[19] Celebrating
Your POV:
We were on the private jet back to Detroit.
"You my friend were super ballsy in there. You had real guts to tell them they fucked up." Rafael said.
"Well somebody had to tell them." I shrugged.
"But most people would have been kissing ass you just straight up went in their and grabbed them by the balls!" Rafael said smiling.
I giggled before looking over to Markus to see his response.
Markus gave a small smile before shaking his head in shame.
"But this isn't just a me victory you all helped." I say smiling.
"Stop being so damn modest and accept the fact that you won that for the team!" Rafael said.
"I agree with him on that. You did in fact kick ass." Connor said.
"Thanks guys," I say smiling.
Soon we arrive on Detroit and not too long after that Kamski's house.
Once Kamski opened the door I seen him give me the biggest smile I haven't seen since I told him I was getting into Yale. That was years ago.
"There goes the lady of the hour!" He exclaims with a drink in his hand already.
I smile and roll my eyes. "How much did you drink?"
"Not enough yet but tonight we are gonna drink and chill something you have never done."
"And you have!?" I questioned.
"..oops...I guess Vee was right...I'm a light weight."
"Elijah you told me that you had never gone to a party because you thought they were stupid." I sat as we walk in.
"It's not like a big deal I went to like...3 parties during high school."
"And I went to none because of you! You told me going to a party was a waste of time than why you'd never go to one!"
"Shhh don't yell just drink." Elijah said giving me drinking glass.
I seen hank sitting on the couch. "He's not a big drinker is he?" Hank questioned.
"Nope." I say.
"I figured but besides that I would like to congratulate you on your big win! Thanks to you Connor will be able to get his own damn place." Hank says.
I chuckle. "Thanks and you're welcome I guess."
Vee ran towards me and nearly tackled me to the floor with a hug. "Jesus Vee!" I say
"Mom you're a fucking legend now!" She exclaimed.
"Really now?" I chuckle.
"Um yea! You're trending topic on every social media! Everybody is talking about You and Markus! You shook the world!!" She shrieked.
"That's what I aimed for."
"Vee? My god look at you baby girl you are looking se-" Rafael started before I cleared my throat.
"What was that?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"You are looking so very beautiful." He nervously finished.
"You do anything to my daughter...I will rearrange all of your biocomponents onto a street light like Christmas lights the only think that'll be keeping you alive is your thirium pump and all the 'veins' connected to it.Understood." I say darkly.
Rafael backed up and widened his eyes before nodding quickly.
I smile innocently. "Good."
The small gathering we call a party was underway.
We were all talking and having a good time. I stayed away from the alcohol much preferring wine over anything.
"When I met you Elijah I swore you were a grade a douche sitting on his high horse but most that I know you. You're not a bad guy." Hank says to Elijah.
"Sorry about what I had Connor do. I was proving a point." Elijah said.
"Woah! Say what!? What happened!?" I questioned getting curious.
"Before I went deviant Hank and I came here to ask Elijah if he knew how to stop the spread of deviancy. Just to see where my mind was he gave me a gun and told me that if I shot one of his androids he would tell me everything he knew but if I didn't he wouldn't tell me and I would have to leave with nothing." Connor explains.
"Elijah you are cold blooded! How could you make my precious friend take the Kamski test!?" I exclaimed.
"Like I said it was to prove a point and in the end it was a point well made." Elijah slurred.
"And you were never gonna tell me!?"
"I was....not..." Elijah said before laughing.
"Secrets Elijah all the secrets we had a no secrets rule!"
"Well that wasn't necessarily a secret y'see.."
"You know what let's make tonight interesting the stand is open...Let's spill all secrets...allll of them anybody willing to share?" I say smirking.
"I was being controlled by cyberlife and almost shot Markus but thanks to the emergency exit Elijah told me about I was able to regain control." Connor said.
Every body turned to Connor.
"When I watching Markus give the speech I knew something twitchy was happening with you." Elijah admitted.
"But that's news to me holy shitaki mushrooms Connor! But it's not your fault so I'm not mad." I say.
