Chapter 10: Cinderella
I groaned and swatted at the hand that shook me from sleep and rolled over. I heard a chuckle and then my warm blanket was pulled away. I cursed and he gasped.
"Charlie! Where in the blood Glade did you pick up on such language?"
"Don't know Mama Noot. But if it lets me sleep longer...shuck off."
I heard him stomp his foot and huff. It was quiet and I thought he had left me alone. But I was wrong. He wacked me with a pillow. I cursed again and sat up with a loud groan.
"Oh don't start something you can't finish!"
He was standing by the bed, his arms crossed with a smirk in his golden face.
I smacked him hard in the face with a pillow, causing him to stumble backwards. I lept after him, wacking him again with the pillow.
"Okay! Okay! I surender! Stop! You win!" He shrieked.
I stopped swinging, but held the pillow up ready to swing again.
He flopped back into the bed. "You win. You win. Sheesh your aggressive in the morning."
"Ya well, you didn't bring me coffee, it's a peace offering for waking me up." I shrugged
"Noted. Wake you up with the aroma of coffee!"
I turned around to go back to bed when I heard Newt gasp. I whipped around.
"Turn around, Charlie!" He demanded.
I hesitantly did as he asked. Looking over my shoulder to watch him. He got up and curiously walked closer. His eyes never left my back. I frowned.
"Did you know you had a tattoo?" He asked, his brown eyes flicked up to mine.
My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped open.
"What?! No! Where? Of what?" I demanded sharply.
He pursed his lips and frowned.
"Just a minute! I'll be right back."
He rushed out of the room leaving me confused and anxious. He was back within a minute with a small hand held mirror. He held it up and I looked over my shoulder into the little mirror and gasped.
On my right side, going down my back was an intricate tattoo of an arrow and half the face of a female lion face. It went down her lat muscle, it started a few inches under her sports bra and dropped just before her pants hem.
"I had no idea!" I breathed. I looked at it again and then glanced up at Newt with a bit of a smirk, "it's kinda badass, don't ya think?"
Newt chuckled, and nodded. Then his face slipped into a frown of concentration.
"What's wrong?"
He ran a hand through his long shaggy hair. Scrunching his face.
"Oh nothing is wrong, Love. It just... looks familiar...your tatto. Just can't place it." He muttered.
I wasn't sure how to answer that, so I didn't. How could my tattoo look familiar? Did someone else have a tattoo here? Or did he remember something from before? Either way, it was odd. I shrugged, playing it off like it was no big deal. I grabbed a shirt from the box and slipped it on. Grabbed the comb and ran it through my hair. I slipped the grey sweats I fell asleep in off and pulled on my jeans.
Newt cleared his throat and I looked up.
"Can I help you?"
He had his arms crossed and raised an eyebrow.
"We are the point in this relationship where your changin' infront of me?"
I slipped a boot on and raised an eyebrow at him.
"Thought I wasn't your type Newt?" I asked innocently.
"You ain't." He said flatly.
"So what's the problem? I wasn't naked."
He turned slightly pink, and closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Newt, if it's a problem, I'll just kick you out when I gotta change." I shrugged.
" it's fine Charlie. Just... caught me off guard. Doesn't bother me..." he sighed. He peeked his eye open and a sly smirk slid across his face, "maybe if you were tall, built, dark and handsome, then we'd have a problem."
I grinned at him, "Come on, ya twat. You owe me a coffee and you can tell me more about this ideal boo."
He chuckled and hooked my arm and led me out of the room.
I was sitting at the same table with the same people. It seemed to be the Keeper table, and a few of the other "higher ups". A hot cup of coffee in my chilly hands, and eggs and bacon on my plate. I had a hard time getting the bacon down, horrible flashbacks of yesterday flashed through my mind.
"So. Charlie. How was Slicers? We didn't see you at supper." Alby said, his forhead creased in concern.
All heads at the table turned to look at me. I shrugged.
