Chapter 41: Fear
I knew Gally hated me going into the maze every day. I could see the anger fear and worry in his eyes every morning I kissed him goodbye. I had a new drive, I had new determination. I was going to get us home, I was going to get baby bean a proper home and I was going to get Chuck home and find his family.
Chuck finally remembered his name three days later. He was unfortunately too young for most of the jobs, so he ended up being a Slopper. But I had begged Frypan to let him be in the kitchen most of the time, help with dishes and stuff. I didn't want him anywhere close to Dug, who was still as nasty as ever. He had overheard a conversation between me and Chuck one day.
"So your finally knocked up! 'Bout time"
I turned my head towards him, any other Glader knew to shut up real fast, but this was Dug and he wasn't working with all the crayons in the box, and kept running his mouth. I saw Gally behind him, and I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow. Chuck went to say something but I covered his mouth.
"You were saying Dug?" I asked.
"Oh yeah...Someone finally got lucky and knocked you up. Lucky shank. What I would like to do..."
"Oh? And what's that?" I asked innocently. Gally was storming over, but Dug didn't seem to notice.
"Well, first off... I would-"
He never finished what he would like to do to me, because Gally's fist made contact with the side of his face. My innocent smile slid of into one of disgust.
"I don't ever want to hear words from your mouth!" I spat down at him.
Gally was beathing heavily, glowering down at him. His eyes flicked to me and softened right away.
"You two okay?"
"Yeah we're fine." I smiled.
"Yeah! I'm good Gally. Thanks for asking! I'm touched." Chuck said seriously.
Gally blinked in surprise, and frowned at the kid.
"I..I wasn't talking-" he started to say,
But Chuck and I both burst out laughing. Gally blink confused at the two of us.
"Oh's a good thing your pretty." I giggled, and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Chuck knows you ment me and bean." I giggled again and kissed his cheek.
Gally had left still confused and frustrated. Chuck and I had a good laugh. I loved the kid. He had a good heart and he was so innocent. But the longer he stayed in the Glade and hung out with the older boys, the worse his language got and the less innocent he became. I had to shoo him away from one conversation he was listening to with a few of the Runners.
Gally and I got ready for bed, (I had moved out of Newt's room and moved into Gally's) he was watching me brush my hair.
"Ya're smiling more since that kid came up."
I hummed, "he's a good kid. He's innocent and goofy and sweet." I smiled and looked over at Gally.
"Should I be jealous?" He cocked an eyebrow.
"Probably not. But jealous protective daddy bear is hot." I cooed and put the brush down, and turning to face him fully.
I saw his eyes darken immidiatly, his serious stone expression made my stomach back flip.
"Come here." He demanded.
"No." I folded my arms. "You come here." I demanded.
He smirked and got up off the bed, and slowly walked over.
"I like you bossy." He growled.
I smirked.
"All right..then kiss me. Right now." I whispered.
Gally's arm snaked around my waist and pulled me close. His other hand slid up my neck, holding the nap of my neck, cradling my head. He kissed me like he was drowning and I was his life line. Butterflies exploded in my stomach and my heart was beating wildly against my rib cage.
My hands slid over his chest and up to his shoulders, slowly sliding to the back of his neck. He slid his hands down to my hips and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I broke the kiss, having to breath. He just attacked my neck instead.
Gally leaned me into the wall, pressing into me. I gasped and gripped his shirt tighter when he kissed one spot. I felt him grin against my skin.
"Right there, huh?"
He did it again and a moan escaped. Digging my nails into his shoulder he tried to press me harder into the wall. I squeezed my legs tighter around him. With some difficulty I slid my hands under his shirt, feeling all his muscles tense.
"Shuck it..." I heard him breath.
His hands slid down and under my legs, and moved me to the low dresser beside the bed, sitting me down ontop. I tugged his shirt off, letting my hands explore his tight toned torso. His hands clamped harder around my hips. I slid my hands down to his belt line and ran my finger tips across.
I felt him suck in a sharp breath and then he growled. I did it again and felt him tense and shift. I smirked against his lips and did it again.
"Shuck Charlie..." he panted, his head tipping back, his eyes closed.
"Still want me to be bossy?" I asked seductively.
He just managed to hum, and then kissed me hard, slipping his tongue into my mouth, keeping us both quiet.
Waking up the next morning I felt content for the first time in a long time. I was snuggled up beside Gally who was just waking up himself.