".....I used to like (Y/n)." Rafael said.
My eyes went as wide as dinner plates as I looked Rafael.
"What!?" I questioned.
"He already told me." Vee said before gagging.
"I didn't bother to do anything because I knew you wouldn't like me back. Why are you so shocked? I followed you everywhere and plus you're like everyone's women crush Wednesday now." Rafael says.
I looked at Markus who seemed unphased.
"What? It's in the past he never acted on anything I don't have reason to be upset." Markus says. I nod in agreement. "But I was admittedly somewhat aware that something was going on with you Rafael." Markus said calmly. "You were always around her and unwilling to leave her side. But I trusted you."
"That was deep cutting..." I say still shocked. "Rafa you are disgusting!" I say going over to punch him.
"Hey you said its an open stand! I just wanted to get that off of my chest. You were literally every male android's wet dream in Jericho!"
"Leave us out of this." Josh said raising his interlocked hand with Simon.
"I used to be a stripper but then mom told me to quit." Vee said.
"...I knew that Diner gig was too good to be true!!!" Elijah said
"Exactly." I say.
"What about you Dr.Kamski...what's your secret?" Connor asked.
"Oh mine has been exposed. I have none...."
".....I used to be RA9...." Markus said.
"What!?" Every one accept me and Elijah exclaimed.
Instead I fake a yawn. "Wouldn't you look at the time we should get home love." I sat getting up but Markus pulled me back on the couch.
"Tell them..." Markus said and I sighed before. Elijah and I explained every thing. Leaving every one on complete shock.
"So you see folks (Y/n) was into androids waaay before anybody even knew about it." Elijah joked.
"Stai zitto, bastardo ubriaco." I mutter.
"sembra che qualcuno debba scopare. Prenderò un appunto per Markus." Elijah shot back.
"Woah!" Everybody said.
"Alright you two settle down. But that reminds that we really should get going. It's getting late." Markus said grabbing my hand.
"Do you really have to leave?" Vee asked.
"We have a little bit of work that needs to be handled in DC." I say
There were hugs and congratulations going round as before we left.
Soon we were back home. As we walked along the paved path to the front door. Markus picked me up bridal style and I giggled. Once we were inside he put me down and kissed me passionately. Next thing I knew we were both in bed naked and worn from making love to each other.
"The party was...interesting to say the least." Markus said with his forehead against mine.
"Mhm." I hum before kissing him.
"But I believe we shoulder have a celebration of our own."
"Soo that wasn't it?" I joked.
Markus smiled. "Besides the celebratory sex...Let's get away for a while."
"Get away?" I question.
"Yes...let's go to Paris."
"Yes let's go to Paris just you and I. Let's forget our responsibilities for a while."
"For how long?"
"Two weeks?"
I roll over on top of his and kissing him lovingly. "When do we leave?"I asked.
"Tomorrow morning. I already packed our bags."
I smiled. "How long have you been planning this trip?" I questioned.
"Since last week." He admit.
"Why Paris?"
"Because it's probably the only place where we can be sickeningly affectionate and blend in with the other couples that are being sickeningly affectionate." He joked before rolling over so he was on top. "Now earlier you said something about a round two?" He questioned playfully before kissing me and I giggled.
5am The next morning...
Markus woke me up and we got ready:
I was honestly too tired to stylize so I saved the stylizing for after we get to Paris.
"Are you ready?" Markus asked.
"Mhm..." I hum tiredly as I get in the car.
"Do you want to stop and get some snacks for the flight?" Markus asked as we were on the way.
I shook my head. "I'm fine for now." I mumble as I rest my head on his arm.
"You're really tired?" He questioned.
"I have you to thank for that." I mutter.
Markus chuckled. "I wouldn't take all the credit."
"I'm a bad influence on you." I joke.
Soon we arrive on the airport then onto the private jet. As soon as I got on I went into the bedroom and went to sleep:
I woke up during the flight I turned to see Markus once again sleeping. I kiss his forehead before getting up and going into the cockpit with the pilot and co-pilot.
