[29] Exposure
The next day...
Your POV:
"I love these moments." I confess to him.
"Oh really?" He teased and I giggled.
"Yes- I mean every moment with you is monumental. But it's moments like these that I love to cherish because...I feel like...We see each other in our most vulnerable form. I love being open and vulnerable with you." I admit.
Markus hand traveled along on my side and stopped at my hip. "I like it too...not only us is satisfying sexually but emotionally." Markus admits.
"Vulnerability has a negative connotation attached to it. But with the right person it can have a beautiful meaning. When I'm vulnerable with you...I'm safe and happy." I say smiling.
"When I'm vulnerable with you...I'm home." Markus told me before giving me a kiss. "I'm so very fortunate to have the privilege of sharing my dream with you. I'm at peace and married to the most wonderful woman on the planet." Markus said caressing my cheek before he towered over me to give me a tender and passionate kiss. Then he pulled away with a smile.
"(Y/n)..wake up," Markus said.
I looked at him in pure confusion. "What?"
"Wake-up," Markus said kissing my shoulder.
I opened my eyes and looked over to Markus behind me.
"It took you a minute to respond are you alright?" Markus asked. I tackled him to the bed and smothered him in kisses.
"What was that for?" Markus asked smiling.
"I had a dream." I said excitedly.
"You had a dream?" Markus asked and I nodded enthusiastically. Markus smiled and gave me a kiss. "I am so happy you had a dream. What was it about?" He asked.
"If I tell you it won't come true."
"Alright, well I wanted to wake you because apparently some random source has taken a picture and the internet is speaking of a 'mystery girl'." Markus informs me.
I looked it up on the internet.
"Hm...someone has indeed gotten a picture of mystery girl going up the steps of the private jet. I am glad I kept my hood on until we got on the jet." I say analyzing the picture before reading the article.
It has only been a month and a week since android Markus Manfred lost the love of his life Dr.(Y/n) Kamski during a shooting at their wedding he has been off the grid ever since. But just yesterday he was spotted getting on his private with a mystery lady. Nobody has seen her face besides the security team. They won't tell who she is and everyone is curious as to who is this mystery gal? Is she Human is she an android? Are they friends or maybe more? Every one has been asking Markus's close friends for info and nobody will budge. But Vee Kamski or @VeeCeeVee on insta addressed the situation saying:
"We all have met her but we refuse to say anything. If they decide to speak publicly about it then that's their business. We will speak on it when they will so please stop asking."
Markus has no social media or way to contact him. So there was no way of asking him directly. All we can do now is sit back and wait for them to speak up. The ball is in your court Manfred. The ball is in your court.
"Hm...I'm very grateful we never listened to Vee when she told us to make instagram profiles- and the ball is in your court? So cliché." I state.
"We're almost home love." Markus told me.
"Work I can't wait." I say sarcastically
"We don't really have much work anymore. We've been working so has the past two to three years...I've been speaking with a lot of people about helping to start a chain of Android Help Centers Global. Then we have our final meeting with congress and madam president. After that...we are free..."
"So would it be too soon to start thinking about which beach we should stay on?" I asked straddling his lap.
"Not at all love. The sooner the better." He said nuzzling my neck.
"I have 26 different locations in mind." I say smiling.
"Do inform on these locations."
"3 in Hawaii but then I remembered Hawaii is like volcano island." I joked.
Markus smiled. "Just as long as it has a private reserved beach house with a good view of the sea and a beautiful view of my wife...then I'm satisfied." Markus said before kissing me.
Four months needs to go by quicker.
"But on other news...our anniversary is coming up." I say smiling.
"The day I confessed to you and in December the day I had officially asked you to be my girlfriend." Markus said happily. "I'd do it all over again happily. You are the best thing that ever happened to me since the revolution."
During the plane ride...
It had reached a moment where Markus and I had settled down and got quiet. Markus was finalizing some documents. I on the other hand was bored out of my mind. So I made a Instagram account.
"Markus made a separate in stage am account can you do an officiating video so they know it's not a fake account?"
"Why are you doing this?" He asked chuckling.
"To tease the public a tiny bit. I'm bored"
"Alright," He sighed smiling.
I held the camera up and began recording him. I gave him the thumbs up to go.
"Hello Instagram, I am Markus Manfred and this is my friend Mystery Girl's official account. Please respect her and her wishes and have a great day. Good bye." Markus said.
I ended it and posted it not only to my story but also it was my first post.
TheMysteryGirl: This is a real page! Approved by Markus Manfred himself! Here is his seal of approval and officiation!
Hello world, I am mystery girl. The one spotted with Markus Manfred at the airport. Markus is fully aware I am doing this and he is approved of it. I will NOT be showing my face or saying my name. So please don't ask me to because I will just ignore your request. I will answer your questions to the best of my ability. I can guarantee that you won’t always get the answer you are looking for. Please understand I still want to keep a few things about my life private. Please respect that. Respect others and everything will be just fun. 😊
@TheMysteryGirl What is your name?
I rolled my eyes.