"Morning beautiful." His morning voice sent shivers down my spine.
I smiled at him and rolled onto my back and stretched. He followed me, shifting so he had his head on my stomach. I ran my hands lazily through his blond waves.
We stayed like that for a while. Comfortable in the sleepy silence. He shifted his head to look at me, and I lifted my head.
"Charlie. I love you."
I smiled at him, my stomach flipping and my heart fluttering.
"I love you too Gally."
He looked at me with his intense blue eyes for a few minutes. I could see the worry flickering in them.
"What's wrong?"
My hand slid from his hair and ran down his cheek, he had a little bit of scruff growing. It made kissing me tickle.
"I don't know...just be careful in the maze today okay? I just have this uncomfortable feeling...just..stay safe. Keep bean safe."
He kissed my tummy gently.
"I always do! And you know how protective Minho, Ben and Jax are! I can hardly run with them so close." I reasured him gently.
"Tomorrow is greenie day, so I'll be in the Glade all day. Maybe we can sneak off for a water break?"
He gave me a roughish smile and kissed my bare stomach a bit rougher.
"Hmm. Now we're talking."
His kisses make me shriek and giggle. His scruff made it tickle. I pushed his head away and wiggled out, well tried to. He grabbed me around the hips, pulling me back.
"Come back here woman! Let me love you!"
I giggled harder.
We had been running all morning. The guys always kept to my pace, and today I set a good fast one. I knew in the afternoon I would pay for it, but right now I was okay. Breakfast stayed down longer, before coming up. So hopefully I got something out of it.
We were packing up our lunch when I froze. I stood up and whipped around, my eyes wide in fear.
Run Charlie! RUN!
The voice..I hadn't heard that voice in two and a half months! Not since the day Fred died. The presence came on like a switch. Like it was always there and never left.
No no no this can't be happening!
"We need to go. Now!"
I was panicking, grabbing the guys and trying to pull them. They hadn't heard it yet. Minho looked at me funny.
"What's wrong Tiger? Morning sickness?"
"No idiot! A Griever! We need to go now!" I pulled him down the hall.
"What?" Ben called.
Too late. The Griever heard the yell. It screamed. The boys froze, white as a ghost. Sure now they go quiet.
"RUN!" I screamed.
We took off. The Griever came crashing down the hall and took the corner, spotting us.
"Go! Run! Go!" Jax screamed from the back, pushing me forward.
We ran as fast as we could. My breathing came in shallow gasps. I couldn't get it under control. I could feel the cold dread of panic setting in.
Focus on running and breathing. In. out.
I'm trying!
I was glad Minho took the lead. We took another corner sharply. Sprinting straight down the center. The Griever screamed again. I could hear the sharp noise of metal on stone. It sent spikes of fear through me. I tried hard to stifle a sob. Now was not the time to sink down and cry. It wasn't just my life I was responsible for now. Little bean was depending on me.
Minho took another turn. Another turn closer to safety. The Griever was gaining on us. Maybe it had to do with the right long metal spider legs. Or the fact it was half machine. But as we tired and slowed it maintained its speed.
"Down!" I screamed.
I lunged forward towards Minho. Pushing him in the back. We both fell and tumbled together, and slammed into the wall. Just missing having our heads separated from our bodies. The sword like leg slammed into the stone wall. Minho scrambled to his feet, pulling me up. I had smacked my head when we tumbled.
I looked around for Jax and Ben. I saw them on the other side of the hall. We were now separated by the Griever. Minho and I on one side, the other boys on the other side.
The Grievers long tail shot into the air. The claw opened and closed a few times, like it was testing itself and taunting me. I involuntary let a whimper out. My arms automatically went around my stomach.
Minho glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and threw an arm out in front of me, as the Griever took a menacing step towards us.
Jax screamed and threw his knife at the Greiver. The knife sunk into its head. The Griever screamed, and reared up onto its back four legs screaming.
"GO!" Minho screamed at me.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. Sprinting down the hall. Ben and Jax caught up with us. It gave us a few seconds head start. We took a turn, and I stumbled. My legs were exhausted, and I was feeling dizzy. That smack my head took on the floor didn't help.
I heard the voice just before something solid hit me in the back, making me fly forwards and I landed hard, on my stomach. Knocking all the wind out of me. I felt sharp pain in my stomach. But I couldn't move much, I couldn't breath. I rolled to my side, gasping.