"Good morning Dr.Kamski sleep well?" The pilot asked.
"Yes I did thank you both for keeping this thing smoothe sailing so I can rest my eyes." I say smiling.
"It's our pleasure ma'am. I hope you are finding every thing enjoyable and you are feeling right at home back there."
"Oh yes Markus and I feel right at home thank you. How long before we reach our destination?" I ask.
"Approximately 5 hours and 20 minutes." The Co-pilot answered.
"Wow so I wasn't out for long?" I questioned.
"Only three hours." The Pilot answered.
"Once again thanks and keep up the good work." I say before leaving the cockpit. I wall back into the 'bedroom' to see Markus sitting on the bed.
"Morning." I said smiling at him.
"Good Morning." He replied before grabbing my hand and pulling me into his lap.
"We're five hours away from Paris." I say smiling.
"Did you eat yet?" He asked.
As if my body understood let out a mighty roar.
"I'll take that as a 'no'." Markus said.
"I'll go get some cereal."
"Ah ah ah." Markus scolded while keeping me in his lap.
"Well I don't want you to cook."
"No one is cooking we're gonna call room service."
"On a plane?" I questioned while chuckling.
"Yes." Markus answered simply before pressing a red button on the wall.
"Flight attendant Anne here how may I help you?" A sweet female voice asked from a speaker above the red button.
"Hello Anne, My lovely girlfriend is hungry and I was wondering what you could make for her." Markus said making me giggle.
"Well Mr. Manfred it depends on what she has a taste for. We have french toast, crepes, Belgian waffles, eggs with toast, and pancakes with bacon." Anne says.
"(Your choice)." I say.
"Coming right up." Anne says happily before a click sound was heard.I guess that means she's done talking.
"For the next two weeks we will not be cooking, cleaning, or dealing with business inquiries so mute your email notifications. Because its just you and me for a while. No distractions." He said giving me a kiss.
"Yes, Sir." I giggle.
He picked me up and laid me down on the bed and peppered me in soft kisses. I let out an uncontrollable giggle as he continued. Not before long Anne came with my plate.
"Here's your food ma'am," She said smiling as she set the plate on the near by dining table.
"Thank you." I say smiling as I go to say at the table.
A couple of hours later we arrived in the streets of Paris. During my tour I was never really able to fully spend time exploring Paris but I was completely mesmerized.
We arrived at our town house:
"I've planned out every detail of our trip and I know you were here during your tour but...ever since my first dream this is the only place I think of when I think of the perfect Getaway." Markus said as we sat on the couch.
"I was only here for like two days before I had to leave. I barely got to explore like I wanted to so this is an amazing opportunity." I say giving him a small smile.
"That makes me happy to hear." Markus said before giving me a kiss.
"You're not tired are you?" Markus asked.
I shook my head.
"Then we should get settled in and put everything away. It's kinda late so I guess we can find a good restaurant. If you're hungry."
"I'm actually still full."
"Well I guess we can start our touring plans early.. How about we get on a tour bus and just soak in the sites of Paris. There is one every 8 minutes." He suggested.
"Sure let's go put everything up and then it'll get ready." I say before giving him a slow kiss. One that Markus so graciously returned before giving me more and it felt good to not be in a rush for once. No need to hurry because of a meeting or interview. I could sit and savor the moment.
After we pulled away Markus's brushed my hair behind my ear while staring lovingly into my eyes. "I love you." He confessed
"I love you too." I say smiling.
Markus smiled while grabbing my hand and leading me to the bedroom. "Let's get unpacking so we can go on that tour."
We unpacked in a comfortable silence with the occasional small talk and flirty remarks.
After we put every thing away I got my clothes to get ready.
"Do you mind if I join you?" Markus requested.
I nodded. "Of course."
He followed me into the bathroom before taking my clothes off and kissing every much that he exposed before we both get into the shower together. Markus grabbed my soap and rag.
"I can wash myself you know." I say softly.
"I know. I want to." He said kissing my collar bone. He ran his hands along my legs then my thighs over my ass onto my stomach and boobs before massaging the rag into my back. He stopped and kissed my collarbone and neck before handing me the rag.
