[4] The outsider looking in.
Your POV:
I got up from his lap. "I have something you may like," I say with a smile.
"What?" I took his hand and ran to the other side of the mansion where I had the piano.
"Carl's piano..." Markus said smiling.
"I made sure to take the paintings and the piano. I even have yours upstairs in my room."
Markus sat at the piano and looked at me for permission.
"You don't have to ask...it's technically yours." I say leaning against it. He smiled and begins to play. (Song in the media)
I was memorized by the peaceful look in his face as he played. I smiled know what song this is. Suddenly he got a smile on his face that puzzled me. Then he stood up but the piano was still playing. He held his hand out to me. I smiled and took his hand we danced the way we did two days ago.
"How'd you get it to play by itself?" I asked.
"I tapped record before playing," He admitted.
I rest my head on his chest but I can't hear a heartbeat, but, for some reason....it didn't bother me at all. It felt normal and perfect. He felt warm and safe.
He turned off the piano and Picked me up bridal style.
"Lead me to your room please," He said. I gave him directions to my room. He laid me down and laid beside me.
"I have to return to Jericho," He said kissing my forehead.
"Why?" I asked wrapping my arms around him. "Why don't you stay with me? I just got you back." I say.
"They need me there...I need to help them truely be free," He said stroking my hair.
"I can't let you go again. I lost you once. I can't lose you again." I say.
"Then...come with me to Jericho."
"What?" I questioned.
"Come with me to Jericho,You could help really help repair some of the broken androids and the ones that will come in."
"What will they think of me? Do you really think they'll accept me?What I am?"
"Rather they accept you or lose me," He said furrowimg his eyebrows. "They may not warm up to you right away but they will when they see what you're doing for them,"
I sighed. "I don't know, we just told each other our feelings...just did."
"Then we don't have to tell them your true relation to me. Plus I'd prefer you be with me. You'd be safer," Markus said.
I nodded and he smiled.
"It's very cold down there make sure to bring comfortable clothes and lots of blankets." He said getting there.
He helped me pack a bag and we got on a bus to Ferndale. We had to do some crazy ass parkour. Everything was OK up until he told me we had to do a long ass drop into water.
"Are you serious?!" I question.
"Markus...that's a long drop...will I survive?"
He picked me up. "Hold on tight," He said and I automatically clung to him. It wasn't long before we hit water I let go and I surfaced. Markus helped me out. I was shaking like crazy and Markus took the towel and wrapped it around me and walked in and I automatically felt like the odd one out. I haven't been surrounded by this many androids since I left cyberlife.
"She's...human..." One of them said.
"Markus are you crazy?!" A female android asked.
"No, this is Dr.(Y/n) she was a friend of my old owner. She is very accepting of androids and she wants to help repair any broken androids. She used to work for cyberlife."
"No human wants to help us she wants to locate us and them where we're hiding!" One of them shouted and everyone agreed.
"Let's get rid of her!" One of them yell.
"I've known Doctor (Y/n) for 3 years and never once in those three years had she been prejudice to me or any android around her. She has volunteered herself to help the very thing she helped created. She is your creator. Is this the thanks she gets for bringing you into this world?" Markus asked. "She is here to help not harm you so no harm will be done to her."
Markus lead me up to his 'room' of sorts.
"You can stay in here for now and warm up. I apologize on their behalf." Markus said.
"It's fine...I get it. It's hard to trust someone that looks like an enemy but claiming to be on your side." I say shivering. Markus wrapped his arms around me to help me warm up faster.
A female android came in the room. "Are you crazy Markus?" She asked.
"She's here to help us North. More androids are coming in some of them will be damaged and they will need help. She can help us. She's staying and that's final." Markus said sternly.
North shot me a look. A not so nice look.
"They hate me here," I state.
"They'll get used to you," Markus stated.
"I hope so." I say shivering. "May I change?" I asked Markus.
"Of course I'll leave you to change." He said before leaving the room. I put on heavy comfortable clothes before calling Markus back inside:
"Are you still cold?" He asked.
"A little," I admit curling up slightly as I rubbed my arms in an attempt to bring back warmth to my body.
We made a little palette on the floor and he brought me close into his chest. I felt warmer.
"Are you getting warmer?" He asked.
I nodded as I began to doze off. He kissed my forehead.
"What's the plan for tomorrow?" I asked tiredly looking at him.
"Nothing we're safe for now we got an abundance of supplies and we'll have androids coming in most likely." He predicted.
I hummed. "Why don't we go out?" I asked.
"We could do that," Markus said. "But for now you need to go to sleep. I can tell you're tired." He finished before playing with my hair.
"No," I said playfully.
"(Y/n)..." He said in a warning tone.
"Give me a kiss first," I bargain with a smile.
He smiled and leant in and gave me a slow tender kiss that led to more. Before Markus pulled away.
"You got more than you bargained for now sleep," He said sternly.
"Yes,sir," I say yawning. Markus ran his hands through my hair soothing me to sleep.
Markus POV:
If could sleep with her I would. I could just shut down. But it wouldn't be the same. I can't dream. If I could I would want to dream of a future with her. So I would rather stay awake and watch her sleep instead. She looks so beautiful and at peace. I wonder what she's dreaming about. Is she dreaming about a possible future with me? I hope that whatever she's dreaming. It's a good one and one where I'm around. Because I never wanna be without her
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