TheMysteryGirl: Please read my profile. If you have already then please understand I won't be disclosing my name. This will be the only time I will address this. Next question please.
@TheMysteryGirl why won't you tell us your name or show your face?
TheMysteryGirl: It’s for my privacy and safety as of now until I feel comfortable enough to show my face to the public. Now is really not a good time for people to see me. Next question!
@TheMysteryGirl are you and Markus dating?
TheMysteryGirl: I won't be opening up about my relational ties to Markus as of now. I can say however that Markus is a very close and dear friend to me and he’s an amazing being😊 next question!
@TheMysteryGirl How old are you?
TheMysteryGirl: Don't you know it’s rude to ask a woman about her age? Forever beautiful and youthful as far you're concerned. XP Next question!
@TheMysteryGirl: Human or Android?
TheMysteryGirl: WE ARE ALIVE! I hope I answered your questioned in the most indirect way. Next question!
@TheMysteryGirl How are you?
TheMysteryGirl: Bored as ever, it’s really the only reason I am here.Next Question!
VeeCeeVee: @TheMysteryGirl how are you liking it on Instagram?
TheMysteryGirl: @VeeCeeVee it’s definitely keeping me occupied. No complaints here. Next question!
@TheMysteryGirl can you describe yourself to us?
TheMysteryGirl: I’m a beautiful woman with hair, eyes, a nose and a mouth. Next question!
@TheMysteryGirl Did you know (Y/n)? If you did how did you know her?
TheMysteryGirl I was waiting for this question to pop up.😅 I know of her. Next question.
@TheMysteryGirl how is Markus dealing with the loss?
TheMysteryGirl: Loss is as loss does. It takes away the people we hold dearly. People we can't see ourselves living without especially have a toll on you. You take it one day at a time and keep them in your heart.
-(Y/n) Kamski on losing her parents.
Markus often has days where he’s reminded of her. It hurts and I stay by his side to help and listen when I can. Next question…
@TheMysteryGirl where do you live?
TheMysteryGirl: with Markus :) Next Question!
@TheMysteryGirl use one song to describe how you feel about Markus and tell why you use.
TheMysteryGirl: My blood- Twenty-One Pilots
Why: Without being exactly specific it shows that I’m Markus's ride or die despite what our relational ties are. :) Next Question
@TheMysteryGirl when will you reveal yourself?
TheMysteryGirl: When Markus is comfortable with it. I’m doing this more for him than for me. For me it's just basic privacy for me. Next Question!
@TheMysteryGirl your views on what should happen to the android who killed (Y/n)?
TheMysteryGirl: All I can say is Karma is a bitch a really bad one. Final Question!!!!
@TheMysteryGirl how do you deal with hate?
TheMysteryGirl: I don't. Lol why bother? That is the final question I will answer for today. I hope you have a good day. I apologize that I can't get to all of your questions. I will be appearing randomly once a week to answer questions so keep an eye out! Thanks for participating!
"That was fun." I say smiling.
The end of the month...
Today was the day I would be revealing my true identify to the world. I would no longer be mystery girl. I put on one of my nicest dresses.
"You look gorgeous...as always." Markus reminds me as he kisses my hand.
"And you are handsome as ever. God it feels so weird I haven't gotten all dolled up since the wedding."
"You looked so stunning you were all I could focus on." Markus confessed.
"I've been looking everywhere for a better dress. I would wear the same dress without a doubt. But it's against wedding rules. You can't see me or the dress."
"I wanted to kiss you right now."
"Are we really on wedding time?" I say pouting.
"Yes, when 10:30 hits I will be going to Connor's apartment and I will be seeing you North's trial then after that I will finally have you all to myself. I made sure of that."
"Well...I mean it's only 5:48 soooo...A couple of kisses won't hurt." I shrugged brushing my lips against his.
"You've been very flirtatious lately Ms.Kamski." Markus says.
"Mmm I can't help it you're so sexy..." I tease.
"Your teasing is what lead me sneaking into North's house a week before the wedding to get you back in line Ms.Kamski."
"Mmm I don't recall what happened that night...maybe if you show me I'll spontaneously remember." I say nibbling on his ear.
"Goodness gracious (Y/n)...please keep the teasing at a low." He sighed and I giggled.
"Yes,sir...only because you said please." I said smiling.
We finally arrived at the studio for the interview. We went back stage and Markus quickly ushered me into the dressing room so no one could see my face. There was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Markus says.
"It's Jimmy,"
"Oh give me a moment.." Markus says.
Markus's pov:
"I'll be back in a moment." I tell her before kissing her cheek.
I slip out of the dressing room quickly.
"Hello Mr.Fallon." I say smiling at him and shaking his hand.
"Markus! How are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm going great man thanks for asking."
"I'm sorry about what happened to (Y/n)...she was a good woman." He said patting my shoulder.
"She was nobody could say she was a bad woman...she's amazing beyond understanding." I admit.
"How are you coping?"
"Actually thanks to...mystery girl the experience of grieving a lot less lonely and difficult."
"Speaking of mystery girl can I ask one question right now?"
"Yes you can." I answer.
"Are you in a relationship with her?"
