Your POV:
"Are you sure you don't want to just stay with me?" Elijah asked me as he helped bring boxes inside of my new home. "I mean you're going away for a couple of years. It would be more efficient since you'll end up leaving again anyway,"
I smiled as I placed my box on the island of my new kitchen. "I'm sure Kamski, The minute I get home I'm gonna want to be located in my own place not free loading." I admit.
"Not free loading if I asked~" He teased.
"Well still no matter the case I'm moving in and there is-"
"Absolutely no way in the realms of heaven,hell,earth nor purgatory will I be able to change your mind." He recited finishing my sentence as he sigh. "Gosh you're stubborn."
"Well that's what landed me this amazing opportunity Kamski."
"Stubbornness and persistence with the assistance of confidence are two different things (Y/n)."
"But they're in the same boat,"
"OK, OK,I get it. I'm leaving you to unpack but before I leave I have a surprise for you." He said smiling.
I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "It better not be what I think it is..." I warned.
"Rk700 come in," He commanded and in came an Android not just any android but the one I built myself:
"Introduce yourself," Kamski commanded.
"Hello, I am Rk700 model #313 963 842 799,"
"Kamski I told you I don't want an android. I can do everything myself." I say irritated.
"Yes I am aware but this is the android you created with your own hands. The last thing you built before you left Cyberlife. You will appreciate the extra hands, Just take her you could maybe use the company,"
I sighed and gave in. "Fine, Rk700 your name is Vee. Register your name,"
The LED light blinked yellow and back to blue before she spoke.
"Name registration completed."
"Rk700 tell me your name." I asked.
"Hello, My name is Vee. How my be of assistance today?"
"Hello Vee, Who is your creator?" I asked.
"Vee who is your owner?" Kamski asked.
"Good,Vee your first task will be to help unpack these boxes and put everything away,"
"Yes, Mr.Kamski," Vee automatically got to her task.
Kamski looked at me before pulling me into a hug. "Be safe and keep in contact," He said.
"I will, I promise." I say before he let's me go.
"Great,I shall be returning back to my side of town. Have fun and good luck." He says before leaving. Here I have this big mansion to help the rest of the movers unpack:
I unpacked my clothes,toiletries and fixed up my bedroom. By time I was finished the mover had set up mostly everything. I went to the kitchen and helped Vee put up the dishes.
"Thank You, Vee your service was a very appreciated," I say warmly.
"It is my duty to serve you," She said smiling.
"Yea..that," I say a awkwardly.
"Dr.(Y/n) would you like to set an alarm or schedule anything?" Vee asked.
"Actually yes, Vee set an alarm for 7:30 am tomorrow morning."
"Alarm set," Vee said.
I looked at Vee's standard 'uniform' and it bugged me a bit. I wanted to get her some real clothes.
"Vee come with me we are going to go shopping," I say.
"Would you like for me to set the alarm on once we have left?" She asked.
"Yes, thank you Vee,"
"It's my duty to serve you," She stated.
I sighed hating the presets in her system to formal. "Vee from now on when I say thank just say your welcome,"
"Thank you,"
"Your welcome,"
I smiled at her. "That's more like it."
We go to Forever 21 considering when I made her. I pictured her being a young adult around the age of 25.
"Alright Vee what's your style?" I ask.
"" she questioned. "Dr.(Y/n) it is not in my programming to-"
"Vee, I programmed you myself I know what's in your program and what's not. I get that it's not in your program. But you can make it that way. Understand something. Vee at sometime in your life I won't be around to to you what to do. You'll have to think for yourself and make your own choices. Be your own being," I say and her LED light went yellow and then back to blue. "Choices are hard to make so I'll help you," I went around and grabbed different shirts and pants to create 3 different outfits.
"OK Vee, I have set up 3 outfits for you. In the dressing room. Try them on and tell me which one you like best," I say.
"OK," She says stepping into the dressing room.
She got dressed and came out in each outfit:
"Alright Vee," I started. "Which one did you like the best?" I asked her.
"The last outfit. It seemed very fitting," She stated.
"So that's the one?" I asked her.
She smiled and nodded.
I smiled. "Great, do you understand what I mean by making your own choices?"
"Yes, it was difficult but it felt..good," She admitted with a smile as her LED momentarily flickered yellow. I smiled.
Once I we were done we checked out her new outfit. On the way home Vee told me something that alarmed me greatly.
"Dr.(Y/n) it seems that there has been a break in at your residence,"
"Call the cops!" I tell her
"Hello, this is Vee Dr.(Y/n)'s android i would like to report a break in at 8940 Lafayette Avenue," Vee said staring into space..By time we got there the police were there and they had caught the intruder.
I got out of the car went to one of the officers.
"Are you Dr.(Y/n)?" He asked.
"Yes, that's me," I took out my ID and he nodded in approval.
"As you can see we have everything under control here we caught the thief just before he could leave,"
"Was there any damage?" I asked.
