[6] Human Deviant
A/n: from now on I will be adding your outfit inside the media and if it's not inside the media then that means you are wearing the same outfit from the previous chapter and if there are many days within that chapter I will put the outfit after the date does that make sense? I hope so lol love you guys. Please bare with me as I am trying to get my schedule in order I am going back to school and I'm going to be moving soon it's just a lot going on and I just have to adjust.
November 8th,2038 1:30
Your POV:
It was tough being there without Markus to defend me. I received unwelcoming stares and seen them whisper. The only one who seemed welcoming to me was Lucy.
"They will come around. Sooner than you know," She told me.
"I really mean no harm. I just want to do what I can to help them...how can I show them. I'm on their side?" I asked.
"Come with me," She said walking. I got up and followed her she lead me to an android that had already shut down. "Do you believe you can fix her?"
"I know I can, though she looks far from saving she's definitely repairable I just need my tools, thirium and I need to run a diagnostics to see what else she needs," I say.
"Do what you have to and get the materials she needs." She said.
I run up the steps into the room and grab my tools and glasses with a flashlight on the side. I tried to open one of the cyberlife crates to get some blue blood but it was too heavy.
"Can somebody help me please open this?" I asked looking around everyone just acted as if I wasn't there. I sighed and decided to try again. This time I put my all into it. I did manage to open it but in the process I pulled a muscle. "Fuck!" I yelped holding my arm. I tried not to focus on my injury. I got the blue blood and made my way over to the fallen android. I opened her panel. She is an older model older than Markus. But the one thing I realized her only problem was was not only way she badly damaged but she needed a new power module. I opened my bag in it I had skin paint. It's exactly what you'd expect it to be. It covered her android skin to give her a more human look. She had also been completely drained of her thirium. I got to work immediately trying my hardest not to let the pain of my pulled muscle get in the way of my surgery. Every second was crucial and every little thing counted. I couldn't let any drop go to waste. After o was done I gave her a paint job and activated her.
"AL600 activate," I say and she opened her eyes
"Look at me," I commands and she looked at me. I grabbed her hands. "You're free...you are your own being...you don't have to listen to anyone if you don't want to." Suddenly she looked as if she had broken out of a spell and looked at her hands. "I'm alive...." She said.
I nodded. "You were broken...very badly. Whoever was your previous owner was...I'm sorry they abused you." I said wholeheartedly.
"You...fixed me?" She questioned.
I nodded and she hugged me. I winced because she squeezed me kinda hard. "Thank you," She said.
I looked around and realized I had an audience.
"I know you all look at me and see an enemy because I look like them and I act like them. I'm fragile like them." I start. "But just know that you could push me around like my kind did to you. Throw me around, drag me, punch me and I would still take a bullet for any one of you." I say with a tear rolling down my face. "I used to believe that it is stupid that one person would sacrifice themselves on the behalf of millions of people who have committed a wrong doing. But if that's what it takes for you to know I am on your side then so be it. Because I get it. Humans have a record of executing and killing off what they do not understand because they are scared. But there are few that want see the error of ways and want to correct it." I say standing. One android helped me up with a smile.
"You pulled a muscle Dr.(Y/n) I have over 10 different home remedies to help with that," He said.
"Thank you," I said.
He walked me to the room and I sat on on chair and wrapped my arm.
"Compression will reduce swelling from the strain and provide support for the weakened muscle. I advise that you rest for a while so you put a lot of pressure on it,"
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Rafael," He said.
"Rafael thank you for helping me,"
"Thank you for helping us even after our ridicule." He said before leaving.
I was resting as I as told to when I heard ruckus downstairs.
Markus POV:
"Where is Dr.(Y/n)?" I asked.
"She's upstairs," I looked over and seen the Android was supposed to be dead. "You're alive?"
"Yes," She said.
"But how? I watched you shut down before my eyes," I say.
"(Y/n) fixed me," She said smiling. "But she hurt herself in the process,"
I went upstairs where two male androids blocking the entrance way.
"Welcome back Markus," One of them said moving to the side. I went inside and seen (Y/n) laying down.
"Markus! You're back!" She said smiling.
"Are you OK?!What happened to your arm!?" I asked urgently.
"I was trying to open a crate and I tried to get help but no one would help so I pressed forward and in the process of opening the crate pulled a muscle. But its OK after I saved the girl's life I think we've gotten on better terms," She said.
I felt upset that she was hurt. Very upset but I was satisfied that they seen she was a good person.
"But don't get so mingled over my small injury. Rafael helped me get it patched up. I'm not allowed to do much. On the other hand. You just jumped off one of the tallest buildings in Detroit. Did every thing go OK?" She asked.
Your POV:
He sighed. "Simon couldn't make it. He was wounded we're not certain he will make it." Markus stated.
I hugged him with my good arm. "Gotta have high hopes."
He smiled and cupped my cheeks leaning in for a kiss before we headed someone clear their throat. Markus and I seen North standing there with her arms crossed.
"Markus everyone wants to know what our next move is. We also have more androids that arrived." She stated.
I sighed. He kissed me anyway.
"I'll be back," He said leaving.
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