glancing at Minho I muttered, "Newbies never listen hey?"
"Whatever...fine I'll wait, but can you please let me stay? I'll be quiet!"
Minho shrugged, "whatever Greenie. You da boss."
Minho grinned at me. Before we had a chance to mess with Thomas, Alby came back and chucked us each a water bottle. We both chugged them. I held mine up in the air.
"Ha! I win!"
I tossed my empty bottle at Minho.
"Ya, ya. I run faster, you can drink faster."
"Okay! Enough you two! We ain't in kindergarten!" Alby grumbled, "Out with it. What happened?"
We both glanced at each other, I nodded my head towards Thomas, raising an eyebrow.
"Whateve's fine," Alby replied. "I don't care what this shank hears. Just talk!"
I was surprised how quietly Thomas sat, but I could see him almost vibrating in anticipation as Minho struggled to stand up, wincing with every move. I pushed up to my elbows. Minho held out a hand, normally I ignore their help, but today everything hurt and I held my hand out. He clasped it and hulled me to my feet. We both groaned, both of our demeanor probably screaming exhaustion.
I had to lean against the wall, my legs were jello from running so fast. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.
"We found a dead one." Minho blurted.
"Huh?" Alby asked.
"What?" Newt gasped at the same time.
"A dead what?" Thomas asked.
I peeked an eye open, and grinned evilly with Minho smiled.
"A dead Griever." I started calmly
There was silence. Everyone blinked. Processing the information.
"Your kidding?"
"Bloody hell"
Minho and I grinned.
"It's been one shucken weird day!" Alby muttered.
"The girl was bloody right." Newt said thinking out loud, rubbing a thumb against his bottom lip.
Everything is going to change.
Everything is going to change
**Uuuuuhhh oh!**
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