"One painting was vandalized and he tried to get away with a couple of expensive vases,"
I run inside to check out the damage to realize the third had the nerve to damage the only one painting that had some meaning to me. The one painted by Carl Manfred.
"Dammit! what asshole would do this!? this painting cost me big bucks to get my hands on!!" I yell.
"Leo Manfred," The officer said.
"I want him to pay for this. That painting was one of a kind." I say frustrated
"No need," An unfamiliar calm voice said.
I turned a round to see Carl Manfred himself in a wheel chair that was being pushed around by what I first assumed was a human because of how handsome hew was. But it was an android model RK200 to be exact.
"Mr.Manfred? What are you doing here?"
"Well I got a call from the station on my son Leo. When I heard he broke into a house next door and vandalized one of my paintings I had to come and apologise on his behalf."
"You shouldn't have to apologize. It's his actions." I say.
"Nonsense in fact on behalf of my son I will paint you a new one and bring it to you myself." He said
"How much do I owe you?" I asked
"You owe me nothing but a visit tomorrow mornings to discuss what painting you had."
I sighed and smiled. "Thank you so much Mr.Manfred," I said in gratitude.
"Please call me Carl and please forgive my son he recently started taking drugs and you know what that does to kids these days."
"I know a friend in a rehabilitation center that may be able to help do you wish to get in contact with him?" I asked.
"Yes please," Carl said.
"Vee please send Mr.Manfred Dr.Jenkins phone number,"
"Information sent," She said as her LED went yellow then back to blue.
"Thank you Vee,"
"Your welcome," She said.
"Well now that all the fuss has died down I think we shall return home. Come on Markus."
"Ok,Carl," The android said.
"It's been a pleasure meeting you (Y/n),"
"Same to you Carl have a good night," I say.
"Same to you," He calls out as he is wheeled out of my mansion.
All the officers were gone and finally I went to sleep.
The next morning:
I was awoken by Vee who I completely forgot about for a second.
"Morning Dr.(Y/n), today's weather will be a cool 64°F in the morning and a warm 76°F this afternoon. You have a meeting with Carl Manfred this morning," She stated.
I rolled over on my back and sighed.
"Thank You Vee,"
"Your welcome, Dr.(Y/n),"
"Just call me (Y/n) no need to be formal."
I got dressed and we walked next door. I rung the doorbell.
Carl's android answered but Carl was beside him.
"(Y/n) glad you could join us this morning."
"It's honor to join you," I say.
"Please come in," He said.
Vee and I walked inside. I looked around and admired his home.
"You have a lovely place Carl," I say.
"Yes but it leaves much to be desired next to yours," He said.
I giggled. "You're too kind,"
"Oh where are my manners? I forgot to introduce you last night but we were in a jeated moment. Dr.(Y/n), this is Markus,"
I smiled at him. "Hello,Markus."
"This is my wonderful assistant Vee," I said.
"Lovely name for such a beautiful android."
Carl said.
"Yes she is a beauty," I say.
"I would hope so," Vee started. "Dr.(Y/n) built me herself,"
"Really?" Carl asked.
"Yep," I responded.
"Very interesting," Carl said smiling.
Soon we were at the table eating.
"Vee why don't you and Markus find something to occupy yourself while we're talking and eating?" I say.
"Sure," she says.
"They are something aren't they?" Carl asked.
"They really are," I say smiling.
We got the details of the painting out of the way and began to have a fun conversation on art, controversial matters and so much more. We had become fast friends and I had admired Carl's wise out view.
"So (Y/n) you no longer work at Cyberlife what do you plan on doing to keep that mansion of yours?" Carl asked.
"Oh, I am now a photographer and in 1 year I will be leaving to tour Europe for about two years." I say.
"That's amazing!" He said. "But you just got here and I have a feeling you and are gonna become close friends so. Before you leave we must have a send off party." He stated
I looked at him in shock. "Carl that won't be necessary." I state.
"Please it's the only way,"
So it was set. As he predicted we had became close friends.The day before I left Carl had thrown me a small send away party consisting of me,Vee,Markus and himself. But it was the best party I'm ever had. Then the day had come that I had to leave. Carl and Markus drove Vee and I to the airport.
"Well this is where we split." I say.
"Afraid so, It was an honor meeting you (Y/n) I enjoyed our time together. I hope we can all do it again when you come back from Europe,"Carl says.
"I hope so too,Thank you so much for everything Carl."
"Anything for a dear friend. Over the course of a year you've grown on me so much I could consider you my daughter," He said smiling.
I smiled and a tear came from my eye. I hugged him. "And you were like the father I never had," I say.
I looked up to Markus and smiled before giving him a hug. He was slow to return it but he did.
"I'm gonna miss you. Take care of Carl for me," I say.
"I will," He said before letting go.
After final words were exchanged Vee and I got on airplane and we were on the way to Europe. But while on the flight I couldn't help but to constantly reflect on all the fun times I had with Carl and Markus. I was really going to miss them.
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