Chapter 16: Bed Rest
It was two days of laying on my bed, trying desperately to keep my cries and gasping quite when I moved slightly. Laughing, sneezing or coughing sent daggers through my side. Newt was diligent in handling the meds, he over lapped the dosages just enough I never felt the full extent of the pain. Newt was also the only one, along with Jeff, to help me get up and use the bathroom. The first few times was a little awkward. But honestly, I got over it pretty quick. Jeff was very professional and Newt was Newt...I never felt uncomfortable around him.
I wasn't boarded. I had Fred, Newt, Frypan, Alby, Minho, Jeff sometimes Clint and Vinny visiting constantly, bringing food, water, pain medications, ice and just to sit and chat.
I heard from Fred that Gally, Newt and Alby had pulled each guy, alone, into the council hall from the work sight and grill them. Apparently, Lee and Dave- the guy from the roof couldn't hack the questioning and told them the truth about what happened almost right away.
Dave and Lee had two days in the slammer and the other guy got four days. Lee was on thin ice, if there was another work place accident under his watch, he was fired and sent to work as a slopper.
As I lay on my bed for the third day, ice wrapped around my ribs, my mind wandered to Gally, and if he was going to stop by. I still felt my heart rate pick up when I thought about what happened. I was still obviously pissed off at him. Still angry and hurt with how he handled the situation he had to physically see the damage- the bruising and swelling- and have a bunch of guys berate him to take me seriously...but I still oddly wanted to see him.
I thought for a second, this a weird twisted abusive relationship? But mentally smacked myself...what relationship? We didn't have anything. Sure he was good looking, and I saw glimpses of the kind boy, but his mind wasn't stable. And it wasn't like he was hurting me or manipulating me. We just...butted heads and he made me want to punch his beautiful face.
I was busy thinking about that dense headed boy when there was a knock on the open door. A freshly showered Minho sauntered in.
"Hey Tiger. Oh no no, please don't get up for me!" He sassed, with a wide smirk on his face.
"Wasn't planning on it shuck face!"
He smirked but it slipped off his face into a series look. "How's those ribs feeling?"
"Medium rare. Don't tell Winston or Fry, I'd end up being BBQ'd."
Minho chuckled again, and flopped onto Newt's bed. I gingerly sat up, holding my ribs with one hand. I cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked.
"So. Did ya run fast? Run safe?" I asked.
"You know I did." He pointed a finger at me.
"I know I'm not supposed to ask if you found anything. So I won't ask you that." I smirked at him.
He chuckled again, and again his smirk slid off his face, it was a serious thoughtful expression.
"Ran an extra corridor. We're exploring a bit deeper, a little more further."
I hummed. He looked at the ceiling and ran a hand through his hair.
"Hey, Tiger?" He asked.
"Yes Minho?"
"You're not a big fan of being in the Glade, ya?"
I snorted, but winced, holding my ribs.
"That, my dear man, is an understatement."
He hummed and nodded. He shifted so he was sprawled more on Newt's bed.
"I have a proposition for you." He lifted his head off Newt's pillow and looked at me.
I raised an eyebrow, "I'm listening."
"Would you ever consider being a runner?"
I felt my veins fill with ice, I sat still. The horrors of what I was told by Fred, Newt and Fry about the Maze flashed in my mind. But then I thought about being stuck in the Glade constantly, being ignored, or being gawked at, slobbered over, degrading comments thrown at, lies told about me.
Minho had sat up and flung his legs over the side of the bed. He was watching me closely. I glanced up at him, thoughtful. Chewing my lip I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What made you ask?" I asked quietly, curious with his reasoning, "why ask me of all people?"
He shrugged. "You're made of what it takes." He answered simply.
I waited quietly for him to continue.
"You're stubborn and efficient. You notice little things, little details. You don't take no for an answer. And willing to push boundaries a bit. Not sure about your speed or stamina, but those are only a small portion of what it takes to make a good runner."
I sat leaning against the wall, chewing my bottom lip. Did I have what it takes? Could I do it? The only thing I kind of enjoyed was working with Frypan, but hated the crowd of serving.
"Hey, Tiger!"
I snapped my head up, and blinked. I had spaced out again lost in my thoughts.
"I'm not saying you need to decide right now. Your ribs gotta heal. And I think Alby will make you finish job trials. But if you say yes, I'll nominate you at the gathering."
I nodded slowly, "Okay. Let me think about it, let me finish the job trails...if MedJack doesn't stuck- which I doubt- I'll agree."
A huge smile broke out on Minho's face, making his eyes squinty. It made me smile.
"You'd be helping find a way home, and avoiding all the dumb shanks."
"Double bonus." I chuckled but stopped abruptly holding my ribs.