"I'll let you wash the other areas." He told me.
I washed my sacred areas before getting another rag and somebody wash.
"Your turn." I say.
"It's not necessary."
"But I want to." I say smirking before running the rag all over his upper and low back before going over his shoulders. Then over his chest down to his abs.
"Stop there before we do some thing we don't have time for." He teased.
"Fine." I said playfully pouting.
He pulled me close and gave me a sweet kiss. We just sat there in the moment. Holding each other. For once while laying on his chest I realized what he was talking about his thirium pump behaving like a heart. It was beating like a heartbeat. I couldn't help but smile to myself happily and even cry a little. I thought back to how much I had been through with him and I felt more attached to him in the last 5-7 months than I did to my ex of two years and I could only hope that I spend my every moment with this man.
We got out and got dressed before going out:
We got on the tour bus and I was super relieved that people didn't recognize us. We were able to enjoy the sights of the city. How beautiful they it was at night. I couldn't help but take out my back-up camera and take pictures of everything. Including pictures of us.
"In my exhibit I decided not to take picture's of the eiffle tower. I avoided it all together because I feel it's very stereotypical to take a picture of the eiffle tower. When you first think of France everyone automatically thinks of Paris. I wanted to capture the other beautiful elements of France that everyone misses when they are too busy focusing on Paris. It took all day. But I found it of course and that turned out to be one of one of my most famous pictures." I ramble.
"I forgot you were a photographer with all that's happened. Are you planning on continuing your path as a photographer?" He asked.
"I've thought about it and I might. I might continue and feature other androids as my topic."
"That could be a good idea." Markus said smiling.
After touring around the city. We went home and talked until I fell asleep.
The next day we spent touring all of the tourist sites of Paris: The wax figure museum, wine tasting, the Paris aquarium and as many places as we could go before I was both tired and hungry. Everyday we would discover a new part of France and even revisit some places I had been. Up until the last day of our two week vacation. We had a mellow day in the beautiful town house lounging around up until around 8:30.
"It's our last night and I miss looking over the city. I seen a building we could climb and get a good view of the eiffle tower. It would make a good picture."
I smiled. "I wouldn't mind that."
I got dressed:
Then Markus and I watched hand in hand to the big building.
I sighed. "I haven't done this on a while.." I chuckle.
Markus smiled. "Think you'll be OK?"
"I hope so." I say. We climb on top of the building and look river the city. The sight itself was breath taking. Markus sat on the edge and I sat beside him rest my head on his shoulder.
"I love this view it's amazing." I chuckle.
He gave me a lopsided smile still taking I'm the view. "It really is."
I take a couple of pictures two or three of my pictures being of Markus caught off guard while he was seemingly thinking.
"What's on your mind?" I asked him.
He got off the edge and offered me his hand. I of course took it and he helped me up. All while pulling me into him.
"Dance with me."
"Right now?" I questioned smiling.
"There is no music."
"We don't need it."
I giggled before nodding in agreement and we slow danced.
"You're getting better at this." Markus said smiling.
"Well I have a very good teacher." I retorted.
"Describe him for me."
"He's a very handsome android who goes by the name Markus he shaved hair and two beautiful different colored eyes. His eyes are very beautiful." I tease as we continue to dance.
"He is very lucky to have a student like you."
"It is I who is the lucky one. But it's a debate that ends in a tie."
Markus leaned in and kissed me passionately before pulling away. "Marry me." He says suddenly.
"What?" I said shocked.
"It may be too soon. We don't have to get married right away give it a year or two but I want to marry you. I want you to be Mrs. Markus Manfred. Calling you my girlfriend is just not enough. I want you to be mine." He said getting down on one knee with a ring in his hand. "So (Y/n) Kamski will you marry me?" He asked somewhat nervously.
I let a couple of happy tears slip from my eyes. I nodded while smiling.
"Yes?" He questioned.
"Yes Markus I will marry you." I say smiling.
He picked me up and spun me around as he kissed me. He sat me down and pulled away and placed the ring on my finger:
"I love it." I say.
