Chapter 44: Thomas and Confessions
Sitting huddled on the bench the next morning, I was able to eat half my plate. Keepers and Runners were up and shuffling around the dinning area. I saw Thomas and Newt talking quietly at the end of the table. Minho slid onto the bench in front of me.
"How ya doing today Tiger?"
I shrugged. "Clinically alive, I guess." Looking back down at my plate and pushed the contents around a bit.
"That's the spirit!"
I looked back at him, he had his vest and bag ready to go, and I frowned.
"Are you going in alone?"
"Shuck no. I'm taking Jonny until you're ready to go back."
"The shuck she is!" Gally cut into the conversation.
Minho and I both turned to him. I raised my eyebrows.
"You are not going back out there!" He said again. I saw the fear flash in his eyes and immidiatly covered it with anger.
"The shuck I'm not. That's my job and I do my job well."
"No! I won't let you!" He said louder, banging his fist on the table.
"YOU don't LET me do anything." I pointed a menacing finger.
"No Charlie! It's so dangerous!"
"Yes. It is dangerous. And I'm willing to take that risk. So slim it."
He stood up from the table.
"Not your shucken decision to make."
I didn't bother to look up. I stayed seated and picked up my coffee. I knew everyone was listening. I could feel their eyes. I hated being in the centre of attention. Why did Gally always start fights in the middle of public places?
The coffee mug was taken out of my hands and slammed down onto the table, spilling some, I jumped up and spun towards Gally; actually angry now.
"No! Charlie it's too dangerous and your still recovering. I won't allow it! End of discussion."
I laughed. It was dead and without humor.
"You don't shucken dare tell me what I can and can't do!"
"Yes I can!"
"Try it! I shucken dare you!" I hissed.
He had stepped closer, we were toe to toe, I could feel the heat from his body, and his breath in my face. I could see the tension in his shoulders, it matched mine.
I felt my anger rise, heat rose into my face and my palms were sweaty. My heart had picked up it's pace. I wanted to throw something at him right now. Preferably a chair. Or myself.
I saw the fear in his eyes. I knew deep down he was acting this way out of fear. I lost two running partners, two brothers to the maze. I lost our baby because of the maze and the dangers. I knew he was scared to loose me next. But so was I. I was scared, terrified. But I also knew this place is not a home. Never will be. We needed to get out.
"I can't lose you Charlie." He whispered.
I saw how broken he really was.
"You won't. Gally won't ever loose me." I said quietly, his eyes searched mine, desperately. I placed a hand on his cheek, and I felt him lean into my touch slightly.
"How? How can you be so sure?" He asked savagely.
"Because. I love you. And I'll always be with you." I said even quieter, placing a hand on his chest, over his racing heart.
"I've lost too many friends...and then my baby. I can't lose you too!"
I heard the waver, the sadness and fear, the anger and resentment in his words. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer, pushing up on my toes, I pulled his head down and I kissed him.
"I'll always come back. It's my job and I'm damn good at it. I make my own choices, and I will always appreciate yours, you better as shuck respect mine." I said quietly.
He growled.
"Sometimes I hate you Charlie."
"I know. I hate you too Gally."
We both knew that's not what we meant, at all. I gave him a small smile when his eyes softened. His arms squeezed me once and then he let go and left the dinning area. Shoving guys out of the way. I watched him go, frowning and my arms folded. I knew everyone was still watching me and listening.
"Minho? I'll be ready tomorrow." I said sharply.
As I left the dinning area I heard Greenie.
"They hate each other! Why are they together?"
"No, they don't. Not really." Newt answered.
I sat with Ben for the morning, he had stopped screaming and his fever had broke. He still looked really sick, but not as bad as before. I waited for the lunch rush to finish before going to get lunch. I sat at a table further away from everyone. Chuck came skipping over and I instantly smiled.
"Hey baby shank!" I smiled.
"Eww shuck no! I ain't no baby!"
He sat down beside me. I messed up his curls and laughed as he smacked my hand away.
"How ya been bud? I saw Alby paired you with Greenie. How's that going?"
The kid shrugged.
"He asks lots of questions and I think...if Alby found out he'd be mad. He's nosy. But he's really nice. I think you'd like him."
"Most Greenies ask questions and are nosy Chuckles. It's a big learning curve coming here."
"You're right. Were you like that?"
I laughed.