I could see Ben, sprinting towards me. Jax and Minho were trying to keep out of the grasp of the claw.
Ben hauled me to my feet.
"Go! Run!"
"Not without everyone!" I screamed.
"We're right behind you!" He yelled back, pushing me.
I stumbled down the hall. Glancing behind me the boys were right behind me. Another turn closer to the Glade. We wee definitely slower now, sprinting, diving and dodging took a lot of energy. I could feel sharp pains in my stomach. And my head was fuzzy. I tried shaking my head free.
I heard a loud scream behind me, glancing behind me I saw Jax arch his back and land on his hands and knees screaming. One on the long legs had got him across the back.
Minho grabbed him pulling him to his feet. We were now even slower. Minho hauling Jax who was bleeding profusely.
I knew we weren't going to make it. Not now. I couldn't sprint anymore. Minho was taking most of Jax's weight. And we still had a few more turns.
The Griever jumped towards us, screaming. We all had to split and dive away from the claw and sharp stabbing legs. Out of its back came a loud huge round buz saw. It was spinning and ready to rip into someone.
I tried getting to my feet, watching with horror as the other guys were trying to get up and run. Using the wall as a support I got to my feet. I turned to go help Jax. He was having trouble staying up. I got to him and threw an arm around my shoulders.
"Come on!" I yelled, "let's go."
"Go! Go Charlie!"
"No! Not without you!" I cried.
"Charlie!" He yelled, his bright green eyes flicked to mine.
At the same time the voice screamed, Charlie! Claw!
I felt Jax shove me off, just as the claw shot out, it slammed into Jax and he flew into the wall. I landed hard on the stone floor. I gasped again for air. I tried to get back to my feet. The Griever screamed and swung one of it's razor sharp blade legs came around into the stomach of Jax. I screamed, but I don't think any noise actually came out.
All of Jax's intestines and organs came spilling out. I threw up. Nothing wZ able to come out, but I gaged and bile came up. I felt someone pulling me away.
Jax's bright green eyes were wide open and looking right at me. I couldn't rip my eyes off him. I was pulled and hulled and just about carried down the hall. The Griever on our heels. One Glader wasn't enough for it.
Another turn. The Griever took the turn with us, it lost its balance and it's legs slid out from under it, as it went down one of the legs took me out. I landed hard on my side and slid. Slamming into the opposite wall. It screamed. The boys screamed.
I struggled to my feet. Adrenaline was coursing through me I didn't feel too much of the pain. But I was feeling the exhaustion and the cramps.
The Griever got to it's feet faster than I could. By the time I got up, the tail slammed into my as it flew passed me to Ben, who was sprinting towards me. The tail hit me hard, right into my middle, sending me back to the ground. It was the screaming that just about killed me. Ben was screaming and withering on the ground. I saw a needle refract.
As if the Griever had done its job, it scrambled backwards and back down the hall, leaving us.
Ben was thrashing and screaming. Minho had scrambled over to me and helped me up, fear plan on his face and in his eyes. I felt pain. Sharp stabbing pain. I knew something was wrong. More wrong than I wanted to actually admit.
"I'm fine Min." I panted, waving him off. As I stumbled and had to use the wall for support, "we need to get Ben back to The Glade!"
As much pain as I was in, Ben needed us. He needed to get the Grief serum. We each grabbed an arm and threw it over our shoulders. Minho took most of Ben's weight. I was breathing heavily and the pain almost made me crumble.
We finally made it down the home stretch, we got closer to the Glade Minho started screaming for help. I couldn't yell. I was gasping in pain at this point. We were really early, Glade wasn't expecting us back for another two or three hours.
Gladers dropped what they were doing and sprinted towards us.
"MEDJACKS!" Minho screamed.
Jeff and Clint came running. They took him from us and hauled him away to the MedRoom.
Newt and Alby had made it to the front of the crowd.
"What happened? Minho? Charlie? Where's Jax? What happened?"
"Charlie?" Gally shoved a kid out of the way.
I collapsed just as his arms wrapped around me.
"Something's wrong." I whimpered, and flinched as another sharp stabbing pain shot through my stomach.
The fear in Gally's eyes scared me almost more than what was happening. I cried out in agony as another pain hit.
Hold on Charlie! I'm coming! Hold on!
My eyes rolled up into my head, and I escaped the pain.
**Told you to buckle up.**
**All the tramua**
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