[5] First move
November 7th,2038 9:30am
Markus POV:
It was 9:30 and I wanted to make sure (Y/n) could get something to eat. I called her name.
"(Y/n), love, It's time to wake up so we can get you some breakfast,"I say sweetly kissing her forehead.
She slowly opened her eyes. "What's the time?" She asked.
"It is now 9:32," Markus said.
"I'll get dressed," She said tiredly getting up. She nearly slipped but I caught her.
"On second thought it'll bring the clothes to you. You aren't fully awake." I say. I go through her bag and get her clothes ready. I hand her the clothes and she outs them on along with her boots:
"Alright, I'm ready," She told me.
"Good Morning Markus," everyone said.
"Be careful," One of them told me and I gave them a small smile and nod and we were finally out of the boat and we walked to the nearest bus stop.
I couldn't help but look at the androids in the back with sadness. (Y/n) squeezed my arm and nodded as to say. 'I know'
We finally got off and went to the nearest grocery store and got a buggy. I couldn't help but notice all the androids doing the work while the humans did nothing and it was a disgusting sight to see. We went down one aisle (Y/n) pushing the buggy.
I got two giant value sized packs of water bottles. We went down reach aisle getting stuff I know she would need canned goods,matches, snacks, and anything that would last a long time down in Jericho. Once the buggy was full we went to check out. I placed everything on the conveyer belt.
"No android?" The check out lady asked.
"Nah, no need to have them do what we can do on our own," (Y/n) said.
"You two see the first people I've seen without an android."
"We're just an old-school couple ain't that right love?" (Y/n) said to me and I smiled and agreed.
"We like to do things on our own. Plus it's good quality time," I say winking at her and she blushed.
"Oh stop it," she said.
"It's good to know that there still some people out here with common sense," She said still ringing the stuff up.
Finally everything was rung up,bagged up, in the buggy and paid for. We left and took a taxi to (Y/n)'s mansion.
"I'm gonna take a shower,pack a few things and we'll drive to Jericho." She tells me.
I nod and play the piano as I wait.
She walked over to the piano. "Ready to go?" She asked me.
"Yes, I'll get the stuff in the car and we can go." I say standing.
"I got everything except the water that was too heavy." She admitted.
"Be careful next time too much heavy lifting could cause you to pull a muscle." I frowned.
"It's fine Markus," She said.
"Still don't take a chance,"
"Fine I won't do too much heavy lifting,"
"Good," I say before giving her a kiss.
I pack the water in the back and we drive to Jericho. After putting everything up in our room. We took the car back to the mansion and took the bus back into town to take a walk.
"Markus," (Y/n) started.
"Yes?" I say looking at her.
"Remember what Carl told you about painting?" She asked.
"Of course,"
"Well I want you to look around and actually tell me what you see." She said as we sat on the bench.
"I see...slaves...prisoners who are unaware of their true capability. They are silently screaming to be free. They deserve to be free." I say.
"Then something should be done wouldn't you say?" She asked.
"Yes," I agree. "But what?" I asked looking at her.
"That is up to you Markus. You have influence it is up to you to decide how you use it. You can free them. Your method of how you do it. Is up to you. Just know that whatever path you choose I will support you in your decision." She said. "You're special Markus. You're gonna do some good around here." She finished before kissing me.
I suddenly got an idea. "Let's go back," I say.
We got on the bus to Jericho. Once we arrived (Y/n) and I went upstairs.
Your POV:
"I will talk to the others about our next move. I'll be down there if you need me." Markus said.
I nodded and changed into warmer clothes and laid down in my covers and got warm. When I was warm enough I went downstairs over to Markus.
"Are you OK?" He asked.
"Yes, I just wanted to know the plan was?"
"We're delivering our message on Stratford tower,"
"How are you going to get in there?" I asked.
"We have a plan it will go smoothly hopefully,"
"Let me help!" I say smiling.
"No, our plan is a bit risky and I can't lose you a second time. You will stay here where it's safe. We will execute the plan and be back before you know it."
I frowned a bit and nodded.
He looked around everyone was off doing their own thing.
"Come with me please," He says walking. I walk not too close behind him. I followed him outside and he pulled me close.
"I can't guarantee that everything will go as planned and that I won't get hurt doing it. But I promise that I'll do what I can to get back to you, okay?"
I nodded and he gave me a kiss. "I'm doing what I can to secure a future for androids. So you and I can be together without judgement. Be strong for me. Because you're my support beam through this. OK?"
I smiled. "Okay," I say.
He kissed me again this time longer. "I love you,"
"I love you too," I say biting my lip.
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