"Chuck...I was terrible! I had a busy they set me up with too. He was the Greenie before me. His name-"
I had to stop, my smile slipped and I swallowed hard, it felt like a rock was stuck in my throat.
"His name was Fred. He...he became a little brother. Like you did."
"It's okay Charlie." He grabbed my hand in his chubby little one. "You don't gotta tell me. I think I know already."
I gave him a small sad smile.
"You're a good kid."
I pulled him into a side hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back. I kissed the top of his head.
"Now where is this Greenie. I have yet to meet him properly."
"You mean crashing into him wasn't good enough?" Chuck laughed, "he's with Winston now, had his tour with Alby this morning."
"Well, lead the way."
We learned on the fence watching the animals. It was mid afternoon by now. I had helped Chuck with some dishes and then we came looking for Greenie. We didn't have to wait long. He came running out of the barn and threw up in the Deadheads.
"Couldn't hack Slicer, huh?" I asked and leaned against a tree.
Chuck giggled. The kid straightened up, wiping his mouth. He was taller then me. And when his eyes met mine I felt that weird sensation in my stomach and tickle in my head. I frowned and scrunched my forehead.
"So your the famous Charlie." He smirked and folded his arms.
"The one and only."
"You're the only thing a lot of people talk about." He said looking me up and down, not in a lustful way, trying to size me up.
"For one thing Greenie I'm not a THING. And two don't believe most of what you hear."
"Ya, she's not the Glade hoe!" Chuck blurted.
I tried not to smile, and continue to glare at the new kid.
"Thank you Chuck, for defending my honour."
The new kid frowned. And then glanced back at me.
"Don't believe everything you hear."
"So? What is true then?" He challenged.
"Depends on what you heard, Thomas."
"Newt said you were here for a year and became a Runner within your like first few weeks?"
I smirked and nodded.
"Broke a rib my first few days here had to wait until it healed and I was a Runner, yes."
"How do you become one?" He asked glancing at the maze walls.
"You need to prove yourself and then Minho has to see potential, bring it infront of the council and it has to pass. No one wants to be a Runner, Thomas. It's dangerous."
"Yeah, Newt told me about it last night."
He was still stairing at the walls, like he was trying to figure it out from here.
"I want to be a Runner...I have to..." He said more to himself.
"We haven't had a new one since..." I swallowed, blinking hard, "since Fred."
Thomas's eyes came back to mine. There was something about this guy.
"I heard about that too."
I looked at him sharply, my jaw clenched.
"Thomas..? " Chuck said caustusly.
"I heard a Griever chased you guys. Newt said something about you being stung."
I took a slow deliberate breath. And slowly nodded.
"What is that? The changing? What happens? How does it work?" He asked.
I rubbed my forehead. Chuck was right. He does ask a lot of questions and is quite nosey.
"Follow me Greenie." I turned on my heel and headed back towards the MedHut.
"Hey I have stuff to do before supper. I'll see you guys later, k? Charlie, don't punch anyone." Chuck called and skipped off towards the gardens.
Their person
Gally had stormed from the dinning area after breakfast. He needed a place to calm down. He had a hard time concentrating this morning, he had seen her walk into the MedHut and hadn't seen her leave.
He hadn't seen her at lunch. And knew if he went looking for her, asking if she ate it would just cause a big fight. They were both edgy today.
Standing at his work table, leaning over some blue prints they were working on. He was having a hard time concentrating. His mind kept wondering back to Charlie.
She was so shucken stuborn. She was still recovering, she wouldn't eat properly and she kept waking up with nightmares and panic attacks. He didn't think she had taken time to actually process and grieve their lose. He was struggling with it. And he had no idea how to deal with it. Life in the Glade was harsh wild and intense.
And then this new Greenie got on his nerves. He saw right from the start how he looked at Charlie. Both of them wouldn't stop staring at each other. It wasn't until last night, when Charlie asked if he remembered him, did he realize he did. After Charlie fell asleep he had sat up and tried going into the memory flashes, trying to make sense of everything.
And that Greenie's face did flash a few times, alongside Charlie's. And that also rubbed him the wrong way. They were together in his memories. But so was he and Charlie.
Gally growled and rubbed his temples.
Charlie was his. She had picked him out of everyone in the Glade. Even last night she had said she was home when he hugged her close.
"Hey, Gal. Have you seen Thomas?"
Gally jumped, he hadn't heard Newt walk up behind him.
"Tommy. Thomas...the Greenie." Newt said, his cheeks turning the lightest shade of pink.