"Yes actually we are engaged."
"Engaged!?" Jimmy exclaimed.
"I promise everything will make sense during the interview." I say with a smile.
"Well congratulations man! That's great!" Jimmy says.
"Thank you, I am aware by human standards this would be considered moving too fast but she is very special..."
"I can tell you haven't stopped smiling in the passed couple of minutes we've been talking! But is she OK? Does she have everything she needs?"
"Yes all her needs met not that she really has many to be fulfilled. But thank you for the concern." I say.
"Well there goes my cue see you shortly!" Jimmy says walking away.
"Yes we will," I say smiling as I went into the dressing room to see (Y/n) on her phone. Most likely on instagram.
We watched the TV screen to see Jimmy talking to the audience in real time.
There was a knock on the door.
"Mr.Markus and misses you're on in five minutes."
"This is gonna be very interesting to say the least." (Y/n) says smiling as she puts on her mic.
"It will be." I admit as I take her hand. I kissed her before we left the room. Stage hand helped me adjust my microphone and then I waited for my cue.
"-Ladies and Gentleman Markus Manfred!" Jimmy introduces me and I walk onto the stage doing a quick wave to the audience before I shook Fallon's hand and sat down.
"So how are you tonight man?"
"I'm doing good Jimmy,"
"You look great,"
"Thank you," I say smiling.
"So today you brought someone with you. Correct?"
"Yes, Mystery Girl she's here." I say smiling.
"Everyone has been talking about her everyone wants to know her and you guys finally ageed to introduce her! She's taking her first ever appearance on the show!"
"Her appearance will be shocking to say the least." I confess.
"Well let's bring her out, ladies and gents Mystery Girl!"
Everyone claps and (Y/n) slowly peaks her head out but doesn't have her skin on.
She waved at the audience before she shook Jimmy's hand and tool her seat beside me.
"How are you today?" Jimmy asked her.
"I'm....nervous." She chuckled while repeatedly rubbing her legs up and down in a nervous manners.
"It's okay so take your time and introduce yourself we won't bite." Jimmy joked.
"Ok," She sighed nervously still sporting a smile through it all. I take her hand.
"Take your time," I say giving her a small smile and kissing her fingers. The audience responds with sounds of adoration.
"Start where you feel comfortable." Jimmy says.
"Elijah Kamski created me a month ago...he modeled me after someone... Very familiar..." She said before letting her skin appeared making everyone exclaim in shock.
After everyone managed to calm down we explain everything.
Everyone was still shocked but open the idea.
"So you told me earlier backstage you were engaged!" Jimmy says.
"Yes we are engaged we'll be getting marries next year." I say. "Most would say that we're moving way too fast. Especially after (Y/n) died. But this (Y/n) has been helping me throughout the loss...she's been there for me. She's been my friend and many will say it's me still grieving but... I feel that that is far from the truth. She's not replacing and she never will. She understands that and I love her. I know that (Y/n) would want me to move on. She wouldn't want me to hold on to my anger and bitterness forever. Elijah had first told me what he had done... I didn't know how to respond or how to feel. Everytime I look at her I was reminded of what was lost that day and I will never forget that for as long as I am alive. But the more I got to know her I started to realize that I can't hold a grudge and be upset with her because she didn't ask for this. It's not her fault. I feel like that is a second chance at love even if we have to do it all over again. It was hard for the both of us. That's why we kept quiet for quite a while. We were getting to know each other. For me it was a reintroduction but for her it was a first-time thing. Once I got to know her and she had gotten to know me we got closer and we realized we wanted more. So here we are." I say looking at her and kissing her hand. "I love her." I confess.
"And I love him." She says smiling at me.
We looked at each other and I cradled the back of her head to bring her into a kiss. The audience cheered. Once I pull away I see her giggle and cover her cheeks.
"Forgive me, I just couldn't resist it anymore." I say smiling at her.
"That's okay man. Love is very powerful." Jimmy says.
"Yes, yes it is." I say taking her hand.
"There we have it Markus Manfred and (Y/n) Kamski everybody!" Jimmy says and she does a small smile and wave at the crowd.
After that we went home.
Your Pov:
"2 months..." I say as I sat on the bed watching Markus pack.
"2 months." Markus repeats.
"Then after that-"
"We're together at last." He says before pulling me into a deep and passionate kiss.
"5 months alone on a beautiful island."
"In a beautiful little secluded house on a private beach." He said dragging his finger along my jawline. "I never knew it was possible to live someone so much that you want to make love to them, fuck them and cuddle with them all at once." Markus confesses as he smiles before kissing me again. This kiss was hotter and heavy. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I moaned as his tongue collided with mine. I felt myself getting a little excited from the hot kiss.
"Markus." I moan.
Markus smirked as he pulled away. "Doesn't feel too good does it?" He questioned. "Being teased but knowing there is nothing you can do about it.Two more months love." He says smiling.
"Alright Markus Come on one more second and you can't both forget about saving sex for the honeymoon. You two are 5 second away from making an unfilmed porno!" Rafael says through the door.
"I'll be right out." Markus sighs.
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