"She didn't throw up. And finished her full training session. She did better than most." Winston said from the end of the table.
Heads swiveled in the other direction.
"Way to go Tiger!" Minho smirked at me, and nodded in approval.
"If I could choose, no offense Winston, but I'd say no to slicer." I shrugged, swirling coffee around.
"Non taken. It's not for everyone." He shrugged and went back to his breakfast.
"So what am I doing today Alby?"
"You're with Dug. You'll be a slopper for the day."
There was instantly some chuckles.
"Bet she'd be good at this one!"
I swallowed and nodded, not bothering to look up, I could hear the sniggers from some of the guys.
"We'd have a real life Molly maid!"
"Nah more like Cinderella!"
"Hey Dug, what are you sniggering at? Weren't you the one who ran out of the barn screamin' like a shuck girl?"
He turned to look at me. "Sorry Tiger. Like a shuck little girl?"
I nodded in approval. I wasn't insulted. Minho's angry voice cut through the mockery.
"And Steve? Didn't you faint?" He pointed a threatening finger at him. "Also, pretty sure Cinderella ended up marrying the I'd be careful who you insult shuckface."
I glanced up and around the table. Minho, Newt, Alby, Winston and to my surprise Gally were the only ones not laughing.
The table quiet. All eyes were on Minho. His face was hard and his dark eyes flickered with anger.
"I wouldn't be so cocky. She flattened Zart and that other kid. She beat me in the pit, spent her first night in the slammer for sucker punching Gally and the was one of the only shuck faces who lasted the whole job trial in the BkoodHouse."
A few heads lowered in shame. I glanced at Minho. I cought his eye and he winked at me. Then slipped back into the cold stone and glared at everyone. I surpressed a smirk. Minho was just playing with them. But it made me feel better, knowing I had a few guys who had my back.
Alby was glarring at each Glader in turn. Newt had such a look of disapproval it almost made me spit my coffee out in a giggle. Gally though, when I glanced at him. He looked genualy angry, I could see a fire in them, his jaw muscle was twitching and his hands had formed fists.
Why would he be mad at these guys for laughing when he was the same? He kept calling me girl in such a diragitory way I punched him, what right did he have to be angry with them? Hypacrite much?
The rest of breakfast was quiet and tense. Minho finished up, held a hand out for a high five.
"Don't pull your punches Tiger. If they need a reminder...let em have it."
"You know I will. Run fast. Run safe!"
I nodded with a smirk and I slapped his hand. He spun around and ran off to meet the blond kid at the door. I finished up my breakfast and went to stand up but the ground shook and rumbled. I still wasn't used to it and I staggered. Two large warm hands caught me before I hit the ground. They caught me by the elbows and held me steady until the ground stopped shaking.
I already knew who held me stable. I recognized the deep breathing and the musky deodorant and pine fresh soap. He didn't have the sweaty smell yet from hard work in the sun, but I recognised Gally right away. I stood up straight and shrugged him off.
"Thank you." I snipped
"Takes a bit to get used to. After a while you won't notice it." He rumbled.
I looked over my shoulder, his intense steel blue eyes were locked onto mine. I looked at him for a few seconds, almost stuck in place. But I nodded my head in thanks and went to dispose of my dishes in the kitchen sink.
Turns out, as Keeper of the Sloppers, Dug is quite the jerk. He had a derogatory comeback or a dirty innuendo for everything. He didn't try anything physical, but his insinuations and words were enough to disgust me. I stopped asking questions almost immediately. I wasn't going to throw wood into this fire.
He handed me a big basket of dirty clothes and tossed a bar of laundry soap ontop.
"Now... Cinderella. You cleaned those toilets nice a must be used to being on your knees..." He wiggled his eye brows. "Take this and go wash them, and once their clean hang em up. There's another basket by the showers and another one in the Homestead, end of the hall. Oh! And one in the MedHut."