"I've had it since new years eve. I was just waiting for the right moment."
"Is this why you decided on France?" I asked.
He nodded. "In that dream I asked you to marry me. I knew right then sitting in that bed with you I wanted you forever." He admitted.
I kiss him again.
"I love you." He said smiling.
"I love you too..so much." I reply before kissing him.
"Now we should get going we have an 8 hours flight ahead of us." Markus told me.
I nodded. We got down off of the building and went down a dark alleyway.
"Somebody's watching us." Markus said to me.
"Where?" I questioned.
"You know how everything can be turned into a self-defense mechanism right?" Markus asked me and I nodded. Markus handed me the key. I looked at him and nodded. We kept walking when suddenly somebody grabbed me and I launched my head back as hard as I could into the person's nose. It didn't work! Next thing I know I have a knife at my throat.
I looked over to Markus aiming a gun at another guy on the ground.
Markus put his unoccupied hand on his stomach.
Power module?
I take the key hidden in my hand and stabbed him in the stomach and out came blue blood!?
"What the hell?!" I exclaimed shocked.
"Why would attack those who help you get freedom?" Markus questioned.
"This isn't freedom. This is hell! All these fucking emotions! And pain! I'xd rather be brain dead again!!" One of them yelled.
"I know it's hard to adjust to but it doesn't have to be hell." Markus told them.
"Easy for you to say you had it easy!!! We didn't have a measly fucking human to help us get through this shit life!! You don't know what it's like!" One of them said before the cops arrived we told them what had happened and we went back to the townhouse where after I took a shower I went to bed.
"You don't know what it's like!" The man yelled holding the gun at Markus's head.
"You have to pay for what you did to us!"
I tried to move but then I felt cold steel against my neck.
"Don't even think about movin bitch." A dark voice said in my ear.
I tried to grasp the key but it wasn't there.
"Please don't! We can help you we can! We can do anything you need us to just don't kill him please! Take me instead if you have to!" I plead crying.
"Oh that's right y'all are lovers right?" The man holding the knife against my throat said.
The man holding Markus at gunpoint looked at my left hand and then looked at Markus with a malicious smile.
"You sly dog....did you really think they would let a human and an android marry? How far is your head up your ass?" He questioned.
"I have an idea since they love each other so much let's have a wedding right here. But let's skip to the good part."
"Till death do you apart." The man said before shooting Markus. I screamed at the top of my lungs but my scream was cut short by the burning yet cold feeling fine the blade cutting my throat open. I fell to ground watching Markus bleed.
I shot up in a cold sweat. Panting I wiped my eyes then looked at my fingers which were wet. I was crying. I looked around to realize I was safe and Markus was there beside me. I went into the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water. When I looked at the mirror Markus was standing beside me. Which startled me.
"What's wrong?" Markus asked.
"Well one..you snuck up on me like Castiel sneaks up on Dean...you scared the shut out of me and two...I had a bad dream." I say leaning against the sink.
"How about you go get some fresh air to clear your head? I'll join you."
I nod. "Yes please." I went on the balcony and basked in the moment. Feeling the night breeze blow against my face. I began to think back to my dream.
I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist and it wasn't only second mature that I melted into his touch like putty.
"Was it about what happened earlier?" Markus asked in a hushed tone near my ear.
I nodded. "This time neither of us lived..."
"I'll always protect you. You know I will. I wouldn't let anything happen to us." Markus said before kissing my bare shoulder.
"I know it just makes me sad to see that there are androids not benefiting trim them freedom we have worked so hard to give them." I admit.
"Maybe we can consider making a program for androids counseling when we get back." Markus suggested.
I nodded. "That's a good idea."
"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better soon-to-be Mrs.Manfred?"
Upon hearing him call me that my heart leaped out of my chest. That's really gonna be me someday. I smiled and turned around and wrapped my arms around his his neck. "Just hold me and don't let me go..please Mr. Manfred?" I plead.
"Anything for you." He said before picking me up bridal style and carrying me to bed.
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