"No." Gally shook his head. He pushed off the table and turned to face Newt. But his eyes caught sight of Charlie. She was striding swiftly towards the MedHut. The Greenie right on her heels like a puppy. Gally could see them deep in conversation.
"Found your prescious Greenie." Gally spat. His eyes never leaving his girl. Narrowing his eyes at the guy.
Newt turned and saw them entre the MedHut. He quickly glanced at Gally taking in his angry demeanor.
"Gally, you know she loves you and would do absolutely nothing to screw that up. You gotta trust her."
Gally just growled.
"You don't see the way they constantly look at each other."
Newt just hummed and frowned, folding his arms. A minute later the MedHut door opened and Thomas, the Greenie held the door open for Charlie. She smiled at him and then motioned with her head and he followed her into the shadows of the Deadheads.
Fear, anger and hurt hit Gally like a punch to the gut. He felt his body go hot and then freezing cold to boiling hot.
"Gally. There's nothing to be mad at." Newt said
But Gally swore he heard a slight waver in his voice. Newt also had his eyes glued to the spot where Charlie and Thomas disappeared.
"Like I said, Tommy, the Changing doesn't always work out." I said sadly motioning to the crosses and the names Wroten on them.
"But it worked for you...and you said Gally?"
"Yeah, but we're still both messed up. And still dealing with...the consequences from my recovery..."
Thomas looked at me, expectantly. I looked away, blinking hard. I ran a hand over my empty tummy. If I kept busy I didn't think about it and it didn't hurt, I could breath and not feel like my heart was shattering.
Standing in the middle of our graveyard was hard. Most of these crosses didn't have bodies in them, lost to the maze; Fred and Jax included. There were no body to bury.
"Charlie?" Thomas asked, his voice was oddly gentle, I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"I..." I swallowed hard, roughly wiping the tears from my cheeks.
"We were stupid and made an awful mistake...I... was pregnant, Thomas."
"We as in you and..."
"Gally, yes."
I watched his reaction. I'm not sure why I told the Greenie. Most of the guys here had no idea. But, I just felt comfortable with him, I felt safe. That weird feeling in my gut came back, that tickle in my head started up.
"Was...past tense." His eyes looked sad, and I could see the questions but he had restraint enough right now to hold them back. His mouth pulled down into a frown. His face scrunched.
"Yes, Tommy. Was. The day before you came. Minho and I escaped the maze a Griever on our tail. We...we lost Jax. And Ben was stung trying to help me. I lost my baby bean." I whispered. Tears leaked over my lashes.
"Oh.. Charlie! That's terrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through that!" Thomas said, the sadness and sincerity in his voice made me stifl a sob.
He reached out and pulled me into a tight hug. I stiffened for a moment, but I melted into the hug. I wrapped my arms around him and cried. My face pressed into his shoulder. That feeling in my gut got stronger. I felt him rubbing my back gently. I didn't feel uncomfortable or awkward. I felt safe. Safe like when Gally hugged me. I felt at home.
I pulled away slowly, using the heels of my hand to while tears away.
"No need to be sorry Charlie. It's still really fresh, you need to mourn that loss. And I'm pretty sure there isn't a rule about how." He shrugged.
I nodded and smiled sadly at him.
" you want to make a cross?" He asked hesitantly.
I blinked a few times.
"I'll help...and..and it might help...give you some piece."
This Greenie had more compassion in his little finger then most of the Glade combine. My heart felt a little less broken. He genuinely felt sorry, and was actually willing to help me heal from a situation he wasn't even here for.
"Thank you Tommy. That's...that's really sweet. I think I would like that."
He smiled at me, making his whiskey brown eyes sparkle.
We found a good solid stick and with the knife I carried we carved Baby Bean into the wood and dug a little hole and placed the roughly made cross into it. Beside Fred and Jax.
I sat on my knees, in front of the stick, a few more tears ran down my face. Thomas beside me, quiet.
"I'm sorry Bean. I'm sorry I failed." I whispered.
I took a deep shuddering breath. Thomas was right. It did help give me some peace. Some closure. I reached out one last time and ran my fingers over the carving. I'd have to bring Gally here. Smiling sadly at the thought of the family that could have been I got up and turned to leave.
Only to stop suddenly when a lone figure holding a knife slunk out of the shadows.
"The shuck you doing here Ben?"
"Your bad Charlie! Your very bad!"
**Klunk is gonna go down!**
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