I wouldn't let him see how disgusted and hurt his words made me feel. I shoved it all back down into the stone box I kept my emotions in. I blinked once nodded sharply. Spinning on my heel holding the basket against my hip. I walked away before he had the chance to say anything else.
As I walked away I saw a few guys watch me pass. They pointed and whispered and chuckled. They scurried off. This wasn't good. But when is anything here ever good?
I gathered a big bucket of hot water from Fry and left it by the first basket and soap by the clothes line. I grabbed another big bucket of cold water and left it by my washing station.
I grabbed the dirty basket from Jeff who thanked me purfusly and the one from the bathroom, and dumped it in the pile and went to gather the last basket in the Homestead. When I got there I noticed some guys loitering around. I was suspicious of them right away. They were the same guys who whispered and giggled when I walked past. But I clamped my jaw shut, keeping my eyes forward, ignoring them and grabbing the basket. As I stood up and turned a tall skinny guy tossed something into the basket with a smirk.
"Thanks Cinderella."
"Hey...with a girl here, we'll have clean laundry now!" And this guy tossed something else into the basket in my arms.
"She'll be good at this job..." He smirked down at me.
Another guy sauntered forwards and tossed something, but it hit me in the face and fell into the basket. I stood rooted to the spot, absolutely appalled.
"Come on Cinderella, chop chop. My underwear won't wash it's self!"
I had to work really hard to keep my emotions shoved down. I blinked faster, keeping the burning tears from falling. I clenched my jaw so hard I'm sure I cracked a mollar. I hated it here. I hated these stupid boys. I hated the Glade and the maze. And I absolutely hated these supposed Creators! I hated my life.
My knuckles were white and I could feel the anger simmering at the surface, my face, I could feel, was turning red; I could feel the heat rising.
Another guy threw another few shirts at me, hitting me in the face. If I stayed any longer I was going to sucker punch another shank. I shoved past the guys and stormed my way out of the Homestead, slamming the door so hard I may have cracked the door.
On my way out I slammed into Alby and Newt, but I kept walking. If I stopped and talked to anyone, especially Newt, I would end up crying. And I couldn't let that happen. I would not let the tears fall, no matter how hurt or disgusted or angry I was.
I ignored their calls. I stormed over to the huge pile of laundry I had collected. I chucked it into the pile and threw myself to the ground. I got started right away. There was no point sitting being angry. This was my shuck awful life now. As much as I absolutely hated this, a job needed to be done. And hell if I wasn't going to do my shuck best.
Hiding behind my long hair, in case a tear slipped down, I spent the remainder of my morning scrubbing dirty nasty clothes. I heard the lunch bell, but I didn't want to be around them. I was still holding back tears, and if I saw a few of those faces, especially Dug, I would probably break the promise I made with Alby and punch someone in their stupid face.
I could hear the noise of guys congregate in the kitchen area, and it made the rest of the Glad quiet. Which was a releaf. I continued scrubbing, rinsing and ringing out towels, clothes and linons. I was so focused on trying to keep my wild emotions behind my stone wall I didn't hear the footsteps behind me. They dropped down beside me and reached over grabbing something from the dirty pile.
I whipped my head up and around, startled.
"Hey Charlie!" Fred grinned at me.
He was already scrubbing some dirty clothes. I paused and watched him.
"What are you doing?" I asked sharply.
"Washing some shanks..uh..." He held it up and tilted his head, "underwear?"
I snorted and rolled my eyes. He grinned, and went back to scrubbing.
"Besides... washing takes a special touch..." He sniggered.
I froze and raised an eyebrow. He sniggered to himself. I sat back and crossed my arms, waiting for an explanation.
"Come on Snips. You have a brain behind that pretty face." He grinned mischievously.
I raised my eyebrow at him. "Are you not saying what I think your saying?"
"Yeah, I'm not saying I'm the best underwear washer in the shucken Glade!"
I couldn't help it and I snorted, lifting the corners of my mouth into a smile. He gave me a side eye, with a smirk.