Minho frowned, "Get better Tiger. They may not see it, but the Gladers needs ya. Who's gonna smack some common sense into them?" He smirked.
I snorted again. Minho got up, and walked over to the door. As he passed he patted my knee.
"Later Tiger. Don't strain yourself."
I rolled my eyes. As he left I slowly sank back onto the pillows and closed my eyes sighing.
Becoming a runner. Minho really asked me to be a Runner. He really did believe in me.
There was another knock on the door and the person I had been wondering about was standing awkwardly in the doorway. I raised an eyebrow.
"I umm brought you...supper." Gally held up a plate.
"I'd sit up...but it hurts so...."
He looked down at the floor. I rolled my eyes, watching him.
"Well are you going to come in, or do I have to hull myself up and over to you?"
He cleared his throat and slowly stepped inside my room. He slowly walked to the side table, placing the plate down. He glanced at me. For some reason I felt my face heat up. I couldn't detect the emotion behind his eyes.
I slowly proper myself onto my elbows. But the constant moving was making them throb. I let out a hiss of pain.
"Do umm... You need help sitting up?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
I growled, but nodded reluctantly. He slipped a hand under my back and easily helped me sit up. He waited with a hand still ready to help until I was leaning against the wall.
"How...umm are you doing?" Gally asked, handing me the plate of supper and then backing up to sit on Newt's bed.
"Well considering I still need help sitting up, I'd say...just shucken peachy."
Gally looked away again. Good. Make him feel bad and guilty. I liked watching him squirm. He had been a complete slinthead since day one. And if I can needle him a bit, good.
"I heard Lee, Dave and what's his face are in the slammer and they were reduced to whining and bagging on day one." I said between bites.
Gally frowned and looked up.
"How did you know..?"
I rolled my eyes, "I have friends who come visit."
He snorted in dirision and rolled his eyes. I looked up sharply. And narrowed my eyes.
"Did you think I sat here all alone for three days?"
Gally chewed the inside of his cheek.
"Yep. A few guys have rotated, bringing me food and news of the outside world. It's crazy to think...but I actually have friends."
His eyes narrowed. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"You got a problem?"
He glared at me.
"I didn't see you for a bit, hiding your face? But, you feeling better now, cleared your conscious, and now you can come face to face with me?" I needled him a bit more.
I could see his jaw clenching.
"Why did you decide to come see me? Now of all times?"
He shrugged, not looking at me. I didn't say anything, going back to my supper. A tense silence filled the room.
"What did Minho want?" Gally asked suddenly.
"Excuse me?" I snapped my eyes up to him.
"Why was Minho here?"
"Because we're friends." I snapped.
"He's a cocky arrogant slinthead."
"He has always had my back and believed me." I growled.
I watched as Gally's face went even more red, a muscle was clenching and unclenching in his jaw.
"What does that mean?" He leapt off the bed.
"It means exactly that. I never had to demand the use of my name. He never threw demeaning terms in my face. I never had to beg to be believed, Gally. He actually believes in me!"
"I do to!"
I couldn't help it, I laughed. I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face, and I was gasping for breath. My ribs were throbbing and hot pain shot through my torso, but I laughed, because what he said was so not true. How could he stand there and say that?
Gally looked like he was slapped in the face.
" never had my back. You locked me up my first night-"
"You punched me!"
"You were a jackass!"
"You can't harm another Glader! It's a rule!"
"Oh yes. You and your precious rules."
"If you don't have rules we don't have anything!" He yelled at me.
"Screw you and your damn rules Gally! I feel off your damn roof and you never asked me once what happened or if I was okay. Not until the guys made you feel guilty!" I screamed back at him.
I could feel the pain in my side. But I could also feel a weird hurt in my chest; it wasn't just from the shallow gasps, there was something more to this pain. My eyes were burning, I could feel the hot prickle of tears.
"No, Gally you never had my back. At least you never showed it when it mattered."
"Charlie! I-"
"I don't want to hear it Gally. Get out."
"I said get out!" I screamed, I could hear the crack in my voice, as the tears brined in my eyes.
"Fine!" He yelled and stormed back to the door. He paused for a second at the door, turning to look over his shoulder.
"For what it's worth...I always believed in you. And admired your strength. And I'm...sorry."
"Get out!" I screamed.
With a wild cry I threw the plate at him. Gally left just as the plate smashed on the door and all over the floor.
I pulled my knees up to my chest, and cried. I cried from the pain in my ribs and the weird complicated hurt in my chest.
I heard hurried footsteps coming down the hall and into the room and a sad sigh. The bed dipped and arms pulled me into a hug.
"I'm sorry Love."
**ALL the emotional damage and heart ache!**
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