"Besides, I never got to talk to ya yesterday. How are ya doing?"
"Don't you have a job to do?"
"Nah, I talked to Newt. The commanders and chiefs have a soft spot for ya. Same with Minho."
I could hear the question and hint in his statement. He was digging. I rolled my eyes.
"Fred, what are you trying to imply?" I asked sharply while ringing out a white towel.
"Oh nothing. Nothing." He waved a hand around.
"Fred!" I said sternly.
"Fine fine. I know Newt isn't into the whole pretty girl thing. Alby...nah. But..." He raised an eyebrow at me. "Minho?"
I looked at him, blankly and blinked.
"What the shuck?" I scrunched my face.
He shrugged.
"Dude I've been here 2 days. I whooped his ass. I'm not interested in anything or anyone other than getting through each day alive."
He didn't say anything, but had a smug look.
"Fred. Did you have this conversation with anyone else? Or just me...cuz I'm a shucken girl?"
He opened his mouth. But I cut him off, my voice dangerously low.
"Is it because you think, the lone girl, only wants to talk about all the boys here. Did you think I would want to gossip about all my new crushes? Did you think I'd be falling all over them, swinging my hips and batting my eyelashes?"
He looked down sheepishly.
"Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I want to talk about boys and feelings. Right now I shucken hate my life and I hate just about everyone here. So bring that subject up with me again and I'll punch you in the mouth. Do you understand me?"
He nodded with a gulp. I sighed and ran a wet hand through my hair.
"Look. If I want to gossip about that I'll come find you. Right now I'm just thankful for the few guys who don't treat me like a slave or a disease or eye candy." I added hesitantly, "good ..that?"
Fred smiled and nodded.
"Deal, Snips. And I'm sorry. I can't imagine what it's like being the only girl here."
It was another hour or so of Fred sitting beside me, helping me slowly wash through the pile. A few guys came sauntering over and threw some dirty clothes at my face.
"Thanks Cinderella. Oh and is this her little mouse helper? Thanks Fred!"
A guy tossed something at Fred. I growled and clenched my hands into fists and ground my teeth. This was humiliating and degrading. I didn't mind helping around the Glade. I knew this was going to be my home for the next...who knows how long, but seriously, where do these guys get off?
I took a shuddering breath. My throat felt tight, my chest felt heavy with white hot anger and humiliation. And I could feel the hot sting of tears.
I heard Fred stand up. I didn't bother looking up.
"I'll be right back."
I nodded and kept my head down and continued. I heard him walk off. It was a while later when I heard feet behind me again.
"Charlie, you missed lunch." A gravelly voice said quietly beside me.
It surprised me that Gally was beside me, on his knees. But I didn't look away from the bloody bed sheet I was scrubbing.
"I didn't want to be around people." I snapped. "I would have done something Alby would've disapproved of."
Gally hummed. He shifted and held out a plate.
"You need to eat."
I finally stopped scrubbing and looked up, wiping the sweat off my forhead with the bottom of my shirt.
"You taking care of me Gal? Did I really knock some kindness into you?" I raised an eyebrow.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"I just don't want to be hulling your ass back to the MedHut. Now eat the shucken food."
I took the plate and big cup of water. Sitting back and crossing my legs with a groan. He sat back his knees up and arms resting over his knees.
"How's it going?" He asked, nodding towards the pile.
It was my turn to scoff and roll my eyes.
"Your degrading comments were like compliments compared to some of the shit I've been getting."
His eyes narrowed, and I saw anger flash behind his eyes.
"I'll be right back. I need to talk to Alby. Eat. It better be gone when I get back." He growled.
He got up and stomped away. His hands closed in fists and shoulders were tense. With a weird feeling in my gut I ate the sandwich Gally gave me.
**Hmmm. A fun tattoo!**
*Fred? Minho? Newt? Alby? Gally? What do we think of these guys and